Effective - 16 Jul 1975
316.160. Application for license — fee — contents of application. — Application for a license to operate, maintain or conduct a festival shall be made in writing to the county clerk at least sixty days prior to the time indicated for the commencement of the planned festival and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable application fee established by the governing body of the county but not more than one hundred dollars. The application, at the discretion of the governing body of the county, shall contain the following information:
(1) The name, age, residence and mailing address of the person making the application. If the application is made by a partnership, the names and addresses of the partners must appear. Where the applicant is a corporation the application must be signed by the president, vice president and secretary of the corporation and must contain their addresses, and a certified copy of the articles of incorporation shall be submitted with the application;
(2) Proof of financial worth of the individuals or corporation. The proof of indemnity against injury or loss to persons or property and said amount and form of the indemnity shall be prescribed by the governing body of the county;
(3) A written statement of the kind, character, or type of festival which the applicant proposes to operate, maintain or conduct;
(4) The address or legal description of the place where the proposed festival is to be operated, maintained or conducted. Additionally, the applicant must submit proof of ownership of the place where the festival is to be operated, maintained or conducted, or a statement signed by the owner of the premises indicating his consent that the site be used for the proposed festival;
(5) The dates and hours during which the festival is to be operated, maintained or conducted;
(6) An estimate of the number of customers, spectators, participants and other persons expected to attend the festival for each day it is operated, maintained or conducted;
(7) The name and address of anyone contributing, investing or having a financial interest greater than five hundred dollars in producing the festival;
(8) A detailed written explanation of the applicant's plans to provide security and fire protection, water supply and facilities, food supply and facilities, sanitation facilities, medical facilities and services, vehicle parking space, vehicle access and onsite traffic control, and, if it is proposed or expected that spectators or participants will remain at night or overnight, the arrangements for illuminating the premises and for camping or similar facilities. The applicant's plans shall include what provisions shall be made for numbers of spectators in excess of the estimate, and what provisions shall be made for cleanup of the premises and removal of rubbish after the festival has concluded;
(9) A plot plan showing arrangement of the facilities including those for parking, egress and ingress.
(L. 1975 S.B. 323 § 3)
Effective 7-16-75
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XXI - Public Safety and Morals
Chapter 316 - Shows, Circuses, Amusement Buildings and Festivals
Section 316.010 - County commissions may tax public shows, how.
Section 316.020 - Order levying tax as execution — sheriff to collect.
Section 316.030 - Proceeds to go into school fund.
Section 316.040 - License for shows required, tax imposed.
Section 316.045 - Penalty for delinquent payment of license tax.
Section 316.060 - Places of public amusement — construction — exit defined.
Section 316.070 - Exempted structures.
Section 316.080 - Building requirements.
Section 316.090 - Licenses not granted, when.
Section 316.100 - Penalty for violations.
Section 316.150 - Definitions.
Section 316.155 - Festival license required — exception.
Section 316.160 - Application for license — fee — contents of application.
Section 316.165 - Public hearing on application, when held.
Section 316.170 - License to issue, when.
Section 316.175 - Grounds for denial of license.
Section 316.180 - Penalty for violation.
Section 316.185 - Reasonable conditions authorized — notice of conditions, mailed when.
Section 316.200 - Rules, effective when.
Section 316.203 - Definitions.
Section 316.204 - Amusement ride safety board established — members — meetings, when.
Section 316.205 - Amusement ride safety board — powers and duties — rulemaking.
Section 316.206 - Rulemaking authority.
Section 316.210 - Amusement ride operation, qualifications — inspection, insurance, bond, permit.
Section 316.212 - Maintenance, inspection and accident records to be retained.
Section 316.213 - Portable amusement rides, itinerary to be filed, contents.
Section 316.215 - Director may enjoin operation of ride.
Section 316.224 - Political subdivisions may license and regulate.
Section 316.227 - Liability of owner and state.
Section 316.230 - Passenger to obey rules — prohibited acts — penalty.
Section 316.233 - Passenger may not ride, when.
Section 316.237 - Rules, effective, when — invalid and void, when.
Section 316.238 - Rock climbing walls, subject to amusement ride regulations, when.