Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 375 - Provisions Applicable to All Insurance Companies
Section 375.775 - Association, powers and duties.

Effective - 28 Aug 2013
375.775. Association, powers and duties. — 1. The association shall be obligated to the extent of the covered claims existing prior to the date of a final order of liquidation or a judicial determination by a court of competent jurisdiction in the insurer's domiciliary state that an insolvent insurer exists and arising within thirty days from the date or at the time of the first such order or determination, or before the policy expiration date if less than thirty days after such date, or before or at the time the insured replaces the policy or causes its cancellation, if he does so within thirty days of such date. Such obligation shall be satisfied by paying to the claimant an amount as follows:
(1) The full amount of a covered claim for benefits under workers' compensation insurance coverage;
(2) An amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars per policy for a covered claim for the return of unearned premium;
(3) An amount not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars per claim for all other covered claims.
2. In no event shall the association be obligated to an insured or claimant in an amount in excess of the face amount or the limits of the policy from which a claim arises or be obligated for the payment of unearned premium in excess of the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, or to an insured or claimant on any covered claim until it receives confirmation from the receiver or liquidator of an insolvent insurer that the claim is within the coverage of an applicable policy of the insolvent insurer, except that within the sole discretion of the association, if the association deems it has sufficient evidence from other sources, including any claim forms which may be propounded by the association, that the claim is within the coverage of an applicable policy of the insolvent insurer, it shall proceed to process the claim, pursuant to its statutory obligations, without such confirmation by the receiver or liquidator:
(1) All covered claims shall be filed with the association on the claim information form required by this subdivision no later than the final date first set by the court for the filing of claims against the liquidator or receiver of an insolvent insurer, except that if the time first set by the court for filing claims is one year or less from the date of insolvency, and an extension of the time to file claims is granted by the court, claims may be filed with the association no later than the new date set by the court or within one year of the date of insolvency, whichever first occurs. In no event shall the association be obligated on a claim filed after such date or on one not filed on the required form. A claim information form shall consist of a statement verified under oath by the claimant which includes all of the following:
(a) The particulars of the claim;
(b) A statement that the sum claimed is justly owing and that there is no setoff, counterclaim, or defense to said claim;
(c) The name and address of the claimant and the attorney who represents the claimant, if any; and
(d) If the claimant is an insured, that the insured's net worth did not exceed twenty-five million dollars on the date the insurer became an insolvent insurer.
­­The association may require that a prescribed form be used and may require that other information and documents be included. A covered claim shall not include any claim not described in a timely filed claim information form even though the existence of the claim was not known to the claimant at the time a claim information form was filed;

(2) In the case of claims arising from a member insurer subject to a final order of liquidation issued on or after September 1, 2000, the provisions of subdivision (1) of subsection 2 of this section shall not apply and in lieu thereof, such claims shall be governed by this subdivision. All covered claims shall be filed with the association, liquidator or receiver. Notwithstanding any other provisions of sections 375.771 to 375.779, a covered claim shall not include a claim filed after the earlier of eighteen months after the date of the order of liquidation, or the final date set by the court for the filing of claims against the liquidator or receiver of an insolvent insurer. The association may require that other information and documents be included in confirming the existence of a covered claim or in determining eligibility of any claimant. Such information may include, but is not limited to:
(a) The particulars of the claim;
(b) A statement that the sum claimed is justly owing and that there is no setoff, counterclaim, or defense to said claim;
(c) The name and address of the claimant and the attorney who represents the claimant, if any; and
(d) A verification under oath of such requested information.
­­In no event shall the association be obligated on a claim filed with the association, liquidator or receiver for protection afforded under the insured's policy for incurred but not reported losses. A covered claim shall not include any claim that is not filed prior to the final date for filing claims, even though the existence of the claims was not known to the claimant prior to such final date.

3. In the case of claims arising from bodily injury, sickness or disease, the amount of any such award shall not exceed the claimant's reasonable expenses incurred for necessary medical, surgical, X-ray, dental services and comparable services for individuals who, in the exercise of their constitutional rights, rely on spiritual means alone for healing in accordance with the tenets and practices of a recognized church or religious denomination by a duly accredited practitioner thereof, including prosthetic devices and necessary ambulance, hospital, professional nursing, and any amounts lost or to be lost by reason of claimant's inability to work and earn wages or salary or their equivalent, except that the association shall pay the full amount of any covered claim arising out of a workers' compensation policy. Such award may also include payments in fact made to others, not members of claimant's household, which were reasonably incurred to obtain from such other persons ordinary and necessary services for the production of income in lieu of those services the claimant would have performed for himself had he not been injured. Verdicts as respect only those civil actions as may be brought to recover damages as provided in this section shall specifically set out the sums applicable to each item in this section for which an award may be made.
4. In the case of claims arising from a member insurer subject to a final order of liquidation dated on or after August 31, 2004, the provisions of subsection 3 of this section shall not apply.
5. Notwithstanding any other provision of sections 375.771 to 375.779, except in the case of a claim for benefits under workers' compensation coverage, any obligation of the association to or on behalf of the insured and its affiliates on covered claims shall cease when ten million dollars has been paid in the aggregate by the association and any one or more associations similar to the association in any other state or states to or on behalf of such insured, its affiliates, and additional insureds on covered claims or allowed claims arising under the policy or policies of any one insolvent insurer.
6. If the association determines that there may be more than one claimant having a covered claim or allowed claim against the association, or any associations similar to the association in other states, under the policy or policies of any one solvent insurer, the association may establish a plan to allocate amounts payable by the association in such manner as the association in its discretion deems equitable.
7. The association shall be deemed the insurer only to the extent of its obligations on the covered claims and to such extent, subject to the limitations provided in sections 375.771 to 375.779, shall have all rights, duties, and obligations of the insolvent insurer as if the insurer had not become insolvent, including but not limited to the right to pursue and retain salvage and subrogation recoverable on paid covered claim obligations. The association shall not be deemed the insolvent insurer for any purpose relating to the issue of whether the association is amenable to the personal jurisdiction of the courts of any states. However, any obligation to defend an insured shall cease upon:
(1) The association's payment by settlement releasing the insured or on a judgment of an amount equal to the lesser of the association's covered claim obligation limit or the applicable policy limit; or
(2) The association's tender of such amount.
8. The association shall allocate claims paid and expenses incurred among the four accounts separately, and assess member insurers separately for each account amounts necessary to pay the obligations of the association under subsection 1 of this section to an insolvency, the expenses of handling covered claims subsequent to an insolvency, the cost of examinations under subdivision (3) of subsection 9 of this section, and other expenses authorized by sections 375.771 to 375.779. The assessments of each member insurer shall be in the proportion that the net direct written premiums of the member insurer for the preceding calendar year on the kinds of insurance in the account bears to the net direct written premiums of all member insurers for the preceding calendar year of the kinds of insurance in the account. Each member insurer's assessment may be rounded to the nearest ten dollars. Each member insurer shall be notified of the assessment not later than thirty days before it is due. No member insurer may be assessed in any year on any account an amount greater than two percent of that member insurer's net direct written premiums for the preceding calendar year on the kinds of insurance in the account. If the maximum assessment, together with the other assets of the association in any account, does not provide in any one year in any account an amount sufficient to make all necessary payments from that account, the funds available shall be prorated and the unpaid portion shall be paid as soon thereafter as funds become available. The association may defer, in whole or in part, the assessment of any member insurer, if the assessment would cause the member insurer's financial statement to reflect amounts of capital or surplus less than the minimum amounts required for a certificate of authority by any jurisdiction in which the member insurer is authorized to transact insurance. Deferred assessments shall be paid when such payment will not reduce capital or surplus below required minimums. Such payments shall be refunded to those companies receiving larger assessments by virtue of such deferment, or, in the discretion of any such company, credited against future assessments. No dividends shall be paid stockholders or policyholders of a member insurer so long as all or part of any assessment against such insurer remains deferred. Each member insurer may set off against any assessment, authorized payments made on covered claims and expenses incurred in the payment of such claims by the member insurer if they are chargeable to the account for which the assessment is made. Assessments made under sections 375.771 to 375.779 and section 375.916 shall not be subject to subsection 1 of section 375.916.
9. The association shall:
(1) Handle claims through its employees or through one or more insurers or other persons designated as servicing facilities. Designation of a servicing facility is subject to the approval of the director, but such designation may be declined by a member insurer;
(2) Reimburse each servicing facility for obligations of the association paid by the facility and for actual expenses incurred by the facility while handling claims on behalf of the association and shall pay the other expenses of the association authorized by this section;
(3) Be subject to examination and regulation by the director. The board of directors shall submit, not later than March thirtieth of each year, a financial report for the preceding calendar year in a form approved by the director; and
(4) Proceed to investigate, settle, and determine covered claims.
10. The association may:
(1) Appear in, defend and appeal any action on a claim brought against the association;
(2) Employ or retain such persons as are necessary to handle claims and perform other duties of the association;
(3) Act as a servicing facility for other similar entities created by similar laws in this state or other states;
(4) Borrow funds necessary to effect the purposes of sections 375.771 to 375.779 in accord with the plan of operation;
(5) Sue or be sued. Such power to sue includes the power and right to intervene as a party before any court that has jurisdiction over an insolvent insurer as defined in section 375.772;
(6) Negotiate and become a party to such contracts as are necessary to carry out the purpose of sections 375.771 to 375.779;
(7) Perform such other acts as are necessary or proper to effectuate the purpose of sections 375.771 to 375.779;
(8) Refund to the member insurers in proportion to the contribution of each member insurer to that account that amount by which the assets of the account exceed the liabilities, if, at the end of any calendar year, the board of directors finds that the assets of the association in any account exceed the liabilities of that account as estimated by the board of directors for the coming year; and
(9) Become a member of the National Conference on Insurance Guaranty Funds.
(L. 1989 S.B. 333, A.L. 1991 H.B. 385, et al., A.L. 2002 H.B. 1468, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1299, A.L. 2013 S.B. 59)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions

Chapter 375 - Provisions Applicable to All Insurance Companies

Section 375.001 - Definitions.

Section 375.002 - Grounds for cancellation.

Section 375.003 - Notice of cancellation, how given — reinstatement, when.

Section 375.004 - Refusal to renew, when authorized — exemption, when.

Section 375.005 - Proof of notice, how made.

Section 375.006 - Immunity from liability granted, when, to whom.

Section 375.007 - Cancellation or refusal to issue policy on certain grounds prohibited, exceptions.

Section 375.008 - Certain insurers exempt.

Section 375.011 - Notice of cancellation, nonrenewal, renewal, or refusal to write, may be sent, how.

Section 375.012 - Definitions.

Section 375.013 - Promulgation of rules, generally, this chapter.

Section 375.014 - Insurance producers, license required — insurance producer license not required, when.

Section 375.015 - Application for licensure, insurance producers.

Section 375.016 - Examination required for insurance producer's license.

Section 375.017 - Nonresident producer's license.

Section 375.018 - Issuance of producer's license, duration — lines of authority — biennial renewal fee for agents, due when — reinstatement of license, when — failure to comply, effect — rulemaking authority.

Section 375.019 - Advisory board on licensing and examination of insurance producers — qualifications — terms — meetings — duties.

Section 375.020 - Continuing education for producers, required, exceptions — procedures — director to promulgate rules and regulations — fees, how determined, deposit of.

Section 375.022 - Registry of insurance producers maintained by insurer — termination of producer, insurer to notify director.

Section 375.024 - Life insurance producer examinations, review of — collection of data — annual report — rulemaking authority.

Section 375.025 - Temporary license — to whom issued.

Section 375.029 - Continuing education credit, participation in professional insurance association qualifies, when, hours — rulemaking authority.

Section 375.030 - Continuing education, programs approved for another profession.

Section 375.031 - Definitions.

Section 375.033 - Termination of contract, notice — agent not to do business.

Section 375.035 - Renewal after termination of producer's contract.

Section 375.037 - Director's investigation — appeal.

Section 375.039 - Commercial risks, certain class, cancellation, written notice to agent required, when.

Section 375.041 - Annual statement convention blank to be filed with NAIC, exception — dissemination of data not to create civil liability — failure to file, effect.

Section 375.046 - Who deemed agent of unauthorized company.

Section 375.051 - Producer held as trustee of money collected.

Section 375.052 - Additional incidental fees — disclosure to applicant or insured.

Section 375.065 - Credit insurance producer license — organizational credit entity license — application — fee — rules.

Section 375.071 - Centralized producer license registry, participation in.

Section 375.076 - No consideration for unlicensed persons.

Section 375.106 - Insurance producers, limitations on negotiated contracts.

Section 375.116 - Compensation of producer, regulations — not to receive pay from insured, exception.

Section 375.136 - Producer placing business with a nonadmitted company or nonresident is subject to chapter 384.

Section 375.141 - Suspension, revocation, refusal of license — grounds — procedure.

Section 375.143 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 375.144 - Prohibited acts in connection with the offer, sale, solicitation, or negotiation of insurance.

Section 375.145 - Violations, penalties.

Section 375.146 - Violation, penalty.

Section 375.147 - Managing general agents (MGA) — citation of law — definitions — law effective, when.

Section 375.148 - Managing general agents must be licensed producers — risks located outside state — requirements — bond may be required, also errors and omissions policy.

Section 375.149 - Written contract required for placing business with insurer, content — termination of contract for cause — prohibited acts by managing general agents.

Section 375.150 - Duties of insurer — appointment of or termination of contract with managing general agent, notice to director, content.

Section 375.151 - Acts of managing general agent acts of insurer.

Section 375.152 - Violations, penalties.

Section 375.153 - Managing general agent, director's authority to promulgate rules.

Section 375.158 - Insurer shall comply with all insurance laws before doing business — commissions paid, to whom.

Section 375.159 - Limited lines travel insurance producer — definitions — license, authorized activities, limitations — premium tax — travel administrator license — rulemaking authority.

Section 375.161 - Certificate to do business — when terminated.

Section 375.163 - Director shall not authorize business if management of company is incompetent or untrustworthy.

Section 375.164 - Management contracts, to be filed with director when requested — may examine records of company, to what extent — notice of management contract required.

Section 375.166 - Expense of organization limited.

Section 375.169 - Violation of section 375.166 a misdemeanor, penalty.

Section 375.176 - Proceedings against promoters.

Section 375.181 - Officers required of companies.

Section 375.183 - Director to investigate incorporators, directors and proposed officers, approval withheld, when.

Section 375.186 - Seal and bylaws.

Section 375.191 - Voting by proxy.

Section 375.196 - Adoption of same or misleadingly similar name prohibited.

Section 375.198 - Issuance of shares, regulations concerning.

Section 375.201 - Charter, amendment of, procedure for.

Section 375.206 - Certificate of amendment, issuance, filing — director, duties — secretary of state, duties.

Section 375.216 - Certificate of amendment effective, when — amendment not to affect any existing cause of action.

Section 375.221 - Certificate of amendment of articles, how executed, contents.

Section 375.226 - Restatement of charter, articles of incorporation or association, or declaration of organization, how made.

Section 375.231 - Reduction of capital stock where same has not been fully subscribed.

Section 375.236 - Certificate of authority revoked, when.

Section 375.246 - Reinsurance, when allowed as an asset or reduction from liability.

Section 375.251 - Actions by and against companies.

Section 375.256 - Service of process on companies not authorized to do business in this state.

Section 375.261 - Service of process — procedure.

Section 375.266 - Service of process valid, when.

Section 375.271 - Plaintiff entitled to default judgment, when.

Section 375.276 - Sections 375.256 to 375.271 not to abridge right to serve process in other legal manner.

Section 375.281 - Company to furnish bond or certificate of authority before pleading.

Section 375.286 - Postponement of action permitted, when.

Section 375.291 - Company may file motion to quash service — grounds.

Section 375.296 - Additional damages for vexatious refusal to pay.

Section 375.298 - Loan against policy by policyholder, insurer to give notice of interest due.

Section 375.301 - Exemptions from provisions of sections 375.256 to 375.301.

Section 375.306 - Not to act for insolvent company — guarantee fund, where deposited — advertisements — penalty for violation.

Section 375.310 - Unauthorized persons or corporations enjoined from transaction of insurance business, penalty.

Section 375.320 - Not to trade — exception.

Section 375.325 - Mechanical data processing equipment as assets.

Section 375.326 - Automobiles as assets.

Section 375.330 - Purchase and ownership of real estate.

Section 375.340 - Sale and exchange of real estate.

Section 375.345 - Derivative transactions permitted, conditions — definitions — rules.

Section 375.347 - Restriction on ownership of certain assets not exclusively controlled by an insurance company.

Section 375.350 - Reacquisition and holding of own stock, when — approval of director, when — effect on assets and solvency.

Section 375.355 - Acquisition of control of one company by another, director may authorize, procedure, exceptions.

Section 375.360 - Note not considered payment — not to loan when insolvent.

Section 375.370 - Collateral to be assigned to company.

Section 375.380 - Dividends shall not be paid, when — penalty — liability of stockholder.

Section 375.390 - Officers not to use funds for private gain — penalty.

Section 375.400 - Investigation by director — duty of prosecuting attorney.

Section 375.410 - Penalty for violation.

Section 375.420 - Vexatious refusal to pay claim, damages for, exception.

Section 375.421 - Prepayment for policy, return of, when — limitations — violation an unfair trade practice.

Section 375.422 - Directors and officers of stock companies to report ownership.

Section 375.423 - Company may recover profits realized by officer or director in certain transactions — exceptions.

Section 375.424 - Unlawful for officer or director to sell equity security not owned by him — delivery.

Section 375.425 - Provisions of 375.423 and 375.424 not to apply, when — equity security defined.

Section 375.426 - Director to make rules and regulations.

Section 375.427 - Department rules for payment of fees by and integration of systems of insurers and entities administering claims for injured employees not applicable, when.

Section 375.430 - Certificate revoked if judgment not satisfied.

Section 375.440 - Revocation of license for failure to comply with judicial decree.

Section 375.445 - Company operating fraudulently or in bad faith, penalties.

Section 375.460 - Director to keep deposits — rights of companies.

Section 375.470 - Penalty for violations by director.

Section 375.480 - Withdrawal of securities — notice — examination by director.

Section 375.490 - Payment of judgments out of deposits.

Section 375.500 - Distribution of assets.

Section 375.510 - Reinsurance — rights and liabilities — insolvency.

Section 375.520 - Costs to be paid from deposits — amount.

Section 375.530 - Accounting among beneficiaries of foreign deposits.

Section 375.532 - Investment in debt of institution permitted, when.

Section 375.534 - Foreign governments or corporations, investment in permitted — conditions, requirements.

Section 375.535 - Director to issue charges when he believes assumption of additional risks financially hazardous — hearing — cease and desist order, when.

Section 375.537 - Impaired insurer, defined — duty to notify director — penalties for failure to notify.

Section 375.539 - Hazardous operation, discontinuation determination, standards for — issuance of order by director, hearing procedure.

Section 375.570 - Manner of commencing proceedings — petition, contents.

Section 375.580 - Issuance, service and return of process.

Section 375.600 - Pleadings and proceedings, general procedures — summary hearing, purpose — effect of nonattendance by defendant.

Section 375.610 - Hearing by the court, procedures — no continuances or discovery, exceptions.

Section 375.620 - Referee or master to hear and report — exceptions, filed by either party.

Section 375.630 - Examinations and statements, evidentiary effect — case to be decided, when — appeals — attorney fees, paid how.

Section 375.640 - Insurance director to take charge.

Section 375.650 - Title of assets to vest in director — special deputy receiver, appointment, duties.

Section 375.660 - Disposition of assets.

Section 375.670 - Allowance of demands — receiver to review claims against receivership.

Section 375.710 - Conflict of interests — power of court — trustees.

Section 375.720 - Penalty for failure or refusal to deliver assets to director.

Section 375.740 - Payment of expenses of proceedings.

Section 375.750 - Reports to court — payment of claims.

Section 375.771 - Citation of law.

Section 375.772 - Association, created — definitions.

Section 375.773 - Accounts, types of insurance — applicability of law.

Section 375.774 - Certificate of contribution, issued when, shown as asset by insurer, when — tax credit allowed to insurer, when — association exempt from taxes.

Section 375.775 - Association, powers and duties.

Section 375.776 - Board of directors, selection, terms — powers and duties.

Section 375.777 - Director, powers and duties.

Section 375.778 - Claims of insured, recovery, procedures — assignment of rights to association, when, extent of — stay of proceedings against insolvent insurer, when — records of insolvent insurer, access by board, when.

Section 375.779 - Immunity from liability, association and employees — unfair trade practice, using association protection as inducement to purchase policy.

Section 375.780 - Penalties for violation of this chapter.

Section 375.786 - Certificate of authority required — exceptions — acts which are deemed transaction of insurance business — penalty for transacting business without certificate of authority.

Section 375.787 - Complaint filed by director, when — injunction authorized.

Section 375.788 - Transaction of insurance business by unauthorized insurer, effect of.

Section 375.789 - Unauthorized company instituting court action must file bond or security and procure certificate of authority, exception.

Section 375.790 - Enforcement — foreign decree, qualified party, reciprocal states, defined.

Section 375.791 - Foreign insurance company admitted, when.

Section 375.801 - Renewal of certificate of authority, when — notice of refusal to renew (foreign company).

Section 375.811 - Application for certificate of authority, contents (foreign company).

Section 375.821 - Conditions to be met for certificate of authority (foreign company).

Section 375.831 - Certificate issued when all conditions met (foreign company).

Section 375.841 - Change of name by foreign or alien company, application for amended certificate, how made.

Section 375.851 - Amended articles, copy to be filed with director, effect of (foreign or alien company).

Section 375.861 - Foreign company survivor of merger, documents to be filed with director.

Section 375.871 - Admitted foreign company may withdraw, how.

Section 375.881 - Revocation or suspension of certificate of authority, when (foreign company).

Section 375.891 - Annual statement — reserves required, requirements in lieu of deposits (foreign company).

Section 375.892 - Foreign insurance companies to maintain deposits under trust agreement, amount — trust assets to be kept in United States — amendment to trust approved by director — trust agreement content.

Section 375.901 - Foreign companies shall transact business through licensed agents and brokers.

Section 375.906 - Foreign companies to appoint director to receive service — methods — penalty.

Section 375.908 - Nonresident insurer may become domestic insurer, procedure — director may promulgate rules.

Section 375.911 - Service on deputy director valid, when.

Section 375.916 - Retaliatory tax, how assessed and paid, exceptions — workers' compensation paid losses, how treated.

Section 375.918 - Underwriting, use of credit scores, no adverse action permitted — definitions — disclosures.

Section 375.919 - Use of language other than English permitted, when, disclosures — misrepresentation, penalty.

Section 375.920 - Policy form approval, disapproval — procedure.

Section 375.921 - Hearing on disapproval — action pending, effect on form.

Section 375.922 - Rules and regulations not authorized.

Section 375.923 - Exempt forms.

Section 375.924 - Contracts to contain address of insurer and notice of address change to be furnished insured, penalty, exception.

Section 375.930 - Citation of law — purpose — construction.

Section 375.932 - Definitions.

Section 375.934 - Unfair trade practices — conditions.

Section 375.936 - Unfair practices defined.

Section 375.937 - Lenders, duties — prohibited acts.

Section 375.938 - Director may investigate companies.

Section 375.940 - Procedure on charges or belief of unfair practices.

Section 375.942 - Administrative order for prohibited practices — penalty.

Section 375.944 - Judicial review — decree, order — additional evidence — finality of order, when.

Section 375.945 - Director's determination, judicial review.

Section 375.946 - Violation of desist order, penalty.

Section 375.948 - Additional powers of director — promulgation of rules.

Section 375.950 - Definitions.

Section 375.954 - Director to be receiver, when — receiver has title to what, ancillary receivers have title to what, filing of order imparts notice — appointment of special deputies, compensation, payment.

Section 375.958 - Ancillary receiver, appointed when, entitled to what property, duties.

Section 375.962 - Delinquency proceeding in this state, claimants to file claims, with whom, when — controverted claims, proven where — effect of judgment in ancillary state.

Section 375.966 - Delinquency proceeding in another state, claimants to file claims, with whom, when — controverted claims, proven where — effect of judgment.

Section 375.970 - Preferred claims, how determined.

Section 375.971 - Definitions--federal home loan bank duties and procedures upon delinquency proceedings of insurer--member--receiver duties during delinquency proceedings.

Section 375.974 - Owners of special deposit claims, priority.

Section 375.978 - Secured claim, may file as general creditor, may resort to security, deficiency treated, how.

Section 375.982 - Limitation on bringing proceedings, certain liens void.

Section 375.986 - Receiver in reciprocal state may sue.

Section 375.990 - Severability clause — interpretation of sections 375.950 to 375.990.

Section 375.991 - Fraudulent insurance act, committed, when — powers and duties of department — penalties.

Section 375.992 - Fraudulent claims for benefits — form — notice to department, when — procedure.

Section 375.993 - Department's papers, report, evidence not subject to public inspection or subpoena if part of investigation, release, when — no civil liability for filing reports or furnishing information.

Section 375.994 - Investigators to have power of subpoena — moneys, costs or fines to be deposited in insurance dedicated fund — powers of director for violations, penalties.

Section 375.995 - Sex or marital status discrimination as to benefits or coverage prohibited.

Section 375.1000 - Citation — purpose — construction.

Section 375.1002 - Definitions.

Section 375.1005 - Improper claims practice, conditions.

Section 375.1007 - Improper claims practices.

Section 375.1009 - Director may investigate.

Section 375.1010 - Director may initiate proceedings.

Section 375.1012 - Director's findings — cease and desist orders — penalty, suspension, revocation — appeal.

Section 375.1014 - Judicial review.

Section 375.1016 - Violation of cease and desist order.

Section 375.1018 - Director's powers additional to others — rules and regulations.

Section 375.1025 - Definitions.

Section 375.1028 - Applicability — exemptions.

Section 375.1030 - Annual audit required, report filed, when — extensions granted, when — audit committee required, when.

Section 375.1032 - Audited financial report, contents — form.

Section 375.1035 - Accountant, name and address to be registered — letter, filed with director, contents — change of accountant, notice to director.

Section 375.1037 - Qualifications of accountant — limitation of number of years, when — approval by director — dispute resolution — accountant not recognized, when — exemption, when — preapproval for nonaudit services performed, when.

Section 375.1038 - Consolidated or combined financial statements permitted, when — worksheet , contents.

Section 375.1040 - Accountant's letter, contents.

Section 375.1042 - Audit of financial statement by independent accountant.

Section 375.1045 - Report of findings of accountant to insurer, contents.

Section 375.1047 - Unremediated material weaknesses to be furnished to director, requirements — insurer to communicate remedial actions taken.

Section 375.1050 - Workpapers, defined — availability to insurance examiners — confidentiality of.

Section 375.1052 - Temporary exemption, granted when — denial of, petition for hearing, procedures — schedule of compliance — effective date of requirements.

Section 375.1053 - Inapplicability of statute to foreign insurers — audit committee responsibilities, member qualifications — report required — waiver, when.

Section 375.1054 - Prohibited acts — violation, penalty.

Section 375.1056 - Report required by insurer, when, contents.

Section 375.1057 - Canadian and British insurers, special requirements.

Section 375.1058 - Internal audit function — exemption, when — requirements.

Section 375.1060 - Certification filed with annual statement, when — director shall promulgate rules, purpose.

Section 375.1062 - Severability.

Section 375.1070 - Inapplicability to certain insurers.

Section 375.1072 - Definitions.

Section 375.1074 - Limitation on investments, domestic insurers.

Section 375.1075 - Limitations on aggregate of medium or lower quality investments, requirements.

Section 375.1078 - Limitation on Canadian investments.

Section 375.1080 - Definitions.

Section 375.1082 - Type of insurance allowed — annual statement, form — requirements for charter, contents of application.

Section 375.1085 - Nonresidents, requirements — requirements prior to operation — premium taxes, liability for — examination by director — policy application, required provisions — prohibited acts — penalties.

Section 375.1087 - Contributions to guaranty fund prohibited — guaranty fund to cover only specified risks.

Section 375.1090 - Purchasing group subject to insurance laws, exceptions.

Section 375.1092 - Purchasing group to notify director, contents — designation of director as agent for service of process, exceptions.

Section 375.1095 - Insurance purchased by purchasing group, requirements.

Section 375.1097 - Premium taxes, payment of.

Section 375.1100 - Powers of director.

Section 375.1102 - Broker required for purchase of insurance — nonresident broker acceptable — notice to insured, contents.

Section 375.1105 - Hazardous financial condition of group, prohibited from selling insurance, when — director may establish rules.

Section 375.1110 - Citation of law.

Section 375.1112 - Definitions.

Section 375.1115 - Reinsurance intermediary, license issued by director — requirements — attorneys exempt from requirements.

Section 375.1117 - Transactions between insurer and broker, written authorization required — contents.

Section 375.1120 - Records to be maintained by broker, duration — contents.

Section 375.1122 - Insurer's use of broker, restrictions — financial condition statement required.

Section 375.1125 - Transactions between manager and insurer, written contract required, contents — records to be maintained by manager, contents.

Section 375.1127 - Reinsurance manager, prohibited acts.

Section 375.1130 - Insurer's use of manager, restrictions — financial condition statement required.

Section 375.1132 - Examination of reinsurance manager, director may conduct.

Section 375.1135 - Penalties, director may assess, procedures.

Section 375.1137 - Application fee, reinsurance intermediary license — renewal.

Section 375.1140 - Effective date.

Section 375.1150 - Citation of law — applicability.

Section 375.1152 - Definitions.

Section 375.1154 - Delinquency proceeding, director to initiate — law to govern proceedings — situs of insurer and property this state, when — venue.

Section 375.1155 - Receiver may petition for injunctions, restraining orders — purposes — delinquency proceeding does not stay other rights and enforcement.

Section 375.1156 - Cooperation with receiver and director required — penalty.

Section 375.1158 - Provisions apply prospectively, exceptions — restrictions on insurer in delinquency proceeding.

Section 375.1160 - Administrative supervision by director, procedures, allowed when — proceedings confidential, exceptions — powers of administrative supervisor — penalties for violations — director may adopt rules — immunity from liability for direc...

Section 375.1161 - Violations, penalties.

Section 375.1162 - Director may order activities to prevent delinquency proceeding.

Section 375.1164 - Seizure order, director may petition for, when — effects.

Section 375.1165 - Rehabilitation of insurer, director may petition, when — grounds.

Section 375.1166 - Director to serve as rehabilitator — duties — periodic accounting required — immunity, when.

Section 375.1168 - Director may appoint special deputies, powers — rehabilitation procedures — criminal conduct of party, power of director — advisory committee may be appointed, when.

Section 375.1170 - Stay of other pending actions, duration — statute of limitations not to run.

Section 375.1172 - Records deemed public, when — exceptions.

Section 375.1174 - Director may petition for liquidation, grounds — termination of rehabilitation proceedings, when, effect.

Section 375.1175 - Grounds for liquidation — voluntary dissolution and liquidation, conditions.

Section 375.1176 - Director to be liquidator — powers and duties — special deputy may be appointed, powers — effect of liquidation — order for, issued when — plan for continued operation during appeal, contents — penalty for interference with records...

Section 375.1178 - Life and health policies, termination of, when.

Section 375.1180 - Dissolution order, director may petition for — effect.

Section 375.1182 - Powers of liquidator — insureds may purchase extended period to report claims, when, limitations — liquidator and employees deemed officers of the court.

Section 375.1184 - Contracts and leases of insurer, liquidator may disaffirm — procedures — liability of liquidator, how calculated.

Section 375.1185 - Notices provided by liquidator, procedures.

Section 375.1186 - Agent of insurer, duty to provide information to liquidator — penalty.

Section 375.1188 - Stay of other actions — liquidator may bring certain actions, when.

Section 375.1190 - List of insurer's assets to be prepared — filing — not needed, when.

Section 375.1191 - Netting agreements and qualified financial contracts, exercise of certain rights and acts not to be prohibited — termination of netting agreement, transfer of amount owed, receiver's duties — applicability of statute.

Section 375.1192 - Fraudulent and voidable transfers — requirements — effects.

Section 375.1194 - Transfer of real property not voidable, when.

Section 375.1195 - Preference, voidable when, how recovered — liens, voidable when, procedure — liability of officers for granting preferences.

Section 375.1196 - Claims of creditor, surrender of preference required.

Section 375.1198 - Mutual credits or debts, setoffs allowed — exceptions.

Section 375.1200 - Report to court by liquidator, when, contents — assessment against members, court to compute an order, when.

Section 375.1202 - Reinsurers, amounts recoverable not reduced due to delinquency proceedings — exceptions.

Section 375.1204 - Payment of unearned premiums required — violation, penalties.

Section 375.1205 - Distribution of assets, liquidator shall apply for, when — contents — notice provisions.

Section 375.1206 - Proof of claim, filed when — effect of late filing.

Section 375.1208 - Form of proof of claim — liquidator may request additional information — effect of incomplete information.

Section 375.1210 - Contingent claims, allowed when, exceptions.

Section 375.1212 - Third party claims for actions against insureds, filed how — procedures.

Section 375.1214 - Denial of claim — appeal procedure.

Section 375.1215 - Subrogated claim, allowed when.

Section 375.1216 - Valuation of security, procedure.

Section 375.1218 - Classes of claims — priority of distribution.

Section 375.1219 - Claims allocated to separate account not chargeable with liabilities, when — treated as class 2 claim, when.

Section 375.1220 - Claim disputes — duty of liquidator — estimates allowed, when — commutation and release.

Section 375.1222 - Payment of claims — duties of liquidator.

Section 375.1224 - Unclaimed funds, deemed unclaimed property — effect.

Section 375.1225 - Discharge of liquidator, when.

Section 375.1226 - Reopening of proceedings, when.

Section 375.1228 - Records may be destroyed after discharge, exceptions.

Section 375.1230 - Audit of receivership may be ordered, when.

Section 375.1232 - Foreign insurers, director may petition to act as conservator, procedures — court may issue order — termination of conservatorship, application for.

Section 375.1234 - Foreign insurers, petition to liquidate assets, grounds — granted when — effects.

Section 375.1235 - Reciprocal state, powers and duties of domiciliary liquidator — nonreciprocal state, duties of director — claims filed, where.

Section 375.1236 - Ancillary receiver, director may be appointed as — powers and duties.

Section 375.1238 - Power of director to institute proceedings, when.

Section 375.1240 - Nonresident claims, filed where.

Section 375.1242 - Proof of claims, nonresident insurer — procedures.

Section 375.1244 - Stay of actions during liquidation proceedings.

Section 375.1245 - Priority of nonresident claims, reciprocal states — special deposits, priority.

Section 375.1246 - Nonresident ancillary receiver, claims filed with — priority.

Section 375.1250 - Definitions.

Section 375.1252 - RBC report, filed when — contents — formula, how determined — adjusted RBC report required, when.

Section 375.1255 - Company action level event, occurrence of, when — effect, duties of insurer or health organization — plan to be submitted, approval of, revision of, when — copies filed with all states in which insurer is authorized to transact bus...

Section 375.1257 - Regulatory action level event, occurrence of, when — director's duties, corrective actions — plan to be submitted by insurer — or health organization.

Section 375.1260 - Authorized control level event, occurrence of, when — effect, duties of director.

Section 375.1262 - Mandatory control level event, occurrence of, when — effect, duties of director.

Section 375.1265 - Hearing, insurer's right to, when — procedures — judicial review of order, exceptions.

Section 375.1267 - Reports and plans confidential — RBC levels are regulatory tool, limitation on use.

Section 375.1269 - Provisions of law supplemental to other insurance laws — rules and regulations, authority — exemption of property — immunity from liability.

Section 375.1270 - Foreign insurers to submit RBC report to director, when — plan, submission of, when — powers of director.

Section 375.1272 - Notices, effective when.

Section 375.1275 - RBC reports for calendar year 1993, requirements — RBC reports for 1996, requirements — not applicable, when — 2014 filings for health organizations.

Section 375.1280 - Scope of law.

Section 375.1282 - Application of law — not applicable, when.

Section 375.1285 - Definitions.

Section 375.1287 - Notice of transfer, form, contents, filing with director, when — prior approval required, period for approval, factors for director to consider in reviewing request — penalty for violation.

Section 375.1290 - Policyholder's right to reject, procedures — second and third notices, when — response deemed received, when.

Section 375.1292 - Consent to transfer, effect.

Section 375.1294 - Hazardous financial condition of transferring insurer, automatic transfer, when.

Section 375.1295 - Effective date — application dates.

Section 375.1300 - Definitions.

Section 375.1303 - Genetic testing by insurer, limitations — penalty — health plan, defined.

Section 375.1306 - Genetic information, prohibited uses by employers — penalty for violation.

Section 375.1309 - Confidentiality of genetic information, exceptions — penalty for violation.

Section 375.1312 - Domestic violence, status as a victim not to be used by insurer — definitions — penalty — innocent coinsured, benefits paid, when.

Section 375.1500 - Sections 375.1500 to 375.1527 apply to life insurance policies, exceptions.

Section 375.1503 - Definitions.

Section 375.1506 - Policies marketed without an illustration, notice to department — illustration requirements — quotation required, when.

Section 375.1509 - Life insurance illustration, label, contents, use in sales presentation, interest rates.

Section 375.1512 - Basic illustration, requirements, contents.

Section 375.1515 - Supplemental illustrations permitted, when — notice required.

Section 375.1518 - Use of basic illustration at time of sale of policy, revised illustration — illustration provided at time of policy delivery, certification, acknowledgment — illustrations sent by mail, requirements — copies to be retained, when —...

Section 375.1521 - Annual report to policy owner, contents.

Section 375.1524 - Illustration actuaries, qualifications, duties — annual certification.

Section 375.1527 - Violation of sections 375.1500 to 375.1527, penalties.

Section 375.1530 - Application of sections 375.1500 to 375.1527.

Section 375.1575 - Denial of claim, disclosure by applicant not required.

Section 375.1605 - Insolvent insurers, claims to be handled by guaranty association — definitions — payment of claims, reimbursement — receiver obligations and utilization of collateral.

Section 375.1730 - Costs of coverage reported to department — rates.

Section 375.1800 - Residency of insurance companies, domestic and foreign.

Section 375.1803 - Court actions against insurance company, venue where — inapplicability, when.

Section 375.1806 - Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, venue, where.