Effective - 28 Aug 1997
316.221. Exemptions. — Nonmotorized playground equipment, including but not limited to, swings, seesaws, stationary spring-mounted animal features, rider-propelled merry-go-rounds, climbers, slides, waterslides operated by a municipal or county park and recreation department, trampolines or swinging gates, whether or not located on a playground, are exempt from the provisions of sections 316.203 to 316.233.
(L. 1997 H.B. 276 § 8)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXI - Public Safety and Morals
Chapter 316 - Shows, Circuses, Amusement Buildings and Festivals
Section 316.010 - County commissions may tax public shows, how.
Section 316.020 - Order levying tax as execution — sheriff to collect.
Section 316.030 - Proceeds to go into school fund.
Section 316.040 - License for shows required, tax imposed.
Section 316.045 - Penalty for delinquent payment of license tax.
Section 316.060 - Places of public amusement — construction — exit defined.
Section 316.070 - Exempted structures.
Section 316.080 - Building requirements.
Section 316.090 - Licenses not granted, when.
Section 316.100 - Penalty for violations.
Section 316.150 - Definitions.
Section 316.155 - Festival license required — exception.
Section 316.160 - Application for license — fee — contents of application.
Section 316.165 - Public hearing on application, when held.
Section 316.170 - License to issue, when.
Section 316.175 - Grounds for denial of license.
Section 316.180 - Penalty for violation.
Section 316.185 - Reasonable conditions authorized — notice of conditions, mailed when.
Section 316.200 - Rules, effective when.
Section 316.203 - Definitions.
Section 316.204 - Amusement ride safety board established — members — meetings, when.
Section 316.205 - Amusement ride safety board — powers and duties — rulemaking.
Section 316.206 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 316.210 - Amusement ride operation, qualifications — inspection, insurance, bond, permit.
Section 316.212 - Maintenance, inspection and accident records to be retained.
Section 316.213 - Portable amusement rides, itinerary to be filed, contents.
Section 316.215 - Director may enjoin operation of ride.
Section 316.221 - Exemptions.
Section 316.224 - Political subdivisions may license and regulate.
Section 316.227 - Liability of owner and state.
Section 316.230 - Passenger to obey rules — prohibited acts — penalty.
Section 316.233 - Passenger may not ride, when.
Section 316.237 - Rules, effective, when — invalid and void, when.
Section 316.238 - Rock climbing walls, subject to amusement ride regulations, when.