Effective - 06 Jul 1994
369.339. Director to take over association, when — procedure. — 1. If the director of the division of finance finds, as a result of any examination or from any report made to the director or to any association, that the association is violating the provisions of its articles of incorporation, its bylaws or any law of this state, or is conducting its business in an unsafe or injurious manner, the director may by an order addressed to such association direct a discontinuance of such violations or unsafe or injurious practices and require conformity with all of the requirements of law.
2. The director may demand and take possession of the property, business and assets of an association if any of the following occur:
(1) The association does not comply with the order given pursuant to subsection 1 of this section within the time specified therein;
(2) It appears to the director that the association is in an unsafe condition or is conducting its business in an unsafe or injurious manner such as to render its further proceeding hazardous to the public or to any or all its savings account holders;
(3) The director finds that the association's assets are impaired to such an extent that after deducting all liabilities other than to its savings account holders they do not equal or exceed the sum of the withdrawal value of all its savings accounts; or
(4) The association refuses to submit its books, papers and accounts to the inspection of the director or any of the director's examiners.
3. The director may retain possession of the property, business and assets of an association until the association resumes business with the consent of and subject to the conditions imposed by the director or until its affairs are liquidated. The director shall permit the association to resume business if at any time during the director's possession of the association's property, business and assets the director finds that the association is in a condition safely to resume business.
4. Whenever the director takes possession pursuant to this section, the association may within ten days after the taking of possession commence an action in the circuit court of the county in which the principal office of the association is located to enjoin further proceedings. The court, after citing the director to show cause why further proceedings should not be enjoined, hearing the allegations and proofs of the parties, and determining the facts, may upon the merits dismiss such action, or may enjoin the director from further proceeding and direct the director to surrender the business, property and assets of the association. An appeal from a judgment enjoining the director from further proceedings and directing the director to surrender the business, property and assets to the association does not operate as a stay of the judgment unless the circuit court in its discretion so orders. If an appeal from the judgment is taken by the director, no bond need be given. If the judgment dismisses the action, an appeal therefrom does not operate as a stay of the judgment, but the court rendering such judgment may in its discretion enjoin the director, pending the appeal, from further proceedings and direct the director, pending the appeal, to surrender such business, property and assets to the association if a bond in an amount required by the court is given.
5. If the director's demand for the possession of the property, business and assets is not complied with within twenty-four hours after service of the demand, the director may call to the director's assistance the sheriff of the county in which the principal place of business of such association is located, by giving the sheriff written demand. The sheriff shall enforce the demand of the director.
6. When the director takes possession of the property, business and assets of any association, the president and secretary of the association shall make a verified schedule of all its property, assets and collateral held by it as security for loans. The president and secretary shall deliver the schedule, and possession of all property, assets and collateral not previously delivered, to the director. The director may at any time examine under oath any president, secretary, officer, director, agent or employee of the association to determine whether or not all such property, assets or collateral have been transferred and delivered into the director's possession.
7. The director may issue subpoenas including subpoenas duces tecum and require the attendance of parties for examination.
(L. 1971 S.B. 3 § 67, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1165)
Effective 7-06-94
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXIV - Business and Financial Institutions
Chapter 369 - Savings and Loan Associations
Section 369.010 - Short title.
Section 369.014 - Definitions.
Section 369.019 - Incorporation, requirements, procedure, contents of petition, fees.
Section 369.029 - Perpetual existence, when commenced.
Section 369.034 - Incorporation fee, how computed, bond required.
Section 369.044 - Bylaws, when and how adopted — approval by members.
Section 369.059 - Amendment of articles of incorporation, procedure.
Section 369.064 - Failure to commence business within six months, effect of.
Section 369.069 - Conversion to federal association, procedure, effect of.
Section 369.074 - Conversion to state association, procedure, effect of.
Section 369.084 - Merger, effect of.
Section 369.089 - Dissolution.
Section 369.094 - Meetings, when, notice, voting.
Section 369.099 - Inspection of records, by whom — credit reporting, allowed when.
Section 369.104 - Publication of financial statement.
Section 369.109 - Directors, election, powers, qualifications, meetings.
Section 369.129 - Association records, how kept.
Section 369.134 - Reserve account required.
Section 369.139 - Emergency rules and regulations, when.
Section 369.144 - Powers of an association.
Section 369.145 - Safe deposit boxes, same rights, powers and duties as bank and trust companies.
Section 369.159 - Fee or service charge authorized.
Section 369.161 - Savings and loan association or savings bank may act as custodian, when.
Section 369.164 - Attorney in fact, association may recognize, when.
Section 369.169 - Minors, association may treat as an adult, when.
Section 369.174 - Joint tenants' accounts, how handled.
Section 369.179 - Accounts in trust, how handled.
Section 369.184 - Fiduciary accounts, how handled.
Section 369.191 - Association may own or control safety vault.
Section 369.192 - Remedies in enforcement of liabilities and right of renters of safe deposit boxes.
Section 369.194 - Accounts declared legal investments for fiduciaries.
Section 369.204 - Earnings of accounts, how determined and distributed.
Section 369.211 - Joint renters of safe deposit box — survivor's rights.
Section 369.212 - Death of all lessees of safe deposit box, duties of association.
Section 369.214 - Redemption of accounts, how and when, effect of.
Section 369.219 - Approved investments.
Section 369.224 - Association to maintain liquid assets — minimum percentage, how set.
Section 369.229 - Approved transactions and loans.
Section 369.234 - Preference given association holding first lien.
Section 369.249 - Director may regulate lending practices.
Section 369.254 - Association may invest in real property and mobile homes, when.
Section 369.259 - Unapproved transfer of encumbered property, effect of.
Section 369.279 - Examiners, appointment, duties — attorney authorized.
Section 369.299 - Powers and duties of director.
Section 369.301 - Rulemaking, procedure.
Section 369.314 - Powers and duties of board.
Section 369.334 - Reports may be required — examiners to have access to records.
Section 369.339 - Director to take over association, when — procedure.
Section 369.344 - Powers of director during take-over of association.
Section 369.349 - Liquidation by director, procedure.
Section 369.364 - Federal associations may have same powers as state associations.
Section 369.367 - Other provisions of law, applicable, when.
Section 369.369 - Penalty for false statement or certificate.
Section 369.670 - Definitions.
Section 369.675 - Savings bank, establishment — articles of agreement, requirements.
Section 369.684 - Examination required, expenses.
Section 369.689 - Certificate of organization, recorded.
Section 369.695 - Powers of savings bank — taxed, how.
Section 369.699 - Limits on investment.
Section 369.703 - Merger — conversion — trust powers — director's powers.