Effective - 28 Aug 1987
311.810. Search warrants, how issued — search and seizure — procedure — arrests — disposition of perishable products. — 1. The attorney general of the state of Missouri at the direction of the governor, or the prosecuting attorney of any county, or the supervisor of liquor control, or any assistant deputy or inspector appointed by the supervisor of liquor control, is hereby empowered to file in the circuit court an application for a search warrant, which application shall be presented to a circuit or associate circuit judge and shall be by petition setting forth substantially the facts upon which the same is based, describing the place to be searched and the thing or things to be seized as nearly as may be, which petition shall be verified by the oath of the officer filing the same.
2. If it shall appear to the satisfaction of the court in which said petition is filed, either from the facts set forth in such petition, if supported by the affidavit of a competent witness to the facts set forth therein, or from evidence heard thereon, that there is probable cause to believe that intoxicating liquor is being unlawfully manufactured, sold, stored or kept in any building, structure, motor vehicle or other conveyance, or at any place described in such petition, within such county or transported, as by the law of this state defined, contrary to the provisions of any such law, or that thereat or therein is being used or kept any still, doubler, worm, worm tub, mash, mash tub, fermenting tub, vessel, fixture or equipment, or any part or parts thereof used or fit for use in the unlawful manufacture or production of intoxicating liquor, it shall be the duty of such court to issue or cause to be issued a search warrant thereon, directed to the sheriff or other officer authorized by law to serve such process in this state, which search warrant shall substantially recite the facts set forth in such petition, and it shall thereupon be the duty of the officer executing such search warrant forthwith to enter any such building, structure, place, motor vehicle or other conveyance, either in the daytime or nighttime, by force if necessary, and to remove therefrom any intoxicating liquor, malt, mash and all grain, grain products, fruit or fruit products found therein or thereat which have reached such a stage of fermentation as to be unfit for any use save in the unlawful manufacture of intoxicating liquor; and to seize and remove therefrom any intoxicating liquor, still, doubler, worm, worm tub, mash, mash tub, fermenting tub, vessel, fixture or equipment, or any part or parts thereof, used or fit for use in the unlawful manufacture of intoxicating liquor, and all grain, grain products, sugar syrup, hops, raisins and other fruit or fruit products used or fit for use in the unlawful manufacture of intoxicating liquor, which have not so fermented as to be useless for any other purpose than in the manufacture or production of intoxicating liquor, and to hold such property until all prosecutions arising out of such search and seizure shall be ended and determined. All intoxicating liquor unlawfully manufactured, stored, kept, sold, transported or otherwise disposed of, and the containers thereof and all equipment used or fit for use in the manufacture or production of the same, including all grain or other materials used, in the unlawful manufacture of intoxicating liquor, and which are found at or about any still or outfit for the unlawful making or manufacture of intoxicating liquor, are hereby declared contraband, and no right of property shall be or exist in any person or persons, firm, or corporation owning, furnishing or possessing any such property, liquor, material or equipment; but all such intoxicating liquors, property, articles and things, shall be sold upon an order of the court and in the manner provided in this chapter and the proceeds thereof shall be applied on the payment of any fine and costs lawfully assessed against any person or persons convicted of the unlawful manufacture, production, transportation, sale, gift, storing, or possession of intoxicating liquor, or for any other unlawful disposition thereof in any such building, structure, motor vehicle or other conveyance, at any such place or on the premises thereof, or applied on the payment of any fine or costs of any person so convicted of keeping therein or thereat any still, doubler, worm, worm tub, mash, mash tub, fermenting tub, vessel, fixture or equipment, or any part or parts thereof used or fit for use in the unlawful manufacture or production of intoxicating liquor, contrary to the provisions of this chapter, and all such property shall likewise be liable for the costs of making any search and seizure in case no person or persons shall be found in charge or control of any such property or claiming the same; provided, that all persons engaged in the work of unlawfully manufacturing intoxicating liquors in any building, structure, motor vehicle or other conveyance, or at any place as defined in this chapter, or of keeping, storing or selling intoxicating liquor in violation of this law or of any of the laws of this state, or assisting in any way in such unlawful manufacture, production, keeping, storing, selling or transporting same, and all persons in possession or control, whether owners or not, of any still, doubler, worm, worm tub, mash, mash tub, fermenting tub, vessel, fixture or equipment used or fit for use in the unlawful manufacture or production of intoxicating liquor, or in possession or control of any grain, grain products, syrup, sugar, hops, raisins, or other fruit or fruit products, being used in the unlawful manufacture or unlawful production of intoxicating liquor, shall be deemed equally guilty of a violation of this law; provided further, that nothing in this chapter shall be so construed as to prevent any officer whose duty it is to make arrests from arresting, with or without warrant, any person or persons found violating any of the provisions of this law or from seizing or holding, as the case may be, any of the intoxicating liquor so found, including any liquor in process of fermentation or distillation, or any of the equipment, articles or materials, being in use or fit for use, in the process of unlawfully manufacturing intoxicating liquor as herein specified; however, in the case of a misdemeanor or a violation of a municipal or county ordinance, no physical arrest shall be made of any licensee who was not on the licensed premises at the time the violation occurred but a summons for later appearance may be issued. It is hereby expressly made the duty of the sheriffs and their deputies within their respective counties, and of marshals, chiefs of police and policemen in cities, towns and villages, and of all other officials whose duty it is or shall be to make arrests, to diligently suppress any violation of this law, and to this end such officers are hereby authorized and directed to arrest, with or without a warrant, any person or persons found violating any such provisions; and, if arrested without a warrant, then such officer shall immediately report the same to the prosecuting attorney of the county, and file the necessary complaint thereon. It shall be equally the duty of any officer to seize and hold without first obtaining a search warrant, any intoxicating liquor, still, doubler, worm, worm tub, mash, mash tub, fermenting tub, vessel, fixture or equipment, or any part or parts thereof, which he may find in use or fit for use in the unlawful manufacture of intoxicating liquor and to report same immediately to the prosecuting attorney of the county in which such liquor, articles and equipment may be found; provided further, that any officer executing a search warrant as provided in this chapter shall forthwith make his return thereon to the court issuing said search warrant of the manner and date of his execution thereof, showing what, if anything, was seized and held by such search, together with the name of the owner or owners, if known, of the things seized, and if not known, then the name or names of the person or persons appearing to be in charge or control thereof, and shall attach to said return as a part thereof an accurate list or inventory of the article and things so seized and in case of the seizure of any such articles, things or equipment, or intoxicating liquor which said officer may have found in use or fit for use without the aid of a search warrant as herein provided, he shall immediately file a list of the things so seized with the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the same were found, and shall hold the things so seized for disposition in accordance with the provisions of this law; and provided further, that all such articles, products and things declared in this section to be contraband, and which shall be seized by any officer and which shall be of such perishable nature as not to be susceptible of preservation until the determination of any prosecution arising out of seizure, shall be sold or otherwise disposed of as provided in this chapter by an order of the court issuing such search warrant, and the proceeds of such sale shall be held and applied as in this law providing.
(RSMo 1939 § 4916, A.L. 1945 p. 1043, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634, A.L. 1987 H.B. 520)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XX - Alcoholic Beverages
Chapter 311 - Liquor Control Law
Section 311.010 - Title of law.
Section 311.015 - Purpose clause.
Section 311.020 - Definition of intoxicating liquor.
Section 311.025 - Missouri bourbon and Missouri bourbon whiskey labels, use of name, criteria.
Section 311.030 - Definition of person.
Section 311.040 - Application of law.
Section 311.050 - License required.
Section 311.061 - Stock ownership not deemed financial interest, when.
Section 311.075 - Financial interests in distillery in close proximity to a recreational resort.
Section 311.080 - Sale of liquor prohibited near schools and churches, exceptions.
Section 311.082 - Labeling of kegs sold at retail for off-premise consumption, procedures.
Section 311.089 - Sunday liquor sales by the drink, permitted when (St. Louis City, Kansas City).
Section 311.090 - Sale of liquor by the drink, cities, requirements.
Section 311.091 - Boat or vessel, liquor sale by drink, requirements, fee.
Section 311.092 - Liquor by the drink on vessels regularly moored in city of St. Louis.
Section 311.100 - Sale by drink defined.
Section 311.110 - Election to determine whether liquor may be sold by drink — procedure.
Section 311.130 - Form of ballot.
Section 311.140 - Result of election — favorable vote.
Section 311.150 - Result of election — unfavorable vote.
Section 311.160 - Question may be resubmitted, when — manner.
Section 311.170 - Local option provisions applicable only to sales for consumption on premises.
Section 311.185 - Shipments of alcohol to residents permitted, when.
Section 311.192 - Wine manufacturer defined.
Section 311.197 - Samples, furnishing and acceptance of, when.
Section 311.200 - Licenses — retail liquor dealers — fees — applications.
Section 311.205 - Self-dispensing of beer permitted, when.
Section 311.210 - Application — remittance, made to whom, powers of supervisor.
Section 311.220 - Counties and cities may charge for licenses — amount — display of license.
Section 311.230 - Application for license to manufacture or sell made to supervisor.
Section 311.240 - Period of license — federal license required — contents of license — renewals.
Section 311.250 - Licenses nontransferable — exceptions.
Section 311.260 - More than five licenses by any one person prohibited, exception.
Section 311.290 - Time fixed for opening and closing premises — closed place defined — penalty.
Section 311.294 - Wine and malt beverages, permit to allow tasting on premises — limitations.
Section 311.297 - Alcohol samples for tasting on and off licensed retail premises, when.
Section 311.298 - Certain holidays, sale by the drink on Sunday allowed.
Section 311.299 - Warning sign displayed, liquor licenses — violations.
Section 311.315 - Manufacturing a false identification, offense of — penalty.
Section 311.326 - Expungement of record permitted, when.
Section 311.328 - Identification, acceptable forms.
Section 311.329 - Reproduction or alteration of identification card, penalty.
Section 311.338 - Violation of wholesale price regulations, misdemeanor — suspension of license.
Section 311.340 - Mixing liquor with drugs prohibited.
Section 311.355 - Manufacturer rebate coupons by wholesalers, regulation of.
Section 311.360 - Misrepresentation of brand of liquor unlawful, penalty — exceptions.
Section 311.370 - Liquor in storage — report to supervisor, when — contents of report.
Section 311.373 - Beer required to be in possession of licensed wholesaler prior to sale at retail.
Section 311.380 - Warehouse receipts — unlawful to sell or give away — penalty.
Section 311.400 - Unclaimed shipments of liquor may be sold.
Section 311.401 - Repossessed liquor, sale by lending institution, when — no license required.
Section 311.410 - Transportation of intoxicating liquor into or through state, when permitted.
Section 311.420 - Transporter's license — fee — bond — qualifications — certain carriers exempt.
Section 311.430 - Revocation of transporter's license.
Section 311.440 - Transporter's license to be exhibited to officers, when.
Section 311.450 - Bill of lading to accompany transported alcoholic liquors — contents — inspection.
Section 311.460 - Violation of sections 311.410 to 311.450, penalty.
Section 311.483 - Festivals, temporary permit to sell liquor by the drink, procedure.
Section 311.490 - Ingredients of beer — intoxicating malt liquor.
Section 311.500 - Inspection of breweries — by whom.
Section 311.520 - Fee for inspecting and gauging malt liquors.
Section 311.530 - Inspection of beer — exported out of state.
Section 311.540 - Liquor inspection, labeling and gauging — requirements.
Section 311.550 - Additional revenue charges — fines and penalties.
Section 311.555 - Bond — failure to file — forfeiture.
Section 311.557 - License, revocation.
Section 311.561 - Charges, how paid and collected.
Section 311.600 - Unlawful to sell unlabeled liquor — penalty.
Section 311.615 - Division of liquor control established, duties.
Section 311.620 - Qualification and requirements of agent, assistant, deputy, or inspector.
Section 311.640 - Supervisor — employees not permitted to have interest in liquor business.
Section 311.650 - Offices of supervisor.
Section 311.660 - Powers of supervisor — regulations — subpoenas.
Section 311.665 - Sales and use tax must be paid to renew license — statement required.
Section 311.670 - Failure of supervisor and employees to perform duties.
Section 311.685 - Civil actions permitted, when.
Section 311.691 - Review by administrative hearing commission.
Section 311.710 - Additional complaints — by whom made — procedure.
Section 311.720 - License automatically revoked upon conviction — exceptions.
Section 311.735 - Division of alcohol and tobacco control fund created, use of moneys.
Section 311.740 - Maintaining public nuisance — penalty.
Section 311.750 - Action to enjoin nuisance — procedure.
Section 311.760 - Penalty for violation of terms of injunction.
Section 311.770 - Duty of prosecuting attorney — failure to perform.
Section 311.790 - Prosecution of violations, by whom — fees and expenses.
Section 311.800 - Attorney general may direct prosecuting attorneys to conduct prosecutions.
Section 311.820 - Search of vehicles for contraband liquor — use of evidence found.
Section 311.830 - Transported liquor and vehicle to be seized as contraband, when.
Section 311.860 - Fees and mileage of officers executing search warrants.
Section 311.868 - Fines for violations by manufacturers and distillers to supersede other penalties.
Section 311.870 - Execution on default by corporation in payment of fine.