Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 281 - Pesticides
Section 281.030 - Classification of licenses, how made — rulemaking powers — fees.

There are multiple enactments of 281.030
Effective - 01 Jan 2024, 2 histories
281.030. Classification of licenses, how made — rulemaking powers — fees. — 1. The director may, by regulation, classify licenses to be issued under sections 281.010 to 281.115. Such classifications may include but not be limited to commercial applicators, noncommercial applicators, private applicators, provisional private applicators, public operators, pesticide technicians, or noncertified RUP applicators. Separate classifications may be specified as to ground, aerial, or manual methods used by any licensee to apply pesticides or to the use of pesticides for the control of pests.
2. The director may, by regulation, establish certification categories to be provided under each license classification. Each certification category shall be subject to separate testing procedures and requirements; provided, that no individual shall be required to pay an additional fee if the individual is certified in one or all of the certification categories provided under the license for which the individual has applied. The director may, by regulation, establish certification categories limited to the use of certain pesticides and issue a license therefor. Each certification category shall be subject to separate testing procedures covering only those pesticides for which the applicant seeks to be licensed.
3. The director may by regulation establish fees for identification documents.
(L. 1974 S.B. 431 § 5, A.L. 1977 H.B. 665, A.L. 1981 S.B. 200, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1384, A.L. 1995 S.B. 3, A.L. 2021 H.B. 476 merged with S.B. 26)
Effective 1-01-24, see § 281.102

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XVII - Agriculture and Animals

Chapter 281 - Pesticides

Section 281.005 - Preemption of all ordinances and rules of political subdivisions.

Section 281.010 - Short title.

Section 281.015 - Director of agriculture to administer.

Section 281.015 - Director of agriculture to administer.

Section 281.020 - Definitions.

Section 281.020 - Definitions.

Section 281.023 - Director may enter into cooperative agreements with political subdivisions.

Section 281.025 - Director may issue regulations — notice, how given — list of restricted use pesticides, adoption of — public hearings, when — rulemaking procedure.

Section 281.025 - Director may issue regulations — notice, how given — list of restricted use pesticides, adoption of — public hearings, when — rulemaking procedure.

Section 281.030 - Classification of licenses, how made — rulemaking powers — fees.

Section 281.030 - Classification of licenses, how made — rulemaking powers — fees.

Section 281.035 - Certified commercial applicator's license required when, annual fee — application for license, how made — examinations — records to be kept — incapacity of sole certified applicator, effect of — display of license — change of addres...

Section 281.035 - Certified commercial applicator's license required when, annual fee — application for license, how made — examinations — records to be kept — incapacity of sole certified applicator, effect of.

Section 281.037 - Certified noncommercial applicator's license, when required — application for license, examination, fee — scope of license — records to be kept — display of license — change of address, notice.

Section 281.037 - Certified noncommercial applicator's license, when required — application for certified noncommercial applicator's license, examination, fee — scope of license — records to be kept.

Section 281.038 - Determination of need for use of pesticide, who may make — pesticide technician's license, application, requirements, fee.

Section 281.038 - Determination of need for use of pesticide, who may make — pesticide technician's license, application, requirements, fee.

Section 281.040 - Private applicator's license, qualifications for — training, review committee — duration, renewal — provisional license, automatic conversion to permanent license, when.

Section 281.040 - Private applicator's license, qualifications for, duration, renewal — emergency use of restricted pesticides, when authorized.

Section 281.045 - Certified operator license, when required — application, requirements, examination — maintenance of records — liability of governmental agencies — display of license — change of address, notice — volunteers, use of pesticides withou...

Section 281.045 - Certified operator license, when required — application, requirements, examination — maintenance of records — liability of governmental agencies.

Section 281.048 - Noncertified RUP applicator license — application, issuance and renewal, fee — authority of licensee, limitation by director, when — notification by licensee of changes — retraining — display of license.

Section 281.050 - Pesticide dealer's license required, fee, qualifications — grounds for suspension or revocation — restricted use of pesticides, sale or transfer, to whom, exception — records to be kept — change of address, notice of.

Section 281.050 - Pesticide dealer's license required, fee, qualifications — grounds for suspension or revocation — restricted use of pesticides, sale or transfer, to whom, exception — records to be kept — change of address, notice of.

Section 281.055 - Late renewal of license, penalty, reexamination, when — director to provide guideline book, fee for book.

Section 281.055 - Late renewal of license, penalty, reexamination, when — director to provide guideline book, fee for book.

Section 281.060 - Sanctioning of license, when — civil penalty, when, amount, enforcement of.

Section 281.060 - Revocation, suspension or modification of license, when — civil penalty, when, amount, enforcement of.

Section 281.061 - Inspection with consent of owner of premises — search warrant to issue, when — director may bring action to enjoin, when.

Section 281.063 - Director may subpoena witnesses and documents, when.

Section 281.063 - Director may subpoena witnesses and documents, when.

Section 281.065 - Bond or insurance required, amount — deductible clause accepted, when — new surety, when — liability, effect of chapter on.

Section 281.065 - Bond or insurance required — deductible clause accepted, when — new surety, when — liability, effect of chapter on.

Section 281.070 - Damage claims to be filed with director, when due — duties of director — failure to file, effect of — investigation or hearing, powers of director.

Section 281.070 - Damage claims to be filed with director, when due — duties of director — failure to file, effect of — investigation or hearing, powers of director.

Section 281.075 - Reciprocal licensing authorized, when.

Section 281.075 - Reciprocal licensing authorized, when — agent to be designated by nonresidents.

Section 281.080 - Exemptions.

Section 281.085 - Pesticide containers, regulation of, handling of.

Section 281.085 - Pesticide containers, regulation of, handling of.

Section 281.090 - Stop orders, when — effect of.

Section 281.095 - Appeals, how taken.

Section 281.100 - Instructional courses, how conducted.

Section 281.101 - Unlawful acts.

Section 281.101 - Unlawful acts.

Section 281.102 - Delayed effective date.

Section 281.105 - Penalty for violations.

Section 281.110 - Authorization to accept federal aid.

Section 281.115 - Director's rules, ratification of.

Section 281.116 - Inspectors for wood-destroying insects, licenses required.

Section 281.120 - Herbicides, use on crops not labeled for — definitions — civil penalties, when — complaint investigation — rulemaking authority.

Section 281.210 - Citation of law — administration by director of agriculture.

Section 281.220 - Definitions.

Section 281.230 - Rules and regulations, authority.

Section 281.240 - Conditions under which pesticides may be sold, distributed or transported — other acts prohibited.

Section 281.250 - Exemptions.

Section 281.260 - Registration of pesticides — renewal — fees — powers of director — cancellation of registration on notice and hearing — experimental use permit issued when — revocation.

Section 281.265 - Pesticide education fund created, use of moneys.

Section 281.270 - Inspection, limitations — search warrant may be issued, when — violations, prosecuting attorney's duties.

Section 281.280 - Examination of samples — noncompliance with regulations, notice, opportunity to present views — violation, director's powers and duties.

Section 281.290 - Cooperation and agreements with agencies, states, political subdivisions and the United States, authorized.

Section 281.300 - Seizure and condemnation of unlawful pesticides — director's powers and duties.

Section 281.310 - Penalties for violations.