Effective - 28 Aug 1997
476.539. Surviving spouse of judge may become a special consultant, when, duties — compensation to be judgment and claim exempt, also unassignable. — 1. Upon application to the board of trustees of the Missouri state employees' retirement system, a surviving spouse of a judge who died while serving as a judge and who had served at least twenty-five years as a judge shall be made, constituted, appointed, and employed by the board as a special consultant on the problems of surviving spouses and other state matters for the remainder of the surviving spouse's life if the surviving spouse was married to the deceased judge continuously for twenty-five years immediately preceding the judge's death and also on the day of the judge's death and if the surviving spouse is not eligible to receive benefits under section 476.452 or 476.535. Upon request of the board the consultant shall give opinions or be available to give opinions in writing or orally in response to such requests. As compensation the consultant shall receive an annual amount equal to one-half of the compensation of a special commissioner or referee as provided in section 476.450.
2. Upon application to the board of trustees of the Missouri state employees' retirement system, a surviving spouse of a judge, as defined in section 476.515, who dies on or after January 1, 1989, and who has at least eleven years of creditable service as a judge shall be made, constituted, appointed, and employed by the board as a special consultant on the problems of surviving spouses and other state matters for the remainder of the surviving spouse's life if the surviving spouse was married to the deceased judge continuously for at least ten years immediately preceding the judge's death and also on the day of the judge's death and if the surviving spouse is not eligible to receive benefits under section 476.452 or 476.535. Upon request of the board the consultant shall give opinions or be available to give opinions in writing or orally in response to such requests. As compensation the consultant shall receive, beginning on the date the deceased judge would have been eligible to receive an annuity, an annual amount equal to one-half of the compensation the judge would receive as if the judge was eligible to retire with a full annuity on the date of the judge's death.
3. Upon application to the board of trustees of the Missouri state employees' retirement system, a surviving spouse, under subsection 1 of section 476.515, of a judge who was approved for long-term disability benefits and dies on or after January 1, 1994, shall be made, constituted, appointed and employed by the board as a special consultant on the problems of surviving spouses and other state matters for the remainder of the surviving spouse's life. Upon request of the board the consultant shall give opinions or be available to give opinions in writing or orally in response to such request. As compensation the consultant's benefit effective on the date the judge died shall be increased to an annual amount equal to fifty percent of the amount of retirement compensation provided in section 476.530 regardless of the period of the person's judicial service.
4. The compensation provided for in this section shall not be subject to execution, garnishment, attachment, writ of sequestration, or any other process or claim whatsoever, and shall be unassignable, anything to the contrary notwithstanding.
(L. 1987 H.B. 713, A.L. 1989 H.B. 674, A.L. 1995 H.B. 416, et al., A.L. 1997 H.B. 356)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 476 - Courts — General Provisions
Section 476.001 - Purpose of law.
Section 476.010 - Courts of record.
Section 476.015 - Short title.
Section 476.020 - Courts to keep a seal.
Section 476.030 - Private seal used, when.
Section 476.050 - Records to be kept in English language.
Section 476.056 - Municipal court automation, duties of municipality.
Section 476.057 - Judicial personnel training fund, judicial personnel defined.
Section 476.058 - Court personnel defined — state court administration revolving fund created.
Section 476.060 - Interpreters appointed, when.
Section 476.062 - Court marshals' arrest powers — may carry firearms, when.
Section 476.070 - Power of courts to issue writs.
Section 476.080 - Court or clerk may appoint person to execute process, when.
Section 476.090 - Courts may enforce return of process.
Section 476.100 - No process abated by failure of court to sit.
Section 476.110 - Acts constituting contempt of court.
Section 476.120 - Punishment for contempt.
Section 476.130 - May be punished summarily, when.
Section 476.140 - Commitment for contempt to set forth particulars.
Section 476.150 - Contempt not to be used to enforce civil rights.
Section 476.160 - Parties may be indicted, when.
Section 476.170 - Sittings to be public.
Section 476.180 - Judge interested, not to sit.
Section 476.220 - Judge may call special term for disposition of cause pending.
Section 476.240 - May try civil cases at such special terms.
Section 476.250 - No court to sit on Sunday.
Section 476.260 - Court to audit accounts.
Section 476.265 - Judicial department, budget, procedure for formulation.
Section 476.270 - Expenditures of court to be paid out of county treasury — exceptions.
Section 476.280 - Oath of judges.
Section 476.290 - Judges not to practice law — exception, municipal judges.
Section 476.310 - No judge or clerk to have partner — exception.
Section 476.320 - Judicial conference of the state of Missouri established, members.
Section 476.330 - Conference shall meet, when.
Section 476.340 - Executive council shall be governing body, how formed — members.
Section 476.350 - Duties of judicial conference, executive council and circuit judges.
Section 476.360 - Clerks of various courts shall make reports to executive council.
Section 476.370 - Conference or council empowered to hold hearings.
Section 476.380 - Expense allowance for conference attendance.
Section 476.406 - Employees of twenty-second judicial circuit may work forty-hour week.
Section 476.410 - Transfer of case filed in wrong jurisdiction.
Section 476.419 - Securities, multiple recipients, requirements and limitations on court to divide.
Section 476.450 - Judges may become special commissioners, when — salary or retirement compensation.
Section 476.451 - Definitions.
Section 476.452 - Beneficiaries of special commissioners, benefits, how paid.
Section 476.453 - Judges of six years' service prior to law, eligible.
Section 476.455 - All judges under nonpartisan plan eligible for retirement.
Section 476.460 - Special commissioner subject to temporary duty.
Section 476.470 - Judge not eligible for retirement, when.
Section 476.490 - Expenses of special commissioner.
Section 476.500 - Acceptance by judge — procedure.
Section 476.510 - Practice of law permitted, when, requirements, exceptions.
Section 476.517 - One-time retirement plan election for certain judges.
Section 476.520 - Eligibility requirements.
Section 476.529 - New judges, election for reduced annuity, options.
Section 476.530 - Retirement compensation, how computed.
Section 476.535 - Survivor's benefits, how paid.
Section 476.540 - Refund of contributions, when — reentry into system, how.
Section 476.545 - Early retirement, reduced benefit, how computed.
Section 476.550 - Not eligible for benefits while retired under other plan.
Section 476.555 - Lump sum payments, when.
Section 476.560 - Disqualification by improper behavior.
Section 476.565 - Retiree may practice law, when, requirements, exceptions.
Section 476.575 - Definitions.
Section 476.580 - Retirement benefits, who administers, how paid.
Section 476.585 - No payroll deductions, when — accumulated contributions refunded, when, to whom.
Section 476.590 - Life insurance benefits to be provided judges, retired judges and dependents.
Section 476.601 - Special consultants, duties, compensation.
Section 476.680 - Votes, how counted and canvassed — governor to proclaim results (Clay County).
Section 476.687 - Previous state employment, additional credited service.
Section 476.688 - Compensation to be treated as other benefits.
Section 476.750 - Definitions.
Section 476.756 - Determination of qualification of interpreter.
Section 476.766 - Americans with disabilities act, requirements not to exceed.
Section 476.800 - Definitions.
Section 476.803 - Appointment of interpreters and translators, when — waiver, when — oath required.