Effective - 28 Aug 2009, 2 histories
42.007. Missouri veterans' commission established in the department of public safety — members, qualifications, appointment, terms, vacancies, expenses — officers, terms — meetings — powers and duties, staff — volunteers deemed unpaid employees, consequences. — 1. There is hereby established within the department of public safety the "Missouri Veterans' Commission", such commission to be a type III agency within the department of public safety under the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974. All duties and activities carried on by the division of veterans' affairs on August 28, 1989, shall be vested in such commission as provided by the Omnibus Reorganization Act of 1974.
2. The commission shall be composed of nine members. Two members shall be members of the senate, one appointed by the president pro tem of the senate and one appointed by the senate minority floor leader, two members shall be members of the house of representatives, one appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and one appointed by the house minority floor leader, and in appointing such members, preference shall be given to current or former members of the military and their spouses, parents, and children. Members appointed from the house of representatives and the senate shall be appointed for a two-year term or until a successor is appointed and may be reappointed to the commission. Five members, who shall be veterans appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, for a four-year term; except that initial appointments to the commission shall consist of two veterans to serve four-year terms, two veterans to serve three-year terms, and one veteran to serve a two-year term. In addition, the chair of the Missouri military preparedness and enhancement commission or the chair's designee shall be an ex officio member of the commission.
3. The governor shall make appointments to the commission from lists of nominees recommended by each of the statewide veterans' organizations incorporated in this state, chartered by Congress, or authorized under Title 38, United States Code. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment made in the same manner as the original appointments. A member of the commission, not a member of the senate or house of representatives, shall be a resident of the state of Missouri but shall not be an employee of the state. Members of the commission shall not be compensated for their services, but shall be reimbursed from funds appropriated therefor for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
4. The commission shall organize by electing one member as chairman and another as vice chairman. Such officers shall serve for a term of two years. The commission shall meet no fewer than four times per calendar year, at the call of the chairman, and at times and places established by the chairman by written notice. The commission's executive director shall serve as secretary to the commission.
5. The commission shall aid and assist all veterans and their dependents and legal representatives, who are legal Missouri residents or who live in the state of Missouri, in all matters relating to the rights of veterans under the laws of the United States and under the rules and regulations of federal agencies, boards, commissions and other authorities which are in any manner concerned with the interest and welfare of veterans and their dependents. In addition to any other duties imposed by sections 42.002 to 42.135 and sections 143.1001 and 173.234, the commission shall:
(1) Disseminate by all means available information concerning the rights of veterans and their dependents;
(2) Provide aid and assistance to all veterans, their dependents and legal representatives in preparing, presenting and prosecuting claims for compensation, education, pensions, insurance benefits, hospitalization, rehabilitation and all other matters in which a veteran may have a claim against the United States or any state arising out of or connected with service in the military forces of the United States;
(3) Prosecute all claims listed in subdivision (2) of this subsection to conclusion, when so authorized and empowered by a veteran, his survivors or legal representatives;
(4) Cooperate with the United States Employment Service, the United States Department of Veterans' Affairs and all federal and state offices legally concerned with and interested in the welfare of veterans and their dependents;
(5) Arrange for and accept through such mutual arrangements as may be made the volunteer services, equipment, facilities, properties, supplies, funds and personnel of all federal, welfare, civic and service organizations, and other organized groups and individuals which are in furtherance of the purposes of sections 42.002 to 42.135 and section 143.1001;
(6) Volunteers shall be deemed unpaid employees and shall be accorded the protection of the legal expense fund and liability provisions. Reimbursement for transportation and other necessary expenses may be furnished to those volunteers whose presence on special assignment is determined to be necessary by the commission. Such expenses shall be reimbursed from the regular appropriations of the commission. Volunteers may utilize state vehicles in the performance of commission-related duties, subject to those rules and regulations governing use of state vehicles by paid staff;
(7) Establish, maintain and operate offices throughout this state as necessary to carry out the purposes of sections 42.002 to 42.135 and section 143.1001;
(8) Provide to the executive director of the commission all appropriate authority for the execution of the duties of the commission under this chapter;
(9) Employ such staff as necessary for performance of the duties and purposes of this chapter.
6. The commission shall make all rules and regulations necessary for the management and administration of its veteran service programs and cemeteries. All rules and regulations shall be consistent with the provisions of sections 42.002 to 42.135, and sections 143.1001 and 173.234. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this subsection shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2009, shall be invalid and void.
(L. 1989 H.B. 850, A.L. 1996 S.B. 787, A.L. 2008 H.B. 1678, A.L. 2009 H.B. 427)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title V - Military Affairs and Police
Chapter 42 - Veterans' Affairs
Section 42.017 - Employment for veterans, commission duties — rulemaking authority.
Section 42.027 - Services to veterans to be free of charge — violation, penalty.
Section 42.045 - Missouri designated as a Purple Heart State.
Section 42.100 - Missouri veterans' homes — commission to maintain — rules and regulations.
Section 42.110 - Residents of homes to pay for care, when — amount of payment, how determined.
Section 42.130 - Nursing home licensing requirements not to apply to veterans' homes.
Section 42.170 - World War II medallion, medal and certificate, to whom awarded.
Section 42.175 - Adjutant general to administer awards — disposition of deceased applicant's awards.
Section 42.180 - Veterans' commission to design awards, may solicit designs from interested groups.
Section 42.185 - World War II veterans' recognition award fund.
Section 42.200 - Program established, criteria — veteran defined.
Section 42.204 - Veterans' commission to design form of medallions, medals and certificates.
Section 42.220 - Vietnam War medallion program created — eligibility — veteran defined.
Section 42.224 - Design of medallion by veterans commission.
Section 42.226 - Fund created, use of moneys — termination, when.
Section 42.300 - Fund created, use of moneys — interest — appropriation of moneys to another fund.