Effective - 01 Jan 1993
378.638. Fraudulent acts, penalties. — 1. A person who shall knowingly make any false or fraudulent statement or representation in or relating to any application for membership, or for the purpose of obtaining money from or a benefit in any society, shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
2. Any person who willfully makes a false or fraudulent statement in any verified report or declaration under oath required or authorized by this chapter, or of any material fact or thing contained in a sworn statement concerning the death or disability of an insured for the purpose of procuring payment of a benefit named in the certificate, shall be guilty of perjury and shall be subject to the penalties therefor prescribed by law.
3. Any person who knowingly solicits membership for, or in any manner assists in procuring membership in, any society not licensed to do business in this state, or who shall solicit membership for, or in any manner assist in procuring membership in any such society not authorized as provided in this chapter, shall be guilty of an infraction.
4. Any person guilty of a knowing violation of, or neglect or refusal to comply with, the provisions of this chapter for which a penalty is not otherwise prescribed shall be guilty of an infraction.
(L. 1992 S.B. 831 § 378.636)
Effective 1-01-93
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions
Chapter 378 - Fraternal Benefit Societies
Section 378.601 - Fraternal benefit society, defined.
Section 378.602 - Lodge system, requirements — children's wages permitted, limitation.
Section 378.603 - Representative form of government, requirements.
Section 378.604 - Definitions.
Section 378.605 - Operation, purpose — laws and rules, power to adopt.
Section 378.606 - Laws and rules, requirements — membership rights nonassignable.
Section 378.609 - Waiver of laws, restriction on, when.
Section 378.611 - Amendment of laws, procedures — amendments furnished to members.
Section 378.612 - Society may operate nonprofit organizations — may not own funeral home.
Section 378.613 - Reinsurance agreements, allowed — limitations.
Section 378.615 - Conversion to mutual life insurance company, allowed when.
Section 378.616 - Benefits authorized — rules to specify allowable beneficiaries.
Section 378.620 - Cash surrender value of certificate, computation of.
Section 378.621 - Investment of funds.
Section 378.622 - Assets, use of — variable basis contracts, allowed when.
Section 378.623 - Application of law — exemption from insurance laws.
Section 378.624 - Taxation of societies, exemptions.
Section 378.625 - Valuation of certificates, standards — reserves, excess permitted.
Section 378.626 - Statement of financial condition, contents, filing — penalty.
Section 378.627 - Annual renewal required.
Section 378.628 - Examination, director may conduct — expenses.
Section 378.629 - Foreign society to have license, requirements.
Section 378.631 - Foreign society, director may enjoin business, when.
Section 378.632 - Injunction, who may file.
Section 378.633 - Agents, licensing of — persons not deemed agents.
Section 378.634 - Unfair practices and frauds, subject to law — exception.
Section 378.635 - Service of process, director to be agent for.
Section 378.638 - Fraudulent acts, penalties.
Section 378.640 - Law not applicable to certain societies, when — specific exemptions.