Effective - 03 Feb 2012
348.269. No limitation on enumerated powers — prior authorization of general assembly for sale of assets — inapplicability of sunset act — severability clause. — 1. Nothing contained in sections 348.250 to 348.275 shall be construed as a restriction or limitation upon any powers that the corporation might otherwise have under chapter 355, and the provisions of sections 348.250 to 348.275 are cumulative to such powers.
2. Nothing in sections 348.250 to 348.275 shall be construed as allowing the board to sell the corporation or substantially all of the assets of the corporation, or to merge the corporation with another institution, without prior authorization by the general assembly.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 23.253 to the contrary, the provisions of sections 348.250 to 348.275 shall not sunset.
4. The provisions of sections 348.250 to 348.275 shall not terminate before the satisfaction of all outstanding obligations, notes, and bonds provided for under sections 348.250 to 348.275.
5. If any provision of this act* or the application thereof is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the act* that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this act* are severable. Insofar as the provisions of sections 348.250 to 348.275 are inconsistent with the provisions of any other law, general, specific or local, the provisions of sections 348.250 to 348.275 shall be controlling.
(L. 2011 1st Ex. Sess. S.B. 7)
Contingent effective date, see § 348.280
*"This act" (S.B. 7, 1st Ex. Sess., 2011) contained numerous sections. Consult Disposition of Sections table for a definitive listing.
(2013) Provisions of SB 7 from First Extraordinary Session in 2011 are unconstitutional; section B of act as codified in section 348.280 is a violation of the single subject requirement of Article III, Section 23 and remaining provisions of bill could not be severed. Missouri Roundtable for Life, Inc. v. State, 396 S.W.3d 348 (Mo.banc).
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXIII - Corporations, Associations and Partnerships
Section 348.005 - Law, how cited.
Section 348.015 - Definitions.
Section 348.025 - Commission members, who may serve.
Section 348.030 - Commissioners' terms.
Section 348.035 - Bond required for commissioners, executive director and employees, cost.
Section 348.040 - Removal of commissioners from office, procedure.
Section 348.045 - Officers, terms.
Section 348.050 - Meetings, quorum — actions by resolution, requirements.
Section 348.055 - Expenses of commission, no compensation to be paid.
Section 348.065 - Secretary's duties
Section 348.070 - Powers of authority.
Section 348.075 - Rules and regulations, promulgation, procedure.
Section 348.080 - Duties of authority.
Section 348.085 - Cooperation with federal and state agencies.
Section 348.090 - Additional powers of authority.
Section 348.095 - Termination of authority, rights and property to vest in state — exceptions.
Section 348.100 - Loans, authority may purchase or participate, requirements.
Section 348.110 - Bond issues and notes authorized.
Section 348.120 - Note issue and renewal — bond issues and refunding authorized.
Section 348.125 - Notes and bond issues to be authorized by resolution containing terms.
Section 348.130 - Pledges of authority to be liens on all authority assets.
Section 348.135 - Facsimile signatures, validity.
Section 348.140 - Redemption of notes and bonds — powers — price.
Section 348.145 - Issuance of refunding obligations — terms, how determined.
Section 348.165 - Official person executing bonds and notes, no personal liability.
Section 348.175 - Investment powers and limitations of authority.
Section 348.180 - Annual report — audit.
Section 348.185 - Statement of purpose.
Section 348.190 - Loan guarantee program — rules, regulations, promulgation, procedure.
Section 348.200 - Single-purpose animal facilities loan guarantee fund established — administration.
Section 348.205 - Money not needed may be invested.
Section 348.210 - Eligibility for guarantees for loans — rules — terms, conditions.
Section 348.215 - Policy of collection and recovery.
Section 348.220 - Animal waste facilities loan program guarantees — priorities, limitations.
Section 348.225 - Single-purpose animal facilities loan program fund created — purpose.
Section 348.253 - Contracts with not-for-profit organizations, objectives.
Section 348.256 - Articles of incorporation, bylaws, content — members, qualifications.
Section 348.262 - Department may contract with corporations.
Section 348.262 - Department may contract with corporations.
Section 348.263 - Open meetings and sunshine law applicability — records, requirements.
Section 348.264 - Science and innovation reinvestment fund established — source of funds — purpose.
Section 348.264 - Technology investment fund established — source of funds — purpose.
Section 348.266 - Debts incurred not debt of the state — subject to not-for-profit corporation law.
Section 348.275 - Rulemaking authority, procedure.
Section 348.280 - Contingent effective date.
Section 348.300 - Definitions.
Section 348.300 - Definitions.
Section 348.304 - Certificates, how issued, limitations, exchanges.
Section 348.306 - Transfer of certificates, procedure, limitations.
Section 348.308 - Duties of director of economic development — issuance of certificates.
Section 348.312 - Construction of provisions.
Section 348.400 - Definitions.
Section 348.403 - Authority to develop program — rules — reject application, when.
Section 348.406 - Certificates of guaranty — fee — limitations.
Section 348.408 - Agricultural product utilization grant fund established — limitation on grants.
Section 348.409 - Agricultural product utilization and business loan guarantee fund established.
Section 348.412 - Use of loan proceeds — eligibility — rules.
Section 348.415 - Collections.
Section 348.426 - Rules, effective, when — rules invalid and void, when.
Section 348.434 - Limitations on credits issued.
Section 348.436 - Expiration date.
Section 348.438 - Departments to provide assistance.
Section 348.439 - Oversight and report on credits.
Section 348.505 - Tax credit for family farm livestock loan program, procedure.
Section 348.515 - Recognition of benefit of providing assistance to certain family farm operations.
Section 348.524 - Livestock feed and crop input loan guarantee fund established — use of moneys.
Section 348.527 - Investment of fund moneys.
Section 348.530 - Eligibility for loans — rulemaking authority.