Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 316 - Shows, Circuses, Amusement Buildings and Festivals
Section 316.206 - Rulemaking authority.

Effective - 28 Aug 1997
316.206. Rulemaking authority. — The director shall promulgate rules necessary to administer the provisions of sections 316.203 to 316.233 including rules for the reporting of any fatalities or serious physical injuries incurred from the operation of amusement rides, or specifically related electrical equipment, and the subsequent inspection of such amusement rides and related electrical equipment, provided that no rule or portion of a rule promulgated under the authority of this section shall become effective unless it has been promulgated pursuant to the provisions of section 536.024.
(L. 1997 H.B. 276 § 3)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XXI - Public Safety and Morals

Chapter 316 - Shows, Circuses, Amusement Buildings and Festivals

Section 316.010 - County commissions may tax public shows, how.

Section 316.020 - Order levying tax as execution — sheriff to collect.

Section 316.030 - Proceeds to go into school fund.

Section 316.040 - License for shows required, tax imposed.

Section 316.045 - Penalty for delinquent payment of license tax.

Section 316.050 - Penalty.

Section 316.060 - Places of public amusement — construction — exit defined.

Section 316.070 - Exempted structures.

Section 316.080 - Building requirements.

Section 316.090 - Licenses not granted, when.

Section 316.100 - Penalty for violations.

Section 316.150 - Definitions.

Section 316.155 - Festival license required — exception.

Section 316.160 - Application for license — fee — contents of application.

Section 316.165 - Public hearing on application, when held.

Section 316.170 - License to issue, when.

Section 316.175 - Grounds for denial of license.

Section 316.180 - Penalty for violation.

Section 316.185 - Reasonable conditions authorized — notice of conditions, mailed when.

Section 316.200 - Rules, effective when.

Section 316.203 - Definitions.

Section 316.204 - Amusement ride safety board established — members — meetings, when.

Section 316.205 - Amusement ride safety board — powers and duties — rulemaking.

Section 316.206 - Rulemaking authority.

Section 316.209 - Operation of ride to cease, when — notification of serious incident to fire marshal — inspection, costs.

Section 316.210 - Amusement ride operation, qualifications — inspection, insurance, bond, permit.

Section 316.212 - Maintenance, inspection and accident records to be retained.

Section 316.213 - Portable amusement rides, itinerary to be filed, contents.

Section 316.215 - Director may enjoin operation of ride.

Section 316.218 - Penalty.

Section 316.221 - Exemptions.

Section 316.224 - Political subdivisions may license and regulate.

Section 316.227 - Liability of owner and state.

Section 316.230 - Passenger to obey rules — prohibited acts — penalty.

Section 316.233 - Passenger may not ride, when.

Section 316.237 - Rules, effective, when — invalid and void, when.

Section 316.238 - Rock climbing walls, subject to amusement ride regulations, when.

Section 316.250 - Ethan's Law — maintenance of adequate insurance required, when — definitions — violations, penalty.

Section 316.265 - Hairstyling, employees engaged in at public venues not subject to Chapter 329, when.