Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 42 - Veterans' Affairs
Section 42.045 - Missouri designated as a Purple Heart State.

Effective - 28 Aug 2015
42.045. Missouri designated as a Purple Heart State. — In order to honor our combat wounded veterans for their service and sacrifice, Missouri shall hereby be designated as a "Purple Heart State".
(L. 2015 H.B. 403)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title V - Military Affairs and Police

Chapter 42 - Veterans' Affairs

Section 42.002 - Definitions.

Section 42.007 - Missouri veterans' commission established in the department of public safety — members, qualifications, appointment, terms, vacancies, expenses — officers, terms — meetings — powers and duties, staff — volunteers deemed unpaid employ...

Section 42.010 - Veterans' cemeteries establishment, commission's duties — cemeteries to be limited to veterans and eligible dependents.

Section 42.012 - Executive director, qualifications — appointment — compensation — powers and duties.

Section 42.017 - Employment for veterans, commission duties — rulemaking authority.

Section 42.027 - Services to veterans to be free of charge — violation, penalty.

Section 42.035 - Homeless veterans may use address of charitable or religious organization to receive state or federal assistance, when.

Section 42.045 - Missouri designated as a Purple Heart State.

Section 42.051 - State agency forms to include collection of veterans data — information on agency's veteran services to be provided, when.

Section 42.100 - Missouri veterans' homes — commission to maintain — rules and regulations.

Section 42.105 - Admission, veterans' home, qualifications, preference — spouses residing in home on August 28, 1989, not required to vacate.

Section 42.110 - Residents of homes to pay for care, when — amount of payment, how determined.

Section 42.115 - Grants, gifts, bequests, authority to receive — sale of property real and personal, procedure.

Section 42.121 - Funds deposited in the Missouri veterans' homes fund, purpose — fund not to lapse into general revenue.

Section 42.127 - Veterans' homes to participate in federal per diem grant program — license issued by commission to operate as veterans' home.

Section 42.130 - Nursing home licensing requirements not to apply to veterans' homes.

Section 42.135 - Veterans' trust fund established — state treasurer's duties — investment — disbursement, purpose — unexpended balance not to lapse into general revenue.

Section 42.170 - World War II medallion, medal and certificate, to whom awarded.

Section 42.175 - Adjutant general to administer awards — disposition of deceased applicant's awards.

Section 42.180 - Veterans' commission to design awards, may solicit designs from interested groups.

Section 42.185 - World War II veterans' recognition award fund.

Section 42.190 - Jubilee of Liberty replica medal for D-Day veterans, general assembly to appropriate for.

Section 42.200 - Program established, criteria — veteran defined.

Section 42.202 - Adjutant general to administer program, rulemaking authority — application procedure — disallowance, procedure.

Section 42.204 - Veterans' commission to design form of medallions, medals and certificates.

Section 42.206 - Korean Conflict veterans' recognition award fund created, use of moneys — automatic termination of fund, when.

Section 42.220 - Vietnam War medallion program created — eligibility — veteran defined.

Section 42.222 - Adjutant general to administer program — rulemaking authority — eligibility determination — who may apply — disallowance, statement required.

Section 42.224 - Design of medallion by veterans commission.

Section 42.226 - Fund created, use of moneys — termination, when.

Section 42.300 - Fund created, use of moneys — interest — appropriation of moneys to another fund.

Section 42.310 - Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn medallion, medal and certificate, to whom awarded.

Section 42.315 - Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm medallion, medal and certificate, to whom awarded.

Section 42.380 - Rights of veterans.