Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 476 - Courts — General Provisions
Section 476.056 - Municipal court automation, duties of municipality.

Effective - 28 Aug 1997
476.056. Municipal court automation, duties of municipality. — 1. Any city, county, village or other municipality may provide for automation of its municipal court pursuant to subsection 3 of section 476.055, in the manner provided in this section. In order to make such provisions, such municipality must:
(1) Adopt an ordinance imposing the surcharge in the amount allowed, and payable in the manner provided, by section 476.053*, and sections 488.010 to 488.020;
(2) Enter into an agreement with the state courts administrator for automation of the municipality's court. Such agreement may provide for continuation of the surcharge for a minimum period of time, payable to the fund established by section 476.055, or a special fund established in the state treasury for such purpose upon expiration of section 476.055, for payment of a guaranteed minimum annual amount in the event that payment of such surcharges shall not offset the cost of the automation of the municipality's court; and such other terms as may be agreed on between the municipality and the state courts administrator.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 476.053*, the payment of any surcharge provided by this section may continue for a period in excess of that allowed by section 476.053* for payment of surcharges in the circuit courts. The provisions of section 33.080 shall not apply to any special fund established pursuant to this section.
(L. 1997 S.B. 248)
*Transferred 2000; now 488.027

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXXII - Courts

Chapter 476 - Courts — General Provisions

Section 476.001 - Purpose of law.

Section 476.010 - Courts of record.

Section 476.015 - Short title.

Section 476.020 - Courts to keep a seal.

Section 476.030 - Private seal used, when.

Section 476.050 - Records to be kept in English language.

Section 476.055 - Statewide court automation fund created, administration, committee, members — powers, duties, limitation — unauthorized release of information, penalty — report — expiration date.

Section 476.056 - Municipal court automation, duties of municipality.

Section 476.057 - Judicial personnel training fund, judicial personnel defined.

Section 476.058 - Court personnel defined — state court administration revolving fund created.

Section 476.060 - Interpreters appointed, when.

Section 476.062 - Court marshals' arrest powers — may carry firearms, when.

Section 476.070 - Power of courts to issue writs.

Section 476.080 - Court or clerk may appoint person to execute process, when.

Section 476.083 - Circuit court marshal may be appointed in certain circuits, powers and duties, salary, qualifications.

Section 476.090 - Courts may enforce return of process.

Section 476.100 - No process abated by failure of court to sit.

Section 476.110 - Acts constituting contempt of court.

Section 476.120 - Punishment for contempt.

Section 476.130 - May be punished summarily, when.

Section 476.140 - Commitment for contempt to set forth particulars.

Section 476.150 - Contempt not to be used to enforce civil rights.

Section 476.160 - Parties may be indicted, when.

Section 476.170 - Sittings to be public.

Section 476.180 - Judge interested, not to sit.

Section 476.220 - Judge may call special term for disposition of cause pending.

Section 476.240 - May try civil cases at such special terms.

Section 476.250 - No court to sit on Sunday.

Section 476.260 - Court to audit accounts.

Section 476.265 - Judicial department, budget, procedure for formulation.

Section 476.270 - Expenditures of court to be paid out of county treasury — exceptions.

Section 476.280 - Oath of judges.

Section 476.290 - Judges not to practice law — exception, municipal judges.

Section 476.310 - No judge or clerk to have partner — exception.

Section 476.320 - Judicial conference of the state of Missouri established, members.

Section 476.330 - Conference shall meet, when.

Section 476.340 - Executive council shall be governing body, how formed — members.

Section 476.350 - Duties of judicial conference, executive council and circuit judges.

Section 476.360 - Clerks of various courts shall make reports to executive council.

Section 476.370 - Conference or council empowered to hold hearings.

Section 476.380 - Expense allowance for conference attendance.

Section 476.385 - Schedule of fines committee, appointment, duties, powers — associate circuit judges may adopt schedule — central violations bureau established — powers, duties.

Section 476.405 - Judicial department, annual salary adjustment, when, restrictions on, how appropriated — compensation schedule to be maintained, where, how — duty of revisor of statutes.

Section 476.406 - Employees of twenty-second judicial circuit may work forty-hour week.

Section 476.410 - Transfer of case filed in wrong jurisdiction.

Section 476.412 - Reports, statistical information on caseload, filed with supreme court, when — contents.

Section 476.419 - Securities, multiple recipients, requirements and limitations on court to divide.

Section 476.450 - Judges may become special commissioners, when — salary or retirement compensation.

Section 476.451 - Definitions.

Section 476.452 - Beneficiaries of special commissioners, benefits, how paid.

Section 476.453 - Judges of six years' service prior to law, eligible.

Section 476.455 - All judges under nonpartisan plan eligible for retirement.

Section 476.456 - Probate or magistrate judges may become special commissioners, when — salary or retirement compensation — credit for service as justice of peace.

Section 476.458 - Probate and magistrate judges shall retire, age, exception — may petition to serve beyond retirement age, when petition to be granted — elected judges to complete term.

Section 476.460 - Special commissioner subject to temporary duty.

Section 476.470 - Judge not eligible for retirement, when.

Section 476.480 - Judges convicted, impeached or removed from office ineligible — intentional killing of judge bars survivor benefits, when.

Section 476.490 - Expenses of special commissioner.

Section 476.500 - Acceptance by judge — procedure.

Section 476.510 - Practice of law permitted, when, requirements, exceptions.

Section 476.515 - Definitions — reinstatement of benefits for surviving spouse terminated by remarriage, when, procedure.

Section 476.517 - One-time retirement plan election for certain judges.

Section 476.520 - Eligibility requirements.

Section 476.521 - New judges, benefits, eligibility requirements — contribution amount — employment after retirement, effect of.

Section 476.524 - Judge who served in Armed Forces may elect to purchase creditable prior service, limitation — amount of contribution — payment period — treatment of payments.

Section 476.529 - New judges, election for reduced annuity, options.

Section 476.530 - Retirement compensation, how computed.

Section 476.535 - Survivor's benefits, how paid.

Section 476.537 - Judge leaving no surviving spouse or surviving spouse dies — dependents to receive benefits.

Section 476.539 - Surviving spouse of judge may become a special consultant, when, duties — compensation to be judgment and claim exempt, also unassignable.

Section 476.540 - Refund of contributions, when — reentry into system, how.

Section 476.545 - Early retirement, reduced benefit, how computed.

Section 476.550 - Not eligible for benefits while retired under other plan.

Section 476.555 - Lump sum payments, when.

Section 476.560 - Disqualification by improper behavior.

Section 476.565 - Retiree may practice law, when, requirements, exceptions.

Section 476.575 - Definitions.

Section 476.580 - Retirement benefits, who administers, how paid.

Section 476.585 - No payroll deductions, when — accumulated contributions refunded, when, to whom.

Section 476.590 - Life insurance benefits to be provided judges, retired judges and dependents.

Section 476.595 - Election to become a special commissioner, when, how — compensation — refund of certain contributions, how.

Section 476.601 - Special consultants, duties, compensation.

Section 476.675 - Commissioner of juvenile division of circuit court may elect to transfer membership service to creditable service as a judge, procedure.

Section 476.680 - Votes, how counted and canvassed — governor to proclaim results (Clay County).

Section 476.681 - Retired senior judges or commissioners, application, qualifications, appointment, term.

Section 476.682 - Retired judge serving as senior judge or commissioner, compensation — expenses, how paid — computation of service as retirement credit, adjustment, exception — annual report, content.

Section 476.683 - Judge failing to retire on seventieth birthday, a waiver of salary and retirement benefits.

Section 476.684 - Judges with certain service may tack prior service credit in MOSERS to judicial system by purchase, limitation.

Section 476.686 - Magistrate judges not now serving in St. Louis City may become special consultant, when — compensation to be creditable service in judicial retirement system.

Section 476.687 - Previous state employment, additional credited service.

Section 476.688 - Compensation to be treated as other benefits.

Section 476.690 - Eligible judge electing not to retire shall receive in addition to retirement compensation all annual cost-of-living increases given to retired judges — appointment as special consultant.

Section 476.750 - Definitions.

Section 476.753 - Interpretation of proceedings, when — admissibility of evidence — indigent persons.

Section 476.756 - Determination of qualification of interpreter.

Section 476.760 - Privileged communications — commencement of proceedings, requirement — waiver of right, requirement — fees — payment.

Section 476.763 - Commission for the deaf and hard of hearing, list of qualified interpreters — compliance directives.

Section 476.766 - Americans with disabilities act, requirements not to exceed.

Section 476.777 - Missouri CASA fund established, disbursements — lapse of fund into general revenue prohibited.

Section 476.800 - Definitions.

Section 476.803 - Appointment of interpreters and translators, when — waiver, when — oath required.

Section 476.806 - Fee for service, amount, paid by whom.

Section 476.1000 - Mandatory electronic filing jurisdictions, notice of entry of appearance to be accepted, when — expiration date.