Effective - 28 Aug 1972
320.240. Property may be entered for investigation, when. — The state fire marshal or investigator may at all reasonable hours enter in or upon any property to make an investigation of a fire loss or for determining the origin of any fire, but this section shall apply to the interior of a privately occupied dwelling only when a fire has occurred therein.
(L. 1972 S.B. 487 § 9)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXI - Public Safety and Morals
Section 320.010 - Proprietors of public buildings required to erect fire escapes — how constructed.
Section 320.020 - How erected and enclosed.
Section 320.030 - Number to each building.
Section 320.040 - Buildings to be equipped with fire escapes.
Section 320.060 - Duty of officers.
Section 320.070 - Doors to certain buildings to be hung, how.
Section 320.081 - Fire insurance company records to be furnished law enforcement officials, when.
Section 320.088 - Personal protective equipment, standards for purchasing.
Section 320.089 - Labeling requirement for personal protective equipment, violation, penalty.
Section 320.092 - Creates annual reporting requirements for certain tax credits.
Section 320.097 - Residency requirements prohibited, when.
Section 320.106 - Definitions.
Section 320.121 - Powers of cities and certain counties to regulate or prohibit fireworks.
Section 320.122 - Supremacy clause — regulation of fireworks (St. Louis County).
Section 320.136 - Ground salutes, special type, prohibited.
Section 320.141 - Permissible items of consumer fireworks, how sold, when.
Section 320.146 - Display and storage of fireworks, restrictions on.
Section 320.156 - Items and activities not subject to provisions of sections 320.106 to 320.161.
Section 320.161 - Penalty provisions.
Section 320.200 - Definitions.
Section 320.205 - Fire marshal, appointment, qualifications.
Section 320.210 - Employees, how appointed, qualifications.
Section 320.215 - Reimbursement of employees, expenses and equipment, state to furnish.
Section 320.220 - Special deputy, who eligible.
Section 320.225 - Investigator to have same powers as fire marshal, when.
Section 320.235 - Reports and records required — open to public, exceptions.
Section 320.240 - Property may be entered for investigation, when.
Section 320.250 - Powers of political subdivisions not affected.
Section 320.255 - Salaries, expenses and costs, how paid.
Section 320.260 - Office space to be provided.
Section 320.265 - Appeals, how taken.
Section 320.300 - Volunteer fire protection association, definition.
Section 320.307 - Nonpayment of claim, association has cause of action, amount.
Section 320.310 - Boundaries, filing with county — sole providers, when.
Section 320.330 - Citation of law.
Section 320.333 - Definitions.
Section 320.339 - Wrongful termination, cause of action permitted.
Section 320.350 - Title of law — definitions.
Section 320.362 - Violations, penalties.
Section 320.365 - Rulemaking authority — department of revenue may inspect cigarettes for markings.
Section 320.368 - Enforcement procedures — authorization to examine records.
Section 320.371 - Fund created, use of moneys.