Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 52 - County Collectors
Section 52.010 - Election — term — residency — other requirements.

Effective - 28 Aug 2013, 2 histories
52.010. Election — term — residency — other requirements. — 1. At the general election in 1906, and every four years thereafter, a collector, to be styled the collector of the revenue, shall be elected in each of the counties of this state, except counties under township organization, who shall hold his or her office for four years and until his successor is duly elected and qualified. The collector shall reside in the county from which such person is elected throughout his or her term in office.
2. Except in any county with a charter form of government, a candidate for the office of collector shall be at least twenty-one years of age and a resident of the state and the county in which he or she is a candidate for at least one year prior to the date of filing for such office. The candidate shall be a registered voter and current in the payment of all state income taxes and personal and real property taxes.
3. The candidate shall present to the election authority a copy of a signed affidavit from a surety company authorized to do business in this state, indicating that the candidate meets the statutory bond requirements for the office for which the candidate is filing.
(RSMo 1939 § 11055, A.L. 1959 S.B. 62, A.L. 1992 S.B. 833, A.L. 2012 H.B. 1106, A.L. 2013 H.B. 235)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 9883; 1919 § 12875; 1909 § 11432
Consolidation of offices, certain cities may require certain officers to perform like duties for cities, 82.280
Ex officio collector, county treasurer in township counties, 54.280 to 54.330
Township organization on adoption by county, term of collector, 65.600

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VI - County, Township and Political Subdivision Government

Chapter 52 - County Collectors

Section 52.010 - Election — term — residency — other requirements.

Section 52.015 - Term — expiration.

Section 52.020 - Bonds — deposits of collections.

Section 52.030 - Bond in duplicate — where filed.

Section 52.040 - Bond — duties of director of revenue — penalty for evasion.

Section 52.050 - Failure to give bond — penalty.

Section 52.060 - Bond — lien against real estate.

Section 52.070 - Bond — validity.

Section 52.080 - Bond — examination by commission.

Section 52.090 - Failure to give additional bond — penalty.

Section 52.100 - Discharge of sureties — attachment of collector's goods and chattels.

Section 52.110 - Office, location — exception.

Section 52.120 - Branch office — location (certain third class counties).

Section 52.130 - Branch office — records — deputies (certain third class counties).

Section 52.140 - Branch office — expenses (third class counties).

Section 52.150 - Appointee to fill vacancy — powers and duties — audit of collector's office required, procedure.

Section 52.160 - Expiration of term, resignation or removal — disposition of moneys.

Section 52.170 - Payment of moneys to director of revenue.

Section 52.180 - Disposition and audit of tax books in case of vacancy.

Section 52.185 - Adequate bookkeeping and accounting system to be established by county collector in certain counties using data processing system of record keeping (all noncharter counties).

Section 52.200 - New collector — receipts for tax book.

Section 52.210 - Contents of receipt.

Section 52.220 - Collector of St. Louis City — duties.

Section 52.230 - Statements and receipts mailed to taxpayers, when, contents — electronic transmission (counties of the second, third, fourth and first classification).

Section 52.240 - Tax statements and receipts, mailed or electronically transmitted where — postage, how paid — failure to receive, effect of — claim of errors by taxpayer, procedure.

Section 52.245 - Compensation for attendance at training session for county officials (second, third, fourth and certain first class counties).

Section 52.250 - Fees for mailing statements and receipts to be deposited in county treasury (third and fourth class counties).

Section 52.260 - Fees for collecting certain taxes and fees to be deposited in county general revenue fund (certain counties).

Section 52.265 - Notary in office, when.

Section 52.269 - Compensation of county collector — training program, attendance required, when, expenses, compensation — certain fees may be retained (certain counties).

Section 52.271 - Deputies and assistants, compensation.

Section 52.275 - Drainage and levee tax commissions.

Section 52.285 - Delinquent taxes — notice (second class counties).

Section 52.290 - Collection of back taxes, certain counties — fee deposited in county general revenue fund and retirement fund — collection of back taxes, certain political subdivisions, fee.

Section 52.295 - Determination of compensation.

Section 52.300 - Deputies and assistants — appointment — powers — collector responsible for — bond requirements.

Section 52.310 - Collector, deputy or assistant not eligible to office, when.

Section 52.312 - Tax maintenance fund established, use of money.

Section 52.315 - Monthly deposits in tax maintenance fund — additional uses of money — audit of fund.

Section 52.317 - Moneys provided for budget purposes, requirements — moneys remaining in fund at end of calendar year, requirements — one-time expenditures, common fund permitted.

Section 52.320 - Record-keeping duties — contracts for collection of municipal taxes, additional compensation (certain counties).

Section 52.325 - Additional compensation of county collectors, effective when (certain first class counties).

Section 52.340 - Deputies, appointment, compensation.

Section 52.360 - Daily deposits and reports — interest.

Section 52.361 - Back tax books, duty to prepare.

Section 52.370 - Disbursements, how made.

Section 52.380 - Bond, amount, how set.

Section 52.385 - Collector may maintain branch office, where.

Section 52.390 - Depositaries, advertising for, procedure.

Section 52.400 - Violation — penalty.

Section 52.410 - Deputies and assistants.

Section 52.430 - Compensation, limitation on.