Effective - 28 Aug 1949
311.460. Violation of sections 311.410 to 311.450, penalty. — Any person knowingly and willfully violating any provisions of sections 311.410 to 311.450 shall be deemed guilty of a felony and shall be punished upon conviction by imprisonment in the penitentiary not exceeding two years or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.
(L. 1949 p. 320 § 4932)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XX - Alcoholic Beverages
Chapter 311 - Liquor Control Law
Section 311.010 - Title of law.
Section 311.015 - Purpose clause.
Section 311.020 - Definition of intoxicating liquor.
Section 311.025 - Missouri bourbon and Missouri bourbon whiskey labels, use of name, criteria.
Section 311.030 - Definition of person.
Section 311.040 - Application of law.
Section 311.050 - License required.
Section 311.061 - Stock ownership not deemed financial interest, when.
Section 311.075 - Financial interests in distillery in close proximity to a recreational resort.
Section 311.080 - Sale of liquor prohibited near schools and churches, exceptions.
Section 311.082 - Labeling of kegs sold at retail for off-premise consumption, procedures.
Section 311.089 - Sunday liquor sales by the drink, permitted when (St. Louis City, Kansas City).
Section 311.090 - Sale of liquor by the drink, cities, requirements.
Section 311.091 - Boat or vessel, liquor sale by drink, requirements, fee.
Section 311.092 - Liquor by the drink on vessels regularly moored in city of St. Louis.
Section 311.100 - Sale by drink defined.
Section 311.110 - Election to determine whether liquor may be sold by drink — procedure.
Section 311.130 - Form of ballot.
Section 311.140 - Result of election — favorable vote.
Section 311.150 - Result of election — unfavorable vote.
Section 311.160 - Question may be resubmitted, when — manner.
Section 311.170 - Local option provisions applicable only to sales for consumption on premises.
Section 311.185 - Shipments of alcohol to residents permitted, when.
Section 311.192 - Wine manufacturer defined.
Section 311.197 - Samples, furnishing and acceptance of, when.
Section 311.200 - Licenses — retail liquor dealers — fees — applications.
Section 311.205 - Self-dispensing of beer permitted, when.
Section 311.210 - Application — remittance, made to whom, powers of supervisor.
Section 311.220 - Counties and cities may charge for licenses — amount — display of license.
Section 311.230 - Application for license to manufacture or sell made to supervisor.
Section 311.240 - Period of license — federal license required — contents of license — renewals.
Section 311.250 - Licenses nontransferable — exceptions.
Section 311.260 - More than five licenses by any one person prohibited, exception.
Section 311.290 - Time fixed for opening and closing premises — closed place defined — penalty.
Section 311.294 - Wine and malt beverages, permit to allow tasting on premises — limitations.
Section 311.297 - Alcohol samples for tasting on and off licensed retail premises, when.
Section 311.298 - Certain holidays, sale by the drink on Sunday allowed.
Section 311.299 - Warning sign displayed, liquor licenses — violations.
Section 311.315 - Manufacturing a false identification, offense of — penalty.
Section 311.326 - Expungement of record permitted, when.
Section 311.328 - Identification, acceptable forms.
Section 311.329 - Reproduction or alteration of identification card, penalty.
Section 311.338 - Violation of wholesale price regulations, misdemeanor — suspension of license.
Section 311.340 - Mixing liquor with drugs prohibited.
Section 311.355 - Manufacturer rebate coupons by wholesalers, regulation of.
Section 311.360 - Misrepresentation of brand of liquor unlawful, penalty — exceptions.
Section 311.370 - Liquor in storage — report to supervisor, when — contents of report.
Section 311.373 - Beer required to be in possession of licensed wholesaler prior to sale at retail.
Section 311.380 - Warehouse receipts — unlawful to sell or give away — penalty.
Section 311.400 - Unclaimed shipments of liquor may be sold.
Section 311.401 - Repossessed liquor, sale by lending institution, when — no license required.
Section 311.410 - Transportation of intoxicating liquor into or through state, when permitted.
Section 311.420 - Transporter's license — fee — bond — qualifications — certain carriers exempt.
Section 311.430 - Revocation of transporter's license.
Section 311.440 - Transporter's license to be exhibited to officers, when.
Section 311.450 - Bill of lading to accompany transported alcoholic liquors — contents — inspection.
Section 311.460 - Violation of sections 311.410 to 311.450, penalty.
Section 311.483 - Festivals, temporary permit to sell liquor by the drink, procedure.
Section 311.490 - Ingredients of beer — intoxicating malt liquor.
Section 311.500 - Inspection of breweries — by whom.
Section 311.520 - Fee for inspecting and gauging malt liquors.
Section 311.530 - Inspection of beer — exported out of state.
Section 311.540 - Liquor inspection, labeling and gauging — requirements.
Section 311.550 - Additional revenue charges — fines and penalties.
Section 311.555 - Bond — failure to file — forfeiture.
Section 311.557 - License, revocation.
Section 311.561 - Charges, how paid and collected.
Section 311.600 - Unlawful to sell unlabeled liquor — penalty.
Section 311.615 - Division of liquor control established, duties.
Section 311.620 - Qualification and requirements of agent, assistant, deputy, or inspector.
Section 311.640 - Supervisor — employees not permitted to have interest in liquor business.
Section 311.650 - Offices of supervisor.
Section 311.660 - Powers of supervisor — regulations — subpoenas.
Section 311.665 - Sales and use tax must be paid to renew license — statement required.
Section 311.670 - Failure of supervisor and employees to perform duties.
Section 311.685 - Civil actions permitted, when.
Section 311.691 - Review by administrative hearing commission.
Section 311.710 - Additional complaints — by whom made — procedure.
Section 311.720 - License automatically revoked upon conviction — exceptions.
Section 311.735 - Division of alcohol and tobacco control fund created, use of moneys.
Section 311.740 - Maintaining public nuisance — penalty.
Section 311.750 - Action to enjoin nuisance — procedure.
Section 311.760 - Penalty for violation of terms of injunction.
Section 311.770 - Duty of prosecuting attorney — failure to perform.
Section 311.790 - Prosecution of violations, by whom — fees and expenses.
Section 311.800 - Attorney general may direct prosecuting attorneys to conduct prosecutions.
Section 311.820 - Search of vehicles for contraband liquor — use of evidence found.
Section 311.830 - Transported liquor and vehicle to be seized as contraband, when.
Section 311.860 - Fees and mileage of officers executing search warrants.
Section 311.868 - Fines for violations by manufacturers and distillers to supersede other penalties.
Section 311.870 - Execution on default by corporation in payment of fine.