Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 292 - Health and Safety of Employees
Section 292.350 - Duty of director of department of health and senior services.

Effective - 28 Aug 1939
292.350. Duty of director of department of health and senior services. — The director of the department of health and senior services shall, immediately upon receipt of any report from any physician in accordance with the provisions of section 292.340, transmit a copy thereof to the director of the inspection section, and a copy to the superintendent of the factory in which the employee is supposed to have contracted his ailment.
(RSMo 1939 § 10216)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 13257; 1919 § 6822

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XVIII - Labor and Industrial Relations

Chapter 292 - Health and Safety of Employees

Section 292.010 - Notification of occupancy of factory.

Section 292.020 - Equipment to be guarded.

Section 292.030 - Safety guards.

Section 292.040 - Minor not to clean or work in certain places about machinery.

Section 292.050 - Openings to be guarded.

Section 292.060 - Fire escapes.

Section 292.070 - Doors to open outward, not to be bolted, when.

Section 292.080 - Explosives not to be placed near egress.

Section 292.090 - Scaffolding — warning to those near building.

Section 292.110 - Ventilation.

Section 292.120 - Prevention of dust, smoke and gas.

Section 292.130 - Director may order fan installed.

Section 292.140 - Overcrowding in factories prohibited.

Section 292.150 - Washrooms for women.

Section 292.160 - Separate water closets.

Section 292.180 - Health and safety of employees to be protected — director may seal machinery, when.

Section 292.190 - All accidents to be reported.

Section 292.200 - Offenses.

Section 292.210 - Violation a misdemeanor — fines.

Section 292.220 - Proceedings against whom when violated by corporation.

Section 292.230 - Prosecution where violation of other laws.

Section 292.240 - Fines, where paid.

Section 292.250 - Duty of prosecuting attorney.

Section 292.280 - Inspection — duty and power of director of inspection section.

Section 292.290 - Penalty.

Section 292.300 - Employer to provide protection to employees from diseases.

Section 292.310 - Articles considered dangerous to health.

Section 292.320 - Employees to be furnished with clothing — respirators to be used while at work.

Section 292.330 - Employees to be examined monthly by physician.

Section 292.340 - Physician to make report to department of health and senior services — penalty for failure.

Section 292.350 - Duty of director of department of health and senior services.

Section 292.360 - Employer to provide dressing rooms, lavatories.

Section 292.370 - Drinking fountains, ice water, to be provided employees.

Section 292.380 - Workrooms to be kept in sanitary condition.

Section 292.390 - Prevention of dust.

Section 292.400 - Hoppers, chutes, to be provided with covering.

Section 292.410 - Duty of director of inspection section.

Section 292.420 - Notices to be posted in rooms — to contain what.

Section 292.430 - Penalty for violation.

Section 292.440 - Employer defined.

Section 292.450 - Applicability of sections 292.450 to 292.540.

Section 292.460 - Outside ladder not to be used, when.

Section 292.470 - Stairways to be kept lighted when in use.

Section 292.480 - To provide protection for persons engaged in building.

Section 292.490 - Must build proper supports — when.

Section 292.500 - Duty of contractors and owners.

Section 292.510 - Shafts or openings to be enclosed — railroads excepted.

Section 292.520 - Director to enforce provisions.

Section 292.530 - Violation — penalty.

Section 292.540 - Director to make inspection.

Section 292.560 - Sale of tenement-made articles prohibited.

Section 292.570 - Penalty.

Section 292.600 - Definitions.

Section 292.602 - Missouri emergency response commission established — members — appointment, qualifications — terms — vacancies — removal for cause — expenses, powers and duties.

Section 292.604 - Funding of commission — distribution of funds.

Section 292.605 - Employer to furnish certain information, to whom, form — on-site inspections, when — updating of information, when — information made available to public, by whom, fee.

Section 292.606 - Fees, certain employers, how much, due when, late penalty — excess credited when — agencies receiving funds, duties — use of funds, commission to establish criteria.

Section 292.607 - Chemical emergency preparedness fund established — reversion to general revenue, prohibited.

Section 292.610 - Employer's trade secrets, department to protect — disclosure of by public employees and officers, penalty.

Section 292.613 - Rules and regulations, department to promulgate — procedure.

Section 292.615 - Violations, attorney general to bring action — jurisdiction, circuit court — penalties, limit, payable to general revenue — civil actions, by whom, why, commission approval — actions against local committee, by whom, why — access fo...

Section 292.617 - Explosive or blasting agents, temporary storage — notification of local fire department and certain others — content of report, exceptions — visible markings on buildings, rooms and containers, requirements, exceptions — motor vehic...

Section 292.623 - Immunity from liability for official actions by members of commission and local emergency planning committee, exceptions.

Section 292.625 - Additional duties of department.

Section 292.630 - Portable toilets required at certain construction projects.

Section 292.650 - Hepatitis B immunization for at-risk state employees — departments to determine, duties.

Section 292.655 - Definitions — needles used by employers in conduct of business, any commercially available may be used.

Section 292.656 - Medical needles, employer use of OSHA- or FDA-approved devices permitted.

Section 292.675 - Definitions — on-site training required — workers to maintain documentation of completion of training — resolution or ordinance required — violations, penalty — rulemaking authority.