Effective - 28 Aug 2002
226.580. Unlawful signs defined — removal authorized — notice — owner may proceed, how — removal costs, how paid — review of order, how — order of removal — reimbursement to owner, when. — 1. The following outdoor advertising within six hundred sixty feet of the right-of-way of interstate or primary highways is deemed unlawful and shall be subject to removal:
(1) Signs erected after March 30, 1972, contrary to the provisions of sections 226.500 to 226.600 and signs erected on or after January 1, 1968, but before March 30, 1972, contrary to the sizing, spacing, lighting, or location provisions of sections 226.500 to 226.600 as they appeared in the revised statutes of Missouri 1969; or
(2) Signs for which a permit is not obtained or a biennial inspection fee is more than twelve months past due; or
(3) Signs which are obsolete. Signs shall not be considered obsolete solely because they temporarily do not carry an advertising message; or
(4) Signs that are not in good repair; or
(5) Signs not securely affixed to a substantial structure; or
(6) Signs which attempt or appear to attempt to regulate, warn, or direct the movement of traffic or which interfere with, imitate, or resemble any official traffic sign, signal, or device; or
(7) Signs which are erected or maintained upon trees or painted or drawn upon rocks or other natural features.
2. Signs erected after August 13, 1976, beyond six hundred sixty feet of the right-of-way outside of urban areas, visible from the main traveled way of the interstate or primary system and erected with the purpose of their message being read from such traveled way, except those signs described in subdivisions (1) and (2) of section 226.520 are deemed unlawful and shall be subject to removal.
3. If a sign is deemed to be unlawful for any of the reasons set out in subsections 1 to 7 of this section, the state highways and transportation commission shall give notice either by certified mail or by personal service to the owner or occupant of the land on which advertising believed to be unlawful is located and the owner of the outdoor advertising structure. Such notice shall specify the basis for the alleged unlawfulness, shall specify the remedial action which is required to correct the unlawfulness and shall advise that a failure to take the remedial action within sixty days will result in the sign being removed. Within sixty days after receipt of the notice as to him, the owner of the land or of the structure may remove the sign or may take the remedial action specified or may file an action for administrative review pursuant to the provisions of sections 536.067 to 536.090 to review the action of the state highways and transportation commission, or he may proceed under the provisions of section 536.150 as if the act of the highways and transportation commission was one not subject to administrative review. Notwithstanding any other provisions of sections 226.500 to 226.600, no outdoor advertising structure erected prior to August 28, 1992, defined as a "structure lawfully in existence" or "lawfully existing", by subdivision (1), (2) or (3) of subsection 3* of section 226.550, shall be removed for failure to have a permit until a notice, as provided in this section, has been issued which shall specify failure to obtain a permit or pay a biennial inspection fee as the basis for alleged unlawfulness, and shall advise that failure to take the remedial action of applying for a permit or paying the inspection fee within sixty days will result in the sign being removed. Signs for which biennial inspection fees are delinquent shall not be removed unless the fees are more than twelve months past due and actual notice of the delinquency has been provided to the sign owner. Upon application made within the sixty-day period as provided in this section, and accompanied by the fee prescribed by section 226.550, together with any inspection fees that would have been payable if a permit had been timely issued, the state highways and transportation commission shall issue a one-time permanent permit for such sign. Such signs with respect to which permits are so issued are hereby determined by the state of Missouri to have been lawfully erected within the meaning of "lawfully erected" as that term is used in Title 23, United States Code, Section 131(g), as amended, and shall only be removed upon payment of just compensation, except that the issuance of permits shall not entitle the owners of such signs to compensation for their removal if it is finally determined that such signs are not "lawfully erected" as that term is used in Section 131(g) of Title 23 of the United States Code.
4. If actual notice as provided in this section is given and neither the remedial action specified is taken nor an action for review is filed, or if an action for review is filed and is finally adjudicated in favor of the state highways and transportation commission, the state highways and transportation commission shall have authority to immediately remove the unlawful outdoor advertising. The owner of the structure shall be liable for the costs of such removal. The commission shall incur no liability for causing this removal, except for damage caused by negligence of the commission, its agents or employees.
5. If notice as provided in this section is given and an action for review is filed under the provisions of section 536.150, or if administrative review pursuant to the provisions of sections 536.067 to 536.090 is filed and the state highways and transportation commission enters its final decision and order to remove the outdoor advertising structure, the advertising message contained on the structure shall be removed or concealed by the owner of the structure, at the owner's expense, until the action for judicial review is finally adjudicated. If the owner of the structure refuses or fails to remove or conceal the advertising message, the commission may remove or conceal the advertising message and the owner of the structure shall be liable for the costs of such removal or concealment. The commission shall incur no liability for causing the removal or concealment of the advertising message while an action for review is pending, except if the owner finally prevails in its action for judicial review, the commission will compensate the owner at the rate the owner is actually receiving income from the advertiser pursuant to written lease from the time the message is removed until the judicial review is final.
6. Any signs advertising tourist-oriented type business will be the last to be removed.
7. Any signs prohibited by section 226.527 which were lawfully erected prior to August 13, 1976, shall be removed pursuant to section 226.570.
8. The transportation department shall reimburse to the lawful owners of any said nonconforming signs that are now in existence as defined in sections 226.540, 226.550, 226.580 and 226.585, said compensation calculated and/or based on a fair market value and not mere replacement cost.
(L. 1965 2d Ex. Sess. p. 900 § 9, A.L. 1972 S.B. 382, A.L. 1976 H.B. 1478, A.L. 1992 S.B. 652, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1196 merged with H.B. 1508)
*Words "subsection 2" appear in original rolls (S.B. 652, 1992).
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XIV - Roads and Waterways
Chapter 226 - Department of Transportation
Section 226.007 - Transfer of agencies.
Section 226.010 - Definitions.
Section 226.020 - State highways and transportation commission created.
Section 226.030 - Number of members — qualifications — term — removal — compensation.
Section 226.033 - Prohibited acts by certain commissioners.
Section 226.033 - Prohibited acts by certain commissioners.
Section 226.050 - Secretary to be appointed — duties and powers.
Section 226.070 - Attorney general shall advise commission, when.
Section 226.080 - Salaries, how fixed — veterans' preference authorized.
Section 226.095 - Arbitration for negligence actions, when.
Section 226.100 - Principal office to be in Jefferson City — persons authorized to administer oaths.
Section 226.120 - Chairman and vice chairman, election, term — quorum — monthly meeting, required.
Section 226.130 - Duties and powers of commission — rulemaking, procedure.
Section 226.134 - Projects funded by bonds to conform with priorities of 1992 plan, exception.
Section 226.140 - Audit of records, when — plan to modernize transportation system, report.
Section 226.170 - Election of state highways and transportation commission, how construed.
Section 226.181 - Parks, requests for federal aid, notice to be given department.
Section 226.190 - Assent to act of Congress for aid to state roads.
Section 226.210 - Road bond interest and sinking fund.
Section 226.220 - State road fund — sources — expenditures.
Section 226.225 - State transportation fund established, purposes.
Section 226.230 - Auditor, treasurer and highways and transportation commission — duties.
Section 226.250 - Authorized to acquire, by lease, purchase, or condemnation, plants or factories.
Section 226.270 - Method of procedure in case of condemnation proceedings.
Section 226.280 - Definitions.
Section 226.290 - Interpretations.
Section 226.300 - Purpose of law.
Section 226.310 - Duties and powers of state transportation department.
Section 226.320 - State agencies to cooperate.
Section 226.330 - State transportation department to accept donations of and acquire lands.
Section 226.340 - Area to be provided for parkway purposes.
Section 226.350 - State to convey necessary areas in fee simple to United States.
Section 226.360 - Political subdivisions to convey parkway areas.
Section 226.370 - Areas to be in accordance with preliminary development and property maps.
Section 226.380 - Areas prohibited from certain uses.
Section 226.390 - Use of existing highways in connection with parkways — conditions.
Section 226.400 - Concurrent jurisdiction ceded to United States.
Section 226.410 - All other powers preserved to state.
Section 226.420 - Powers and duties of state transportation department in parkway area.
Section 226.430 - Powers to be exercised when funds are appropriated.
Section 226.440 - Commission established.
Section 226.445 - Commission members, number, term, appointment — compensation — staff.
Section 226.450 - Meetings, number required annually — called how — quorum.
Section 226.455 - Commission's duties.
Section 226.460 - Commission's powers.
Section 226.465 - State agencies to cooperate.
Section 226.490 - Official highway maps — certain attractions to be designated, when.
Section 226.500 - Purpose of law.
Section 226.501 - Tenth amendment to United States Constitution quoted.
Section 226.502 - Legislative intent — funds to be used.
Section 226.510 - Definitions.
Section 226.520 - Permitted signs — specifications.
Section 226.530 - Permits — rulemaking.
Section 226.532 - Attorney general to represent the state in certain actions.
Section 226.545 - Landmark signs, permitted when.
Section 226.560 - Certain provisions to affect subsequently erected signs only.
Section 226.573 - Rulemaking — new technology in outdoor advertising.
Section 226.585 - Vegetation along right-of-way, cutting of — transportation department, duties.
Section 226.590 - Matching funds — source.
Section 226.650 - Purpose of law.
Section 226.660 - Definitions.
Section 226.670 - Licenses — fee.
Section 226.680 - Prohibited areas — exceptions.
Section 226.690 - Preexisting junkyards — screening — removal.
Section 226.700 - Rules authorized — injunctive relief.
Section 226.710 - Unlicensed junkyard — penalty.
Section 226.720 - Unscreened junkyards near state and county roads prohibited — penalty.
Section 226.750 - Beautification, rest, recreational areas authorized.
Section 226.760 - Acquisition, condemnation authority.
Section 226.770 - Authority to contract with public agencies for funds.
Section 226.780 - Expenditures limited to federal funds, when.
Section 226.790 - Commercial facilities within rest or recreation areas prohibited.
Section 226.792 - U.S. Route 66, original roads and highways to be renamed "Route 66".
Section 226.795 - Scenic road, State Highway 19 designation, duties.
Section 226.796 - U.S. Highway 66 designated historic highway — duties — costs, how paid.
Section 226.800 - Marking national historic trails with approved signs — donations.
Section 226.801 - Signs and outdoor advertising, rules and regulations.
Section 226.907 - Minority-owned construction companies not required, when.
Section 226.910 - Contract requirements not in compliance with federal law to be null and void.
Section 226.950 - Definitions.
Section 226.975 - Commission not required to file plans.
Section 226.1115 - Property removed from roadway to be taken to shoulder or berm of roadway.