Effective - 28 Aug 1996
304.140. Penalty for violations. — Any person violating any order or regulation adopted under section 304.130 shall upon conviction be adjudged guilty of an infraction.
(L. 1947 V. I p. 451 § 2, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1047)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XIX - Motor Vehicles, Watercraft and Aviation
Chapter 304 - Traffic Regulations
Section 304.001 - Definitions for chapter 304 and chapter 307.
Section 304.009 - Speed limit — violation, penalty.
Section 304.012 - Motorists to exercise highest degree of care — violation, penalty.
Section 304.014 - Rules of the road to be observed.
Section 304.015 - Drive on right of highway — traffic lanes — signs — violations, penalties.
Section 304.016 - Passing regulations — violations, penalties.
Section 304.017 - Distance at which vehicle must follow, penalty.
Section 304.019 - Hand and mechanical signals, violations, penalty.
Section 304.023 - Passing stopped streetcars, penalty.
Section 304.024 - Crosswalks and parking regulations established — signs — violation, an infraction.
Section 304.025 - Highway and vehicle defined.
Section 304.027 - Spinal cord injury fund created, uses — surcharge imposed, when.
Section 304.028 - Brain injury fund created, moneys in fund, uses — surcharge imposed, when.
Section 304.029 - Operation of low-speed vehicles on highway, permitted when — exemptions.
Section 304.031 - Traffic signal preemption system, use of, permitted when — violations, penalty.
Section 304.040 - Failure to stop, penalty.
Section 304.044 - Buses and trucks not to follow within three hundred feet — penalty.
Section 304.070 - Violation of section 304.050, penalty.
Section 304.075 - School bus signs to be removed, when — misdemeanor.
Section 304.076 - Head Start buses to bear signs.
Section 304.079 - Use of designated disabled parking spaces, when.
Section 304.110 - Violation of sections 304.080 to 304.110, penalty.
Section 304.120 - Municipal regulations — owner or lessor not liable for violations, when.
Section 304.125 - Traffic violation citation quota prohibited--exception.
Section 304.140 - Penalty for violations.
Section 304.152 - Roadside checkpoints and roadblock patterns based on vehicle type prohibited.
Section 304.159 - Municipality may prohibit storage of certain vehicles, exceptions.
Section 304.160 - Glass, tacks, injurious substances, duty to remove from highway, when — penalty.
Section 304.172 - Fire-fighting equipment exempt from size restrictions.
Section 304.181 - Buses, axle weight limits.
Section 304.200 - Special permits for oversize or overweight loads — rules for issuing — when valid.
Section 304.210 - Reduction of maximum weight by highways and transportation commission — notice.
Section 304.220 - Weight limits on county roads and bridges reduced, when — penalty for violation.
Section 304.230 - Enforcement of load laws — commercial vehicle inspectors, powers.
Section 304.250 - Restriction on use of metal-tired vehicles — penalty.
Section 304.260 - Tractors exempt — designation of truck routes by commission.
Section 304.271 - Observance of traffic-control devices — presumptions — penalty.
Section 304.285 - Red light violations by motorcycles or bicycles, affirmative defense, when.
Section 304.289 - Timing of signals, minimum interval times to be established.
Section 304.291 - Rules for pedestrians controlled by special signs.
Section 304.301 - Rules for vehicular traffic controlled by flashing signals — violation, penalty.
Section 304.311 - Observance of lane — direction — control signals.
Section 304.331 - Alteration or removal of traffic-control devices prohibited.
Section 304.341 - Turns at intersection — violation, penalty.
Section 304.361 - Penalty for violation of sections 304.271 to 304.351.
Section 304.373 - Hazardous materials, requirements for transportation — violations, penalties.
Section 304.570 - Penalty for violations.
Section 304.580 - Definitions.
Section 304.590 - Travel safe zone defined — doubling of fine for violation in — signage required.
Section 304.665 - Riding in open bed of truck prohibited, when, exceptions, penalty.
Section 304.678 - Distance to be maintained when overtaking a bicycle — violation, penalty.
Section 304.890 - Definitions.