Effective - 28 Aug 2020, 3 histories
301.213. Dealers may purchase or accept in trade vehicles subject to existing liens, when — sale of vehicles subject to lien, when — replacement certificate, when — liability, when — violation, penalty. — 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 301.200 and 301.210, any person licensed as a motor vehicle dealer under sections 301.550 to 301.580 that has provided to the director of revenue a surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit in an amount not less than one hundred thousand dollars in a form which complies with the requirements of section 301.560 and in lieu of the fifty thousand dollar bond otherwise required for licensure as a motor vehicle dealer shall be authorized to purchase or accept in trade any motor vehicle for which there has been issued a certificate of ownership, and to receive such vehicle subject to any existing liens thereon created and perfected under sections 301.600 to 301.660 provided the licensed dealer receives the following:
(1) A signed written contract between the licensed dealer and the owner of the vehicle outlining the terms of the sale or acceptance in trade of such motor vehicle without transfer of the certificate of ownership; and
(2) Physical delivery of the vehicle to the licensed dealer; and
(3) A power of attorney from the owner to the licensed dealer, in accordance with subsection 4 of section 301.300, authorizing the licensed dealer to obtain a duplicate or replacement title in the owner's name and sign any title assignments on the owner's behalf.
2. If the dealer complies with the requirements of subsection 1 of this section, the sale or trade of the vehicle to the dealer shall be considered final, subject to any existing liens created and perfected under sections 301.600 to 301.660. Once the prior owner of the motor vehicle has physically delivered the motor vehicle to the licensed dealer, the prior owners' insurable interest in such vehicle shall cease to exist.
3. If a licensed dealer complies with the requirements of subsection 1 of this section, and such dealer has provided to the director of revenue a surety bond or irrevocable letter of credit in amount not less than one hundred thousand dollars in a form which complies with the requirements of section 301.560 and in lieu of the fifty thousand dollar bond otherwise required for licensure as a motor vehicle dealer, such dealer may sell such vehicle prior to receiving and assigning to the purchaser the certificate of ownership, provided such dealer complies with the following:
(1) All outstanding liens created on the vehicle pursuant to sections 301.600 to 301.660 have been paid in full, and the dealer provides a copy of proof or other evidence to the purchaser; and
(2) The dealer has obtained proof or other evidence from the department of revenue confirming that no outstanding child support liens exist upon the vehicle at the time of sale and provides a copy of said proof or other evidence to the purchaser; and
(3) The dealer has obtained proof or other evidence from the department of revenue confirming that all applicable state sales tax has been satisfied on the sale of the vehicle to the previous owner and provides a copy of said proof or other evidence to the purchaser; and
(4) The dealer has signed an application for duplicate or replacement title for the vehicle under subsection 4 of section 301.300 and provides a copy of the application to the purchaser, along with a copy of the power of attorney required by subsection 1 of this section, and the dealer has prepared and delivered to the purchaser an application for title for the vehicle in the purchaser's name; and
(5) The dealer and the purchaser have entered into a written agreement for the subsequent assignment and delivery of such certificate of ownership, on a form prescribed by the director of revenue, to take place at a time, not to exceed sixty calendar days, after the time of delivery of the motor vehicle to the purchaser. Such agreement shall require the purchaser to provide to the dealer proof of financial responsibility in accordance with chapter 303 and proof of comprehensive and collision coverage on the motor vehicle. Such dealer shall maintain the original or an electronic copy of the signed agreement and deliver a copy of the signed agreement to the purchaser. Such dealer shall also complete and deliver to the director of revenue such form as the director shall prescribe demonstrating that the purchaser has purchased the vehicle without contemporaneous delivery of the title.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, completion of the requirements of this subsection shall constitute prima facie evidence of an ownership interest vested in the purchaser of the vehicle for all purposes other than for a subsequent transfer of ownership of the vehicle by the purchaser, subject to the rights of any secured lienholder of record; however, the purchaser may use the dealer-supplied copy of the agreement to transfer his or her ownership of the vehicle to an insurance company in situations where the vehicle has been declared salvage or a total loss by the insurance company as a result of a settlement of a claim. Such insurance company may apply for a salvage certificate of title or junking certificate pursuant to the provisions of subsection 3 of section 301.193 in order to transfer its interest in such vehicle. The purchaser may also use the dealer-supplied copy of the agreement on the form prescribed by the director of revenue as proof of ownership interest. Any lender or insurance company may rely upon a copy of the signed written agreement on the form prescribed by the director of revenue as proof of ownership interest. Any lien placed upon a vehicle based upon such signed written agreement shall be valid and enforceable, notwithstanding the absence of a certificate of ownership.
4. Following a sale or other transaction in which a certificate of ownership has not been assigned from the owner to the licensed dealer, the dealer shall, within ten business days, apply for a duplicate or replacement certificate of ownership. Upon receipt of a duplicate or replacement certificate of ownership applied for under subsection 4 of section 301.300, the dealer shall assign and deliver said certificate of ownership to the purchaser of the vehicle within five business days. The dealer shall maintain proof of the assignment and delivery of the certificate of ownership to the purchaser. For purposes of this subsection, a dealer shall be deemed to have delivered the certificate of ownership to the purchaser upon either:
(1) Physical delivery of the certificate of ownership to any of the purchasers identified in the contract with such dealer; or
(2) Mailing of the certificate, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to any of the purchasers at any of their addresses identified in the contract with such dealer.
5. If a licensed dealer fails to comply with subsection 3 of this section, and the purchaser of the vehicle is thereby damaged, then the dealer shall be liable to the purchaser of the vehicle for actual damages, plus court costs and reasonable attorney fees.
6. If a licensed dealer fails or is unable to comply with subsection 4 of this section, and the purchaser of the vehicle is thereby damaged, then the dealer shall be liable to the purchaser of the vehicle for actual damages, plus court costs and reasonable attorney fees. If the dealer cannot be found by the purchaser after making reasonable attempts, or if the dealer fails to assign and deliver the duplicate or replacement certificate of ownership to the purchaser by the date agreed upon by the dealer and the purchaser, as required by subsection 4 of this section, then the purchaser may deliver to the director a copy of the contract for sale of the vehicle, a copy of the application for duplicate title provided by the dealer to the purchaser, a copy of the secure power of attorney allowing the dealer to assign the duplicate title, and the proof or other evidence obtained by the purchaser from the dealer under subsection 3 of this section. Thereafter, the director shall mail by certified mail, return receipt requested, a notice to the dealer at the last address given to the department by that dealer. That notice shall inform the dealer that the director intends to cancel any prior certificate of title which may have been issued to the dealer on the vehicle and issue to the purchaser a certificate of title in the name of the purchaser, subject to any liens incurred by the purchaser in connection with the purchase of the vehicle, unless the dealer, within ten business days from the date of the director's notice, files with the director a written objection to the director taking such action. If the dealer does file a timely, written objection with the director, then the director shall not take any further action without an order from a court of competent jurisdiction. However, if the dealer does not file a timely, written objection with the director, then the director shall cancel the prior certificate of title issued to the dealer on the vehicle and issue a certificate of title to the purchaser of the vehicle, subject to any liens incurred by the purchaser in connection with the purchase of the vehicle and subject to the purchaser satisfying all applicable taxes and fees associated with registering the vehicle.
7. If a seller misrepresents to a dealer that the seller is the owner of a vehicle and the dealer, the owner, any subsequent purchaser, or any prior or subsequent lienholder is thereby damaged, then the seller shall be liable to each such party for actual and punitive damages, plus court costs and reasonable attorney fees.
8. When a lienholder is damaged as a result of a licensed dealer's acts, errors, omissions, or violations of this section, then the dealer shall be liable to the lienholder for actual damages, plus court costs and reasonable attorney fees.
9. No court costs or attorney fees shall be awarded under this section unless, prior to filing any such action, the following conditions have been met:
(1) The aggrieved party seeking damages has delivered an itemized written demand of the party's actual damages to the party from whom damages are sought; and
(2) The party from whom damages are sought has not satisfied the written demand within thirty days after receipt of the written demand.
10. The department of revenue may use a dealer's repeated or intentional violation of this section as a cause to suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue or renew any license required pursuant to sections 301.550 to 301.580, in addition to the causes set forth in section 301.562. The hearing process shall be the same as that established in subsection 6 of section 301.562.
11. No dealer shall enter into a contract under this section after December 31, 2020. Any contract entered into prior to December 31, 2020, shall be enforceable as provided in this section. This section shall be repealed effective December 31, 2020.
(L. 2015 S.B. 456, A.L. 2018 S.B. 707, A.L. 2020 H.B. 1963)
Expires 12-31-20
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XIX - Motor Vehicles, Watercraft and Aviation
Chapter 301 - Registration and Licensing of Motor Vehicles
Section 301.002 - Rules, procedure.
Section 301.003 - Rules, effective, when — rules invalid and void, when.
Section 301.010 - Definitions.
Section 301.029 - Implements of husbandry, movement on highway permitted, when — definition.
Section 301.031 - Local commercial motor vehicle hauling solid waste, extended operational limit.
Section 301.040 - Notice of motor vehicle registration — applications.
Section 301.050 - Registration fees — penalty for delinquency.
Section 301.055 - Annual registration fees — motor vehicles other than commercial.
Section 301.057 - Annual registration fee — property-carrying commercial vehicles — exemption.
Section 301.061 - Annual registration fees — passenger-carrying local commercial motor vehicles.
Section 301.063 - Annual registration fees — local transit buses.
Section 301.065 - Annual registration fees — school buses.
Section 301.070 - Computation of fees.
Section 301.071 - Disabled veteran license plates, eligibility for.
Section 301.072 - Application for disabled veteran's plates, how made.
Section 301.073 - Plates, how issued, form of.
Section 301.075 - No fee for one set of disabled veteran plates — fee for subsequent sets.
Section 301.090 - Registration fees — collection and deposit.
Section 301.100 - Registration of motor vehicles operated for first time in state.
Section 301.110 - Director may change registration periods to equalize work.
Section 301.112 - Service agent obtaining certificate of ownership for owner, definition.
Section 301.114 - Service agent required to obtain license, form, qualifications, fee.
Section 301.117 - Bond requirements for service agents — paid out, when — liability limitation.
Section 301.120 - License plates returned, when.
Section 301.121 - Return of plates, partial refund.
Section 301.133 - Special mobile equipment exempt — when permitted on highways, exception.
Section 301.134 - Daughters of the American Revolution special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.135 - Personalized license plate — design and color — fee.
Section 301.139 - Parking cones for disabled — rulemaking procedure.
Section 301.145 - Congressional Medal of Honor, special license plates.
Section 301.150 - Sale of vehicle, procedure to follow — use of voided plates, penalty for.
Section 301.160 - License plate prima facie evidence fees paid.
Section 301.198 - Submitting false information about transfer of a vehicle, offense of, penalty.
Section 301.200 - Sales by dealers.
Section 301.217 - Definitions — salvaged motor vehicle title may be issued, when, procedure.
Section 301.219 - Application to be submitted, contents — fee.
Section 301.221 - Application to be submitted, contents, requirements to obtain license — fee.
Section 301.223 - Suspension or revocation of license.
Section 301.225 - Licensees to maintain records — inspection of premises.
Section 301.226 - Department to provide information.
Section 301.229 - Penalties — director of revenue to enforce provisions.
Section 301.230 - Stolen cars reported to state highway patrol — reports and information.
Section 301.240 - Director of revenue to cooperate with other states.
Section 301.267 - Seventy-two-hour permits — fee.
Section 301.271 - Reciprocity in registration with other states — registration of trailers.
Section 301.275 - Commission may require reports — make investigations — regulations.
Section 301.279 - Cooperation in reciprocal agreements with public service commission.
Section 301.301 - Stolen license plate tabs, replacement at no cost, when, procedure, limitation.
Section 301.302 - Missing license plate tab, no citation issued, when.
Section 301.320 - Other plates prohibited.
Section 301.350 - Books and records, motor vehicles — audit by state auditor, when.
Section 301.351 - Fee for records requested for batch/bulk customers authorized.
Section 301.360 - Record established by chapter 301 to be retained or destroyed, when.
Section 301.370 - Replacement of motor — procedure.
Section 301.400 - Removal or defacing manufacturer's numbers — penalty.
Section 301.401 - Special mobile equipment and tires, defacing serial number prohibited — penalty.
Section 301.420 - Applications — false statements prohibited.
Section 301.440 - Penalty for violations.
Section 301.444 - Firefighters, special licenses for certain vehicles — fee.
Section 301.451 - Purple Heart medal, special license plates.
Section 301.455 - Log trucks to be noted on registration receipts.
Section 301.456 - Silver star, special license plate — application procedure — design — fee.
Section 301.464 - Korean War veteran, special license plates.
Section 301.465 - World War II veteran, special license plates.
Section 301.466 - Jaycees, special license plate — application, procedure, design, fee.
Section 301.474 - Korean Defense Service Medal, special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.475 - Brain Tumor Awareness Organization special license plates, procedure.
Section 301.477 - Combat Action Badge special license plate authorized, fee.
Section 301.481 - Missouri 4-H special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.550 - Definitions — classification of dealers.
Section 301.555 - Civil liability, department officials and employees immune from, when.
Section 301.561 - Sign required at public motor vehicle auction.
Section 301.565 - Injunction may issue, grounds — remedy not exclusive.
Section 301.567 - Advertising standards, violation of, when.
Section 301.568 - Exchange of motor vehicles between dealers, registration not required, when.
Section 301.569 - Recreational vehicle shows and exhibits by out-of-state promoters permitted, when.
Section 301.571 - Mobility motor vehicle dealers, definitions, authority.
Section 301.573 - Title designations may be reviewed by department of revenue.
Section 301.620 - Duties of parties upon creation of lien or encumbrance, violation, penalty.
Section 301.644 - Electronic signature permitted, when.
Section 301.650 - Scope of law — method of perfecting liens or encumbrances is exclusive.
Section 301.660 - Law not to affect existing rights, duties and interests.
Section 301.684 - Transfers not subject to sales and use tax.
Section 301.703 - Unlawful to operate without certificate of ownership, when.
Section 301.707 - Registration required, exceptions.
Section 301.709 - Application, contents.
Section 301.714 - Transfer of all-terrain vehicle, new owner to register.
Section 301.716 - Special enforcement procedures.
Section 301.2998 - Special license plates, issuance of not required, when.
Section 301.3030 - No limit on certain special license plates for qualified persons.
Section 301.3032 - March of Dimes special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3040 - Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal special license plate, procedure.
Section 301.3043 - Missouri Botanical Garden special license plate, application, fees.
Section 301.3045 - St. Louis Zoo special license plate, application, fees.
Section 301.3047 - Kansas City Zoo special license plate, application, fees.
Section 301.3049 - Springfield Zoo special license plate, application, fees.
Section 301.3050 - Safari Club International specialized license plate, issuance, fees.
Section 301.3052 - Navy Cross special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3054 - Honorable discharge from the military special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3060 - Civil Air Patrol special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3065 - MO-AG Businesses special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3074 - NAACP special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3078 - Operation Iraqi Freedom special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3079 - Missouri agriculture special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3080 - Rotary International special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3084 - Breast Cancer Awareness special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3085 - United States Marine Corps, active duty combat, special license plate authorized.
Section 301.3086 - Delta Sigma Theta and Omega Psi Phi special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3090 - Operation Enduring Freedom special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3092 - Friends of Arrow Rock special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3093 - Eagle Scout special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3094 - Tribe of Mic-O-Say special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3095 - Order of the Arrow special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3097 - God Bless America special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3098 - Kingdom of Calontir special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3102 - St. Louis College of Pharmacy special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3103 - Fraternal Order of Police special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3105 - Veterans of Foreign Wars special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3106 - Former Missouri legislator special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3107 - Missouri Task Force One special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3115 - Air medal award special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3116 - Operation Noble Eagle special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3117 - Jefferson National Parks Association special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3118 - Missouri Elks Association special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3119 - Missouri Travel Council special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3121 - Spouse of military members may be issued special license plates, procedure.
Section 301.3122 - Friends of Kids with Cancer special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3124 - Special Olympics Missouri special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3125 - Be An Organ Donor special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3126 - Fox trotter — state horse special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3128 - To Protect and Serve special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3131 - Optimist International special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3133 - Lewis and Clark expedition anniversary special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3137 - Alpha Phi Omega special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3139 - Boy Scouts of America special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3143 - Delta Tau Delta special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3144 - Camp Quality special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3145 - American Heart Association special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3146 - Search and Rescue special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3147 - Theta Chi special license plates, application, fee.
Section 301.3158 - Legion of merit medal special license plate, procedure.
Section 301.3159 - Meritorious Service special license plate — application, procedure, fee.
Section 301.3161 - Cass County — The Burnt District special license plate authorized, fee.
Section 301.3162 - Nixa Education Foundation special license plate authorized, fee.
Section 301.3163 - Don't Tread on Me specialty personalized license plate authorized.
Section 301.3165 - DARE TO DREAM special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3166 - National Wild Turkey Federation special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3167 - GO TEAM USA special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3168 - PROUD SUPPORTER (American Red Cross) special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3169 - Pony Express special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3170 - National Rifle Association special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3172 - Woman Veteran special license plate, application fee.
Section 301.3175 - Back the Blue special license plate, application, fee.
Section 301.3179 - Negro Leagues Baseball Museum license plates — application, procedure, fee.
Section 301.3150 - Procedure for approval, exceptions — transfer of moneys collected.
Section 301.3152 - Appeal procedure for denial.
Section 301.3154 - Fee, amount — exemptions.
Section 301.4000 - Military service special license plates for motorcycles, application, fees.