Effective - 01 Jan 1993
378.601. Fraternal benefit society, defined. — Any incorporated society, order or supreme lodge, without capital stock, including one exempted under the provisions of subdivision (1) of subsection 1 of section 378.640* whether incorporated or not, conducted solely for the benefit of its members and their beneficiaries and not for profit, operated on a lodge system with ritualistic form of work, having a representative form of government, and which provides benefits in accordance with this chapter, is hereby declared to be a fraternal benefit society.
(L. 1992 S.B. 831)
Effective 1-01-93
*Section "378.637" appears in original rolls.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions
Chapter 378 - Fraternal Benefit Societies
Section 378.601 - Fraternal benefit society, defined.
Section 378.602 - Lodge system, requirements — children's wages permitted, limitation.
Section 378.603 - Representative form of government, requirements.
Section 378.604 - Definitions.
Section 378.605 - Operation, purpose — laws and rules, power to adopt.
Section 378.606 - Laws and rules, requirements — membership rights nonassignable.
Section 378.609 - Waiver of laws, restriction on, when.
Section 378.611 - Amendment of laws, procedures — amendments furnished to members.
Section 378.612 - Society may operate nonprofit organizations — may not own funeral home.
Section 378.613 - Reinsurance agreements, allowed — limitations.
Section 378.615 - Conversion to mutual life insurance company, allowed when.
Section 378.616 - Benefits authorized — rules to specify allowable beneficiaries.
Section 378.620 - Cash surrender value of certificate, computation of.
Section 378.621 - Investment of funds.
Section 378.622 - Assets, use of — variable basis contracts, allowed when.
Section 378.623 - Application of law — exemption from insurance laws.
Section 378.624 - Taxation of societies, exemptions.
Section 378.625 - Valuation of certificates, standards — reserves, excess permitted.
Section 378.626 - Statement of financial condition, contents, filing — penalty.
Section 378.627 - Annual renewal required.
Section 378.628 - Examination, director may conduct — expenses.
Section 378.629 - Foreign society to have license, requirements.
Section 378.631 - Foreign society, director may enjoin business, when.
Section 378.632 - Injunction, who may file.
Section 378.633 - Agents, licensing of — persons not deemed agents.
Section 378.634 - Unfair practices and frauds, subject to law — exception.
Section 378.635 - Service of process, director to be agent for.
Section 378.638 - Fraudulent acts, penalties.
Section 378.640 - Law not applicable to certain societies, when — specific exemptions.