Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 348 - Authorities and Corporations for Economic and Technological Development — Small Businesses
Section 348.256 - Articles of incorporation, bylaws, methods of operation, content — members, qualifications — audits — evaluations — tax exemptions — conflicts of interest.

There are multiple enactments of 348.256
Effective - 03 Feb 2012, 2 histories
*348.256. Articles of incorporation, bylaws, methods of operation, content — members, qualifications — audits — evaluations — tax exemptions — conflicts of interest. — 1. The articles of incorporation, bylaws, and methods of operation of the Missouri technology corporation shall be consistent with the provisions of sections 348.250 to 348.275.
2. The purposes of the corporation are to contribute to the strengthening of the economy of the state through the development of science and innovation, to promote the modernization of Missouri businesses by supporting the transfer of science, technology and quality improvement methods to the workplace; to enhance the productivity and modernization of Missouri businesses by providing leadership in the establishment of methods of technology application, technology commercialization and technology development; to make Missouri businesses, institutions, and universities more competitive and increase their likelihood of success; to support and enhance local and regional strategies and initiatives that capitalize on the unique science and innovation assets across the state; to make Missouri a highly desirable state in which to conduct, facilitate, support, fund, and perform science and innovation research, development, and commercialization; to facilitate and effect the creation, attraction, retention, growth, and enhancement of both existing and new science and innovation companies in the state; to make Missouri a national and international leader in economic activity based on science and innovation; to enhance workforce development; to create and retain quality jobs; to advance scientific knowledge; and to improve the quality of life for the citizens of the state of Missouri in both urban and rural communities.
3. The board of directors of the corporation shall be composed of fifteen persons. The governor shall annually appoint one of its members, who must be from the private sector, as chairperson. The board shall consist of the following members:
(1) The director of the department of economic development, or the director's designee;
(2) The president of the University of Missouri system, or the president's designee;
(3) A member of the state senate, appointed by the president pro tem of the senate;
(4) A member of the house of representatives, appointed by the speaker of the house;
(5) Eleven members appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, who are recognized for outstanding knowledge, leadership, and expertise in one or more of the fields of applicable expertise.
­­Each of the directors of the corporation who is appointed by the governor shall serve for a term of four years and until a successor is duly appointed.

4. Any changes in the articles of incorporation or bylaws must be approved by the governor.
5. At the discretion of the state auditor, the corporation is subject to an audit by the state auditor and the corporation shall bear the full cost of the audit.
6. Each of the directors of the corporation provided for in subdivisions (1) and (2) of subsection 3 of this section shall remain a director until the designating individual specified in such subdivisions designates a replacement by sending a written communication to the governor and the chairperson of the board of the corporation; provided, however, that if the director of economic development or the president of the University of Missouri system designates himself or herself to the corporation board, such person's service as a corporation director shall cease immediately when that person no longer serves as the director of economic development or as the president of the University of Missouri system. Each of the directors of the corporation provided for in subdivisions (3) and (4) of subsection 3 of this section shall remain a director until the appointing member of the general assembly specified in such subdivisions appoints a replacement by sending a written communication to the governor and the chairperson of the corporation board; provided, however, that if the speaker of the house or the president pro tem of the senate appoints himself or herself to the corporation board, such person's service as a corporation director shall cease immediately when that person no longer serves as the speaker of the house or the president pro tem of the senate.
7. Each of the eleven members of the board appointed by the governor shall:
(1) Hold office for the term of appointment and until the governor duly appoints his or her successor; provided that if a vacancy is created by the death, permanent disability, resignation, or removal of a director, such vacancy shall become immediately effective;
(2) Be eligible for reappointment, but members of the board shall not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive four-year terms and shall not be reappointed to the board until they have not served on the board for a period of at least four interim years;
(3) Not have a known inherent conflict of interest at the time of appointment; and
(4) Not have served in an elected office or a cabinet position in state government for a period of two years prior to appointment, unless otherwise provided in this section.
8. Any member of the board may be removed by affirmative vote of eleven members of the board for malfeasance or misfeasance in office, regularly failing to attend meetings, failure to comply with the corporation's conflicts of interest policy, conviction of a felony, or for any cause that renders the member incapable of or unfit to discharge the duties of a director of the corporation.
9. The board shall meet at least four times per year and at such other times as it deems appropriate, or upon call by the president or the chairperson, or upon written request of a majority of the directors of the board. Unless otherwise restricted by Missouri law, the directors may participate in a meeting of the board by means of telephone conference or other electronic communications equipment whereby all persons participating in the meeting can communicate clearly with each other, and participation in a meeting in such manner will constitute presence in person at such meeting.
10. A majority of the total voting membership of the board shall constitute a quorum for meetings. The board may act by a majority of those at any meeting where a quorum is present, except upon such issues as the board may determine shall require a vote of more members of the board for approval or as required by law. All resolutions and orders of the board shall be recorded and authenticated by the signature of the secretary or any assistant secretary of the board.
11. Members of the board shall serve without compensation. Members of the board attending meetings of the board, or attending committee or advisory meetings thereof, shall be paid mileage and all other applicable expenses, provided that such expenses are reasonable, consistent with policies established from time to time by the board, and not otherwise inconsistent with law.
12. The board may adopt, repeal, and amend such articles of incorporation, bylaws, and methods of operation that are not contrary to law or inconsistent with sections 348.250 to 348.275, as it deems expedient for its own governance and for the governance and management of the corporation and its committees and advisory boards; provided that any changes in the articles of incorporation or bylaws approved by the board must also be approved by the governor.
13. A president shall direct and supervise the administrative affairs and the general management of the corporation. The president shall be a person of national prominence that has expertise and credibility in one or more of the fields of applicable expertise with a demonstrated track record of success in leading a mission-driven organization. The president's salary and other terms and conditions of employment shall be set by the board. The board may negotiate and enter into an employment agreement with the president of the corporation, which may provide for compensation, allowances, benefits, and expenses. The president of the corporation shall not be eligible to serve as a member of the board until two years after the end of his or her employment with the corporation. The president of the corporation shall be bound by, and agree to obey, the corporation's conflicts of interest policy, including annually completing and submitting to the board a disclosure and compliance certificate in accordance with such conflicts of interest policy.
14. The corporation may employ such employees as it may require and upon such terms and conditions as it may establish that are consistent with state and federal law. The corporation may establish personnel, payroll, benefit, and other such systems as authorized by the board, and provide death and disability benefits. Corporation employees, including the president, shall be considered state employees for the purposes of membership in the Missouri state employees' retirement system and the Missouri consolidated health care plan. Compensation paid by the corporation shall constitute pay from a department for purposes of accruing benefits under the Missouri state employees' retirement system. The corporation may also adopt, in accordance with requirements of the federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, a defined contribution plan sponsored by the corporation with respect to employees, including the president, employed by the corporation. Nothing in sections 348.250 to 348.275 shall be construed as placing any officer or employee of the corporation or member of the board in the classified or the unclassified service of the state of Missouri under Missouri laws and regulations governing civil service. No employee of the corporation shall be eligible to serve as a member of the board until two years immediately following the end of his or her employment with the corporation. All employees of the corporation shall be bound by, and agree to obey, the corporation's conflicts of interest policy, including annually completing and submitting to the board a disclosure and compliance certificate in accordance with such conflicts of interest policy.
15. No later than the first day of January each year, the corporation shall submit an annual report to the governor and to the Missouri general assembly which the corporation may contract with a third party to prepare and which shall include:
(1) A complete and detailed description of the operating and financial conditions of the corporation during the prior fiscal year;
(2) Complete and detailed information about the distributions from the Missouri science and innovation reinvestment fund and from any income of the corporation;
(3) Information about the growth of science and innovation research and industry in the state;
(4) Information regarding financial or performance audits performed in such year, including any recommendations with reference to additional legislation or other action that may be necessary to carry out the purposes of the corporation; and
(5) Whether or not the corporation made any distribution during the prior fiscal year to a research project or other project for which a report shall be filed under Subsection 4 of Section 38(d) of Article III of the Constitution of the State of Missouri. If such a distribution was made, the corporation shall disclose in the annual report the amount of the distribution, the recipient of the distribution, and the project description.
16. The corporation shall keep its books and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures. Within four months following the end of each fiscal year, the corporation shall cause a firm of independent certified public accountants of national repute to conduct and deliver to the board an audit of the financial statements of the corporation and an opinion thereon, to be conducted in accordance with generally accepted audit standards, provided, however, that this section shall be inapplicable if the board of directors of the corporation determines that insufficient funds have been appropriated to pay for the costs of compliance with these requirements.
17. Within four months following the end of every odd numbered fiscal year, beginning with fiscal year 2016, the corporation shall cause an independent firm of national repute that has expertise in science and innovation research and industry to conduct and deliver to the board an evaluation of the performance of the corporation for the prior two fiscal years, including detailed recommendations for improving the performance of the corporation, provided, however, that this section shall be inapplicable if the board of directors of the corporation determines that insufficient funds have been appropriated to pay for the costs of compliance with these requirements.
18. The corporation shall provide the state auditor a copy of the financial and performance evaluations prepared under subsections 16 and 17 of this section.
19. The corporation shall have perpetual existence until an act of law expressly dissolves the corporation; provided that no such law shall take effect so long as the corporation has obligations or bonds outstanding unless adequate provision has been made for the payment or retirement of such debts or obligations. Upon any such dissolution of the corporation, all property, funds, and assets thereof shall be vested in the state.
20. Except as provided under section 348.266, the state hereby pledges to, and agrees with, recipients of corporation funding or beneficiaries of corporation programs under sections 348.250 to 348.275 that the state shall not limit or alter the rights vested in the corporation under sections 348.250 to 348.275 to fulfill the terms of any agreements made or obligations incurred by the corporation with or to such third parties, or in any way impair the rights and remedies of such third parties until the obligations of the corporation and the state are fully met and discharged in accordance with sections 348.250 to 348.275.
21. The corporation shall be exempt from:
(1) Any general ad valorem taxes upon any property of the corporation acquired and used for its public purposes;
(2) Any taxes or assessments upon any projects or upon any operations of the corporation or the income therefrom;
(3) Any taxes or assessments upon any project or any property or local obligation acquired or used by the corporation under the provisions of sections 348.250 to 348.275, or upon income therefrom.
­­Purchases by the corporation to be used for its public purposes shall not be subject to sales or use tax under chapter 144. The exemptions hereby granted shall not extend to persons or entities conducting business on the corporation's property for which payment of state and local taxes would otherwise be required.

22. No funds of the corporation shall be distributed to its employees or members of the board; except that, the corporation may make reasonable payments for expenses incurred on its behalf relating to any of its lawful purposes and the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered to, or for, its benefit relating to any of its lawful purposes, including to pay its employees reasonable compensation.
23. The corporation shall adopt and maintain a conflicts of interest policy to protect the corporation's interests by requiring disclosure by an interested party, appropriate recusal by such person, and appropriate action by the interested party or the board where a conflict of interest may exist or arise between the corporation and a director, officer, employee, or agent of the corporation.
(L. 1993 H.B. 566, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1248 & 1048, A.L. 1995 H.B. 414, A.L. 2011 1st Ex. Sess. S.B. 7)
Contingent effective date, see § 348.280
*Revisor's Note: This section was declared unconstitutional in Missouri Roundtable for Life, Inc. v. State, 396 S.W.3d 348 (Mo.banc).
(2013) Provisions of S.B. 7 from First Extraordinary Session in 2011 are unconstitutional; section B of act as codified in section 348.280 is a violation of the single subject requirement of Article III, Section 23 and remaining provisions of bill could not be severed. Missouri Roundtable for Life, Inc. v. State, 396 S.W.3d 348 (Mo.banc).

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXIII - Corporations, Associations and Partnerships

Chapter 348 - Authorities and Corporations for Economic and Technological Development — Small Businesses

Section 348.005 - Law, how cited.

Section 348.010 - Purposes.

Section 348.015 - Definitions.

Section 348.020 - Authority created — powers to vest in commission — commissioners, number, appointment, qualifications.

Section 348.025 - Commission members, who may serve.

Section 348.030 - Commissioners' terms.

Section 348.035 - Bond required for commissioners, executive director and employees, cost.

Section 348.040 - Removal of commissioners from office, procedure.

Section 348.045 - Officers, terms.

Section 348.050 - Meetings, quorum — actions by resolution, requirements.

Section 348.055 - Expenses of commission, no compensation to be paid.

Section 348.060 - Employees, appointment, qualifications, compensation — executive director to be secretary.

Section 348.065 - Secretary's duties

Section 348.070 - Powers of authority.

Section 348.075 - Rules and regulations, promulgation, procedure.

Section 348.080 - Duties of authority.

Section 348.085 - Cooperation with federal and state agencies.

Section 348.090 - Additional powers of authority.

Section 348.095 - Termination of authority, rights and property to vest in state — exceptions.

Section 348.100 - Loans, authority may purchase or participate, requirements.

Section 348.110 - Bond issues and notes authorized.

Section 348.115 - Obligations not debt of the state or political subdivision — payable only from revenues or assets of authority.

Section 348.120 - Note issue and renewal — bond issues and refunding authorized.

Section 348.125 - Notes and bond issues to be authorized by resolution containing terms.

Section 348.130 - Pledges of authority to be liens on all authority assets.

Section 348.135 - Facsimile signatures, validity.

Section 348.140 - Redemption of notes and bonds — powers — price.

Section 348.145 - Issuance of refunding obligations — terms, how determined.

Section 348.150 - Sale or exchange of refunding obligation, proceeds, purposes and investments authorized.

Section 348.155 - Compliance with other state laws regulating bonds, notes, obligations, not required.

Section 348.160 - Alteration or impairment of terms, rights and remedies by state, prohibited — face of instruments to contain state pledge.

Section 348.165 - Official person executing bonds and notes, no personal liability.

Section 348.170 - Bonds and notes of authority deemed negotiable instruments, subject to registration.

Section 348.175 - Investment powers and limitations of authority.

Section 348.180 - Annual report — audit.

Section 348.181 - Records of Missouri agricultural and small business development authority to be closed, when.

Section 348.185 - Statement of purpose.

Section 348.190 - Loan guarantee program — rules, regulations, promulgation, procedure.

Section 348.195 - Certificate of guaranty may be issued, conditions — eligible lender, defined — participation fee, amount — limitation of amount.

Section 348.200 - Single-purpose animal facilities loan guarantee fund established — administration.

Section 348.205 - Money not needed may be invested.

Section 348.210 - Eligibility for guarantees for loans — rules — terms, conditions.

Section 348.215 - Policy of collection and recovery.

Section 348.220 - Animal waste facilities loan program guarantees — priorities, limitations.

Section 348.225 - Single-purpose animal facilities loan program fund created — purpose.

Section 348.230 - Linked deposit loans for dairy cows, first year of interest to be paid by authority — fee authorized.

Section 348.235 - Dairy business planning grants authorized — application procedure, fee — limit on grant — rulemaking authority.

Section 348.250 - Citation.

Section 348.251 - Missouri technology corporation, established — definitions — public hearing, notice.

Section 348.251 - Definitions — Missouri technology corporation may be established — corporation, defined — public hearing, notice.

Section 348.253 - Contracts with not-for-profit organizations, objectives.

Section 348.256 - Articles of incorporation, bylaws, methods of operation, content — members, qualifications — audits — evaluations — tax exemptions — conflicts of interest.

Section 348.256 - Articles of incorporation, bylaws, content — members, qualifications.

Section 348.257 - Executive committee established, members, duties — audit committee, duties — research alliance, report, contents — rules authority.

Section 348.261 - Powers — leveraging of nonstate resources — moneys, authority over — notice of financial assistance recipients to general assembly.

Section 348.261 - Powers.

Section 348.262 - Department may contract with corporations.

Section 348.262 - Department may contract with corporations.

Section 348.263 - Open meetings and sunshine law applicability — records, requirements.

Section 348.263 - Replaces corporation for business modernization and technology with Missouri technology corporation — transfer.

Section 348.264 - Science and innovation reinvestment fund established — source of funds — purpose.

Section 348.264 - Technology investment fund established — source of funds — purpose.

Section 348.265 - Base year gross wages calculation — transfer of funds, amount — expenditure of funds — strategic plan required.

Section 348.266 - Debts incurred not debt of the state — subject to not-for-profit corporation law.

Section 348.269 - No limitation on enumerated powers — prior authorization of general assembly for sale of assets — inapplicability of sunset act — severability clause.

Section 348.271 - Innovation centers to be established to develop new science and innovation-based business duties, reports — match requirements.

Section 348.271 - Innovation centers to be established to develop new technology-based business duties, reports.

Section 348.272 - Centers for advanced technology may be established in university-affiliated research institutes — requirements, funding limitations — duties of department of economic development.

Section 348.275 - Rulemaking authority, procedure.

Section 348.280 - Contingent effective date.

Section 348.300 - Definitions.

Section 348.300 - Definitions.

Section 348.302 - Tax credit, evidenced by certificate — may be used when — limitations on credit, credits transferable.

Section 348.304 - Certificates, how issued, limitations, exchanges.

Section 348.306 - Transfer of certificates, procedure, limitations.

Section 348.308 - Duties of director of economic development — issuance of certificates.

Section 348.310 - Acceptance of certificate in lieu of payment, reissuance of certificate for amount of unused balance.

Section 348.312 - Construction of provisions.

Section 348.316 - Report required from qualified funds, when, form, verified by affidavit, contents — duties of director of department of economic development — payment of taxes, due when.

Section 348.318 - Interest and penalty provisions, how determined — procedural matters, how determined.

Section 348.400 - Definitions.

Section 348.403 - Authority to develop program — rules — reject application, when.

Section 348.406 - Certificates of guaranty — fee — limitations.

Section 348.407 - Development and implementation of grants and loans — fee authority's powers — assistance to businesses — rules.

Section 348.408 - Agricultural product utilization grant fund established — limitation on grants.

Section 348.409 - Agricultural product utilization and business loan guarantee fund established.

Section 348.410 - Agricultural product utilization business development loan program fund established — duties of department of agriculture.

Section 348.412 - Use of loan proceeds — eligibility — rules.

Section 348.414 - Executive director's powers, compensation — funds and services not to be provided for projects outside state.

Section 348.415 - Collections.

Section 348.426 - Rules, effective, when — rules invalid and void, when.

Section 348.430 - Agricultural product utilization contributor tax credit — definitions — requirements — limitations — report.

Section 348.432 - New generation cooperative incentive tax credit — definitions — requirements — limitations — report.

Section 348.434 - Limitations on credits issued.

Section 348.436 - Expiration date.

Section 348.438 - Departments to provide assistance.

Section 348.439 - Oversight and report on credits.

Section 348.491 - Citation of law — definitions — program established, eligibility, requirements — rules — sunset provision.

Section 348.493 - Program lenders — tax credit, amount — certificate of tax credit, issuance of, when — tax credit requirements — sunset provision.

Section 348.500 - Family farms act — definitions — loan program for livestock, qualifications — rulemaking authority.

Section 348.505 - Tax credit for family farm livestock loan program, procedure.

Section 348.515 - Recognition of benefit of providing assistance to certain family farm operations.

Section 348.518 - Livestock feed and crop input loan guarantee program established — rulemaking authority.

Section 348.521 - Authority to issue certificates of guaranty — eligible lender defined — fee authorized — limit on outstanding guaranteed loans.

Section 348.524 - Livestock feed and crop input loan guarantee fund established — use of moneys.

Section 348.527 - Investment of fund moneys.

Section 348.530 - Eligibility for loans — rulemaking authority.

Section 348.533 - Policy for collection and recovery of loans — action authorized to recover amounts due.