Effective - 28 Aug 2012
292.655. Definitions — needles used by employers in conduct of business, any commercially available may be used. — 1. For purposes of this section, the following terms mean:
(1) "Engineered injury protection device", a mechanical device or feature to a device that renders the needle incapable of inflicting a needlestick injury either by:
(a) Destruction of the medical needle sharp metal point at the point of procedure or use; or
(b) Covering the sharp end of the needle at the time the needle is removed from the skin of the subject human or animal.
Recapping the medical needle with the original needle packaging cover is not considered an engineered injury protection device.
(2) "Medical needles", hypodermic needles or other similar hollow-bore needles, syringes, or blood extraction apparatus with a primary function to penetrate the skin of a living human or animal.
2. Employers that use medical needles in the routine course of conducting business in the state may use any commercially available engineered injury protection device that can be reasonably expected to reduce the risk of accidental needlestick injuries to employees, patients, or customers.
3. This section shall not apply to needles for sewing dead animal skins or parts, fish hooks, gaffs, animal tags, or other similar sharp objects related to animals but unrelated to health care or testing of live animals. This section shall not apply to any veterinary care provided by a licensed veterinarian or veterinary care provider in or outside of a designated veterinary office, including but not limited to a ranch, farm, or private residence being provided in the scope of veterinary practices under chapter 340.
(L. 2012 H.B. 1647)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XVIII - Labor and Industrial Relations
Chapter 292 - Health and Safety of Employees
Section 292.010 - Notification of occupancy of factory.
Section 292.020 - Equipment to be guarded.
Section 292.030 - Safety guards.
Section 292.040 - Minor not to clean or work in certain places about machinery.
Section 292.050 - Openings to be guarded.
Section 292.060 - Fire escapes.
Section 292.070 - Doors to open outward, not to be bolted, when.
Section 292.080 - Explosives not to be placed near egress.
Section 292.090 - Scaffolding — warning to those near building.
Section 292.110 - Ventilation.
Section 292.120 - Prevention of dust, smoke and gas.
Section 292.130 - Director may order fan installed.
Section 292.140 - Overcrowding in factories prohibited.
Section 292.150 - Washrooms for women.
Section 292.160 - Separate water closets.
Section 292.190 - All accidents to be reported.
Section 292.210 - Violation a misdemeanor — fines.
Section 292.220 - Proceedings against whom when violated by corporation.
Section 292.230 - Prosecution where violation of other laws.
Section 292.240 - Fines, where paid.
Section 292.250 - Duty of prosecuting attorney.
Section 292.280 - Inspection — duty and power of director of inspection section.
Section 292.300 - Employer to provide protection to employees from diseases.
Section 292.310 - Articles considered dangerous to health.
Section 292.320 - Employees to be furnished with clothing — respirators to be used while at work.
Section 292.330 - Employees to be examined monthly by physician.
Section 292.350 - Duty of director of department of health and senior services.
Section 292.360 - Employer to provide dressing rooms, lavatories.
Section 292.370 - Drinking fountains, ice water, to be provided employees.
Section 292.380 - Workrooms to be kept in sanitary condition.
Section 292.390 - Prevention of dust.
Section 292.400 - Hoppers, chutes, to be provided with covering.
Section 292.410 - Duty of director of inspection section.
Section 292.420 - Notices to be posted in rooms — to contain what.
Section 292.430 - Penalty for violation.
Section 292.440 - Employer defined.
Section 292.450 - Applicability of sections 292.450 to 292.540.
Section 292.460 - Outside ladder not to be used, when.
Section 292.470 - Stairways to be kept lighted when in use.
Section 292.480 - To provide protection for persons engaged in building.
Section 292.490 - Must build proper supports — when.
Section 292.500 - Duty of contractors and owners.
Section 292.510 - Shafts or openings to be enclosed — railroads excepted.
Section 292.520 - Director to enforce provisions.
Section 292.530 - Violation — penalty.
Section 292.540 - Director to make inspection.
Section 292.560 - Sale of tenement-made articles prohibited.
Section 292.600 - Definitions.
Section 292.604 - Funding of commission — distribution of funds.
Section 292.613 - Rules and regulations, department to promulgate — procedure.
Section 292.625 - Additional duties of department.
Section 292.630 - Portable toilets required at certain construction projects.
Section 292.656 - Medical needles, employer use of OSHA- or FDA-approved devices permitted.