Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 369 - Savings and Loan Associations
Section 369.349 - Liquidation by director, procedure.

Effective - 06 Jul 1994
369.349. Liquidation by director, procedure. — 1. When the director of the division of finance determines to liquidate an association, the director shall file a petition in the circuit court of the county in which the principal office of the association is located setting forth the facts. If the court finds that under the law the director is entitled to liquidate the association, the court shall thereupon appoint the director as receiver. The director shall cause an inventory of all the assets of the association to be filed with the court and shall cause notice to be given by publication, once a week, for four successive weeks in some newspaper of general circulation published at or near the principal place of business in the state of such association to all persons having claims against the association as creditors, or otherwise, requiring them to present and file their claims and make legal proof thereof at a place and within a time designated in such publication. The time shall be not less than six months after the first publication. Within ten days after the first publication, the director shall cause a copy of such notice to be mailed to all persons whose names appear of record upon the association's books as creditors.
2. All claims, demands, or causes of action of creditors against the association or against any property owned or held by it in trust or otherwise must be presented to the director in writing, verified by the claimant or someone on the claimant's behalf, within the period specified in the notice for the presentation of claims whether or not an action is pending to enforce any such claim or demand. The director shall not approve any claim not so presented and any such claim, demand or cause of action not so presented is forever barred. Upon the expiration of the time fixed for the presentation of claims, the director shall prepare a full and complete schedule of all claims presented specifying by classes those that have been approved and those that have been disapproved and file the same with the court.
3. Not later than five days after the time of filing the schedule of claims with the court, written notice shall be mailed to all claimants whose claims have been rejected. Petition to enforce the payment of or to establish any rejected claim must be filed in the liquidation proceeding and service had upon the director within four months from and after the date of filing of the schedule of claims or all such actions are forever barred.
4. Any account holder without presenting a claim is entitled to any liquidating dividends declared, to the extent and in the proper relative order of priority, on any claim shown by the books of the association to exist in the account holder's favor against the association.
5. Claims of creditors shall bear interest at the rate provided by law on judgments from the date the director takes possession of the business, property and assets of the association.
6. The filing of the petition under subsection 1 operates to stay or dissolve all actions or attachments instituted or levied within thirty days next preceding the taking of possession of such association by the director under section 369.344 or under this section, and pending the process of liquidation, no attachment or execution shall be levied or lien created upon any of the property of the association.
7. In liquidating the affairs of the association, the director may:
(1) Take possession of all property and assets, collect all money due to and claims of the association and give receipt thereof;
(2) Release or reconvey all real or personal property pledged, hypothecated or transferred in trust as security for loan;
(3) Approve and pay all just and equitable claims;
(4) Commence and prosecute all actions and proceedings necessary to enforce liquidation;
(5) Compound bad or doubtful debts or claims, borrow money, sell, convey or transfer real or personal property on order of the court;
(6) In the name of the association, or in the director's own name, prosecute and defend any suit or other legal proceeding;
(7) In the name of the association, or in the director's own name as director, execute, acknowledge, and deliver any and all deeds, assignments, releases and other instruments necessary and proper to effectuate any sale of real or personal property or other transaction in connection with the liquidation of the association. Any deed, assignment, release or other instrument executed pursuant to this section is valid and effectual for all purposes as though it were executed by the officers of such association with the authority of its board of directors; and
(8) With the approval of the court, abandon any bad or doubtful debt or claim on any property of the association.
8. The director may appoint one or more special deputies to assist in the duties of liquidation and distribution and may also employ such special legal counsel, accountants and assistants as may be needed and required and fix their salaries and compensation subject to the approval of the court. All such salaries and compensation and such reasonable and necessary expenses as may be incurred in the liquidation shall be paid by the director from the funds of the association in the director's hands. Such expenses shall include that part of the salary of the director and of the director's deputies, examiners, accountants and other assistants and that part of the general expenses of the director's office as fairly represent, in the opinion of the director, the proportion properly attributable to such liquidation.
9. From the net realization of assets, the director, subject to the approval of the court, shall pay dividends in liquidation to the creditors in order of preference. All remaining assets of a mutual association shall be distributed to the account holders in proportion to the amounts of their respective accounts as of the date liquidation began. All remaining assets of a capital stock association shall be distributed to the stockholders in accordance with their stock ownership.
10. Any money due to but unclaimed by any person shall be deposited with the director. The owner, the owner's heirs or personal representative may claim any funds so deposited by proof of ownership satisfactory to the director at any time within ten years. Earnings on such funds during possession by the director shall be used to defray expenses of the director's office, and the owner, the owner's* heirs and personal representatives shall have no claim thereto. Money not so claimed in ten years shall be delivered to the state treasurer from whom the owner, the owner's heirs or personal representative may claim such funds upon proof of ownership satisfactory to the state treasurer.
11. On the payment of a final dividend in liquidation, the director shall prepare and file with the court a full and final statement of liquidation including a summary of the receipts and disbursements which shall be filed with the court and in the office of the director. After hearing and approval by the court, the liquidation shall be closed. The order of the court approving the final settlement on liquidation shall provide for the destruction or other disposition of the books and records of the association or pertaining to the liquidation of the association, and the court may declare the association dissolved as a corporation. A copy of the order dissolving the association as a corporation shall be filed with the secretary of state.
(L. 1971 S.B. 3 § 69, A.L. 1982 S.B. 464, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1165)
Effective 7-06-94
*Word "director's" appears in original rolls.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions

Chapter 369 - Savings and Loan Associations

Section 369.010 - Short title.

Section 369.014 - Definitions.

Section 369.019 - Incorporation, requirements, procedure, contents of petition, fees.

Section 369.024 - Director to approve or deny petition — tentative approval — protest, how filed — final approval, effect of.

Section 369.029 - Perpetual existence, when commenced.

Section 369.034 - Incorporation fee, how computed, bond required.

Section 369.039 - Expense fund, mutual associations, purpose, amount — contributions, how repaid — associations exempted, when.

Section 369.044 - Bylaws, when and how adopted — approval by members.

Section 369.049 - Name may include what, exceptions — deceptive names prohibited — amending charter for name changes — violations, injunction.

Section 369.054 - Office, location of — approval to establish or move, when — closing a branch office, notice.

Section 369.059 - Amendment of articles of incorporation, procedure.

Section 369.064 - Failure to commence business within six months, effect of.

Section 369.069 - Conversion to federal association, procedure, effect of.

Section 369.074 - Conversion to state association, procedure, effect of.

Section 369.078 - Conversion from mutual to capital stock association — requirements — rules of division, content — certificate of conversion, issued, when, effect of.

Section 369.079 - Merger or consolidation, procedure — association may charter interim association, when, procedure.

Section 369.084 - Merger, effect of.

Section 369.086 - Savings and loan holding company, defined — subsidiary, defined — registration, examination and regulation by division.

Section 369.087 - Association may convert, merge or consolidate with bank or trust company — procedure.

Section 369.089 - Dissolution.

Section 369.094 - Meetings, when, notice, voting.

Section 369.099 - Inspection of records, by whom — credit reporting, allowed when.

Section 369.104 - Publication of financial statement.

Section 369.109 - Directors, election, powers, qualifications, meetings.

Section 369.114 - Bonds, who shall have, amount, how and when modified — issuance by fidelity insurance company, requirements, modification of, procedure — reciprocal organization, when and how established.

Section 369.124 - Reimbursement of certain legal costs, when — liability insurance for certain personnel, who may issue, policy modifications, how — reciprocal organizations, when, annual report.

Section 369.129 - Association records, how kept.

Section 369.134 - Reserve account required.

Section 369.139 - Emergency rules and regulations, when.

Section 369.144 - Powers of an association.

Section 369.145 - Safe deposit boxes, same rights, powers and duties as bank and trust companies.

Section 369.149 - Mutual associations — liability and rights of members — rejection or limitation on memberships.

Section 369.154 - Accounts, who may own — contracts for — evidence of ownership — accounts of disabled person, how handled.

Section 369.159 - Fee or service charge authorized.

Section 369.161 - Savings and loan association or savings bank may act as custodian, when.

Section 369.162 - Irrevocable life insurance trusts — savings and loan associations may transfer fiduciary duty, when.

Section 369.164 - Attorney in fact, association may recognize, when.

Section 369.169 - Minors, association may treat as an adult, when.

Section 369.174 - Joint tenants' accounts, how handled.

Section 369.176 - State employee compensation deductions authorized for investment by office of administration.

Section 369.179 - Accounts in trust, how handled.

Section 369.184 - Fiduciary accounts, how handled.

Section 369.186 - Accounts payable to second named person upon death of first named person, how handled.

Section 369.189 - Deposits, form, terms and conditions, regulation of — director, imposition of restrictions and powers on associations, how.

Section 369.191 - Association may own or control safety vault.

Section 369.192 - Remedies in enforcement of liabilities and right of renters of safe deposit boxes.

Section 369.194 - Accounts declared legal investments for fiduciaries.

Section 369.204 - Earnings of accounts, how determined and distributed.

Section 369.209 - Withdrawal, how, when — failure to pay withdrawal applications, powers of director.

Section 369.211 - Joint renters of safe deposit box — survivor's rights.

Section 369.212 - Death of all lessees of safe deposit box, duties of association.

Section 369.214 - Redemption of accounts, how and when, effect of.

Section 369.219 - Approved investments.

Section 369.224 - Association to maintain liquid assets — minimum percentage, how set.

Section 369.229 - Approved transactions and loans.

Section 369.234 - Preference given association holding first lien.

Section 369.239 - Association may accept pledge of borrower's account or other additional collateral.

Section 369.244 - Association may purchase, convey or manage property in which it has a security interest — time limitation.

Section 369.249 - Director may regulate lending practices.

Section 369.254 - Association may invest in real property and mobile homes, when.

Section 369.259 - Unapproved transfer of encumbered property, effect of.

Section 369.264 - Lending association not liable to borrower or others for defective final product, when.

Section 369.279 - Examiners, appointment, duties — attorney authorized.

Section 369.294 - Certain interest in an association by director and examiners prohibited — information to be confidential, exceptions.

Section 369.299 - Powers and duties of director.

Section 369.301 - Rulemaking, procedure.

Section 369.314 - Powers and duties of board.

Section 369.324 - Examination costs, how paid — pro rata assessment, director to determine — division of savings and loan supervision fund, created, uses, transfers to general revenue fund, when.

Section 369.329 - Branch offices and agencies, approval required, exceptions — application for approval, contents — approval, when — hearing, procedures.

Section 369.334 - Reports may be required — examiners to have access to records.

Section 369.338 - Cease and desist orders, period of supervision, when, procedure, duties of association — costs, how fixed and paid.

Section 369.339 - Director to take over association, when — procedure.

Section 369.344 - Powers of director during take-over of association.

Section 369.349 - Liquidation by director, procedure.

Section 369.354 - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation may act as receiver or liquidator without bond.

Section 369.359 - Foreign association doing business in state must comply with regulation by division of finance.

Section 369.361 - Foreign associations adjoining states and principal business outside state, requirements to do business — principal business, how determined — control, defined.

Section 369.364 - Federal associations may have same powers as state associations.

Section 369.367 - Other provisions of law, applicable, when.

Section 369.369 - Penalty for false statement or certificate.

Section 369.371 - Costs of reproducing records — costs of appearing in court or deposition — limitation of liability.

Section 369.670 - Definitions.

Section 369.675 - Savings bank, establishment — articles of agreement, requirements.

Section 369.678 - Articles of agreement, requirements, filing, director's duties — recording of articles, where.

Section 369.684 - Examination required, expenses.

Section 369.689 - Certificate of organization, recorded.

Section 369.695 - Powers of savings bank — taxed, how.

Section 369.699 - Limits on investment.

Section 369.703 - Merger — conversion — trust powers — director's powers.

Section 369.705 - Definitions — savings banks merger with nonbank subsidiaries or nonbank affiliates — procedure.

Section 369.708 - Law to apply.

Section 369.714 - Conversion, consolidation, merger.