Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 320 - Fire Protection
Section 320.161 - Penalty provisions.

Effective - 01 Jan 2017, 2 histories
320.161. Penalty provisions. — Any person violating any provision of sections 320.106 to 320.161 is guilty of a class A misdemeanor, except that a person violating section 320.136 is guilty of a class D felony.
(L. 1985 S.B. 76 § 12, A.L. 1987 H.B. 416, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1196, A.L. 2014 S.B. 491)
Effective 1-01-17

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXI - Public Safety and Morals

Chapter 320 - Fire Protection

Section 320.010 - Proprietors of public buildings required to erect fire escapes — how constructed.

Section 320.020 - How erected and enclosed.

Section 320.030 - Number to each building.

Section 320.040 - Buildings to be equipped with fire escapes.

Section 320.050 - Penalties.

Section 320.060 - Duty of officers.

Section 320.070 - Doors to certain buildings to be hung, how.

Section 320.080 - Penalty.

Section 320.081 - Fire insurance company records to be furnished law enforcement officials, when.

Section 320.082 - Fire insurance companies to report suspected arson to prosecuting or circuit attorney — prosecutor to report to other authorized persons.

Section 320.083 - Law enforcement officials to furnish fire insurance companies with information regarding fire losses, when.

Section 320.085 - Immunity from civil or criminal actions for furnishing fire loss information in good faith — presumption — closed records.

Section 320.086 - Access to closed arrest records not authorized — attorney-client privilege not restricted or waived — health information, closed record.

Section 320.088 - Personal protective equipment, standards for purchasing.

Section 320.089 - Labeling requirement for personal protective equipment, violation, penalty.

Section 320.090 - Emergency services, contracts for mutual aid operative in disasters — requirements.

Section 320.091 - Donation of used personal protection equipment and clothing, immunity from liability, when, conditions.

Section 320.092 - Creates annual reporting requirements for certain tax credits.

Section 320.093 - Income tax credit for purchase of a dry fire hydrant or provision of water storage for dry hydrants, requirements, limitations and expiration date.

Section 320.094 - Fire education fund created, annual transfers — treasurer to administer fund — transfer from general revenue — fire education trust fund established, administration — appropriation to division of fire safety — fire education/advisor...

Section 320.095 - Water supply, access during emergencies for fire protection services, requirements — liability for damages.

Section 320.097 - Residency requirements prohibited, when.

Section 320.106 - Definitions.

Section 320.111 - Manufacture, distribution and sale, permit required — issuance, display of, duration — powers and duties of state fire marshal, inspections — fees — rights and obligations of permit holders — rules, procedure — penalty for violation...

Section 320.116 - Revocation and refusal of permits, when — illegal fireworks seized as contraband, return of, procedure, costs — review of action by state fire marshal, how.

Section 320.121 - Powers of cities and certain counties to regulate or prohibit fireworks.

Section 320.122 - Supremacy clause — regulation of fireworks (St. Louis County).

Section 320.126 - Special fireworks — possession and sale of limited, how, to whom — displays, financial responsibility, proof of — inspection of certain venues.

Section 320.131 - Possession, sale and use of certain fireworks prohibited — restrictions — label required — items not regulated.

Section 320.136 - Ground salutes, special type, prohibited.

Section 320.141 - Permissible items of consumer fireworks, how sold, when.

Section 320.146 - Display and storage of fireworks, restrictions on.

Section 320.151 - Sales to children, sales by children, unlawful, exceptions — exploding fireworks near gasoline pumps, certain buildings or from or at motor vehicles, prohibited — certain restrictions — demonstrating and testing allowed, requirement...

Section 320.156 - Items and activities not subject to provisions of sections 320.106 to 320.161.

Section 320.161 - Penalty provisions.

Section 320.200 - Definitions.

Section 320.202 - Division of fire safety, created — duties of division and fire marshal — rulemaking authority.

Section 320.205 - Fire marshal, appointment, qualifications.

Section 320.210 - Employees, how appointed, qualifications.

Section 320.215 - Reimbursement of employees, expenses and equipment, state to furnish.

Section 320.220 - Special deputy, who eligible.

Section 320.225 - Investigator to have same powers as fire marshal, when.

Section 320.230 - Investigations conducted — cooperation with local officials required — may act as peace officers, when, qualifications.

Section 320.235 - Reports and records required — open to public, exceptions.

Section 320.240 - Property may be entered for investigation, when.

Section 320.245 - Subpoena powers — hearing, where conducted — fees for service of process and depositions.

Section 320.250 - Powers of political subdivisions not affected.

Section 320.255 - Salaries, expenses and costs, how paid.

Section 320.260 - Office space to be provided.

Section 320.265 - Appeals, how taken.

Section 320.271 - Information to be filed with fire marshal, by certain fire protection organizations — when — identification numbers.

Section 320.273 - Dry hydrant technical assistance program to be established — dry hydrant defined — purposes and goals of program.

Section 320.300 - Volunteer fire protection association, definition.

Section 320.302 - Nonmembers, association may respond to any emergency, exception — liabilities — fees.

Section 320.305 - Claim of loss, payment of claims to association, nonmember — violations, penalties.

Section 320.307 - Nonpayment of claim, association has cause of action, amount.

Section 320.310 - Boundaries, filing with county — sole providers, when.

Section 320.320 - Volunteer firefighters serving without wages, salary or certain other benefits, declared to be public safety officers of state — volunteer firefighters may receive certain benefits.

Section 320.330 - Citation of law.

Section 320.333 - Definitions.

Section 320.336 - Termination from employment prohibited, when — loss of pay permitted, when — written verification of service permitted — employer notification requirements.

Section 320.339 - Wrongful termination, cause of action permitted.

Section 320.350 - Title of law — definitions.

Section 320.353 - Cigarettes, testing requirements, standards — manufacturers to maintain copies of testing reports — state fire marshal may adopt subsequent standards, report required.

Section 320.356 - Testing verification reports, content — state fire marshal certification — fee — retesting required, when.

Section 320.359 - Compliance marking required, method of marking permitted — copy of certification to be provided to wholesalers, when.

Section 320.362 - Violations, penalties.

Section 320.365 - Rulemaking authority — department of revenue may inspect cigarettes for markings.

Section 320.368 - Enforcement procedures — authorization to examine records.

Section 320.371 - Fund created, use of moneys.

Section 320.374 - Sale of cigarettes outside state or United States, requirements not to apply — termination of requirements, when — state preemption.

Section 320.380 - Compliance with applicable laws required.

Section 320.400 - Cancer benefits pool — definitions — creation, employer contributions — benefits, amount — other payments, when — grants — effect on worker's compensation determinations.