Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 512 - Appeals and Appellate Procedure
Section 512.200 - Form of recognizance.

Effective - 02 Jan 1979
512.200. Form of recognizance. — Such recognizance must be signed by the parties entering into the same, and be approved by the associate circuit judge, and may be in the following form:
(RSMo 1939 § 2728, A.L. 1945 p. 765 § 131, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 2342; 1919 § 2892; 1909 § 7569
Effective 1-02-79

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXV - Civil Procedure and Limitations

Chapter 512 - Appeals and Appellate Procedure

Section 512.010 - Writs of error in civil cases abolished — review by appeal.

Section 512.020 - Who may appeal.

Section 512.025 - Habeas corpus proceedings for custody of minor child, who may appeal.

Section 512.030 - Appeals jointly or separately.

Section 512.040 - Titles in appeals.

Section 512.050 - Notice of appeal — when filed — court reporter to be paid, when.

Section 512.060 - Appeal by special order of court.

Section 512.070 - Notice to specify what — duties of clerk on filing of appeal.

Section 512.080 - Appeals to stay execution, when — bond.

Section 512.085 - Supersedeas bond requirements, tobacco settlement litigation.

Section 512.090 - Bond filed, when.

Section 512.099 - Bond or surety required during pendency of appeal, set how.

Section 512.100 - Supersedeas bond — enforcement.

Section 512.110 - Transcript of record — filing — contents — omissions.

Section 512.120 - Agreed statement of case.

Section 512.130 - Transcript, when filed.

Section 512.140 - Extension of time by trial court.

Section 512.150 - Rules for filing briefs, transcripts, and docketing cases.

Section 512.160 - Questions considered on appeal — disposition by court — damages — executions.

Section 512.170 - Practice of supreme court to apply to court of appeals.

Section 512.180 - Appeals from cases tried before associate circuit judge.

Section 512.190 - Perfecting right of trial de novo, how.

Section 512.200 - Form of recognizance.

Section 512.210 - Application for trial de novo — release of property taken under execution.

Section 512.250 - Associate circuit judge or clerk to file transcript with clerk for trial de novo.

Section 512.270 - Judge assigned to hear case anew.

Section 512.280 - Same cause to be heard — necessary parties may be added.

Section 512.290 - No setoff or counterclaim to be pleaded in trial de novo, when.

Section 512.300 - Statement of account amended, when.

Section 512.310 - Procedure for trial de novo.

Section 512.320 - Judgment against sureties, when.