Effective - 28 Aug 2014
226.008. Responsibilities and authority of highways and transportation commission — transfer of authority to department of transportation. — 1. The highways and transportation commission shall have responsibility and authority, as provided in this section and sections 104.805, 389.005, 389.610, and 621.040, for the administration and enforcement of:
(1) Licensing, supervising and regulating motor carriers for the transportation of passengers, household goods and other property by motor vehicles within this state;
(2) Licensing motor carriers to transport hazardous waste, used oil, infectious waste and permitting waste tire haulers in intrastate or interstate commerce, or both, by motor vehicles within this state;
(3) Compliance by motor carriers and motor private carriers with applicable requirements relating to safety and hazardous materials transportation, within the terminals of motor carriers and motor private carriers of passengers or property;
(4) Compliance by motor carriers and motor private carriers with applicable requirements relating to safety and hazardous materials transportation wherever they possess, transport or deliver hazardous waste, used oil, infectious waste or waste tires. This authority is in addition to, and not exclusive of, the authority of the department of natural resources to ensure compliance with any and all applicable requirements related to the transportation of hazardous waste, used oil, infectious waste or waste tires;
(5) Collecting and regulating amounts payable to the state from interstate motor carriers in accordance with the provisions of the International Fuel Tax Agreement in accordance with section 142.617, and any successor or similar agreements, including the authority to impose and collect motor fuel taxes due pursuant to chapter 142, and such agreement;
(6) Registering and regulating interstate commercial motor vehicles operated upon the highways of this state, in accordance with the provisions of the International Registration Plan in accordance with sections 301.271 through 301.277, and any successor or similar agreements, including the authority to issue license plates in accordance with sections 301.130 and 301.041;
(7) Permitting the transportation of over dimension or overweight motor vehicles or loads that exceed the maximum weights or dimensions otherwise allowed upon the public highways within the jurisdiction of the highways and transportation commission; and
(8) Licensing intrastate housemovers.
2. The highways and transportation commission shall carry out all powers, duties and functions relating to intrastate and interstate transportation previously performed by:
(1) The division of motor carrier and railroad safety within the department of economic development, and all officers or employees of that division;
(2) The department of natural resources, and all officers or employees of that division, relating to the issuance of licenses or permits to transport hazardous waste, used oil, infectious waste or waste tires by motor vehicles operating within the state;
(3) The highway reciprocity commission within the department of revenue, and all officers or employees of that commission; and the director of revenue's powers, duties and functions relating to the highway reciprocity commission, except that the highways and transportation commission may allow the department of revenue to enforce the provisions of the International Fuel Tax Agreement, as required by such agreement; and
(4) The motor carrier services unit within the traffic functional unit of the department of transportation, relating to the special permitting of operations on state highways of motor vehicles or loads that exceed the maximum length, width, height or weight limits established by law or by the highways and transportation commission.
3. All the powers, duties and functions described in subsections 1 and 2 of this section, including but not limited to, all powers, duties and functions pursuant to chapters 387, 390 and 622, including all rules and orders, are hereby transferred to the department of transportation, which is in the charge of the highways and transportation commission, by type I transfer, as defined in the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974, and the preceding agencies and officers shall no longer be responsible for those powers, duties and functions.
4. All the powers, duties and functions, including all rules and orders, of the administrative law judges of the division of motor carrier and railroad safety, as amended by the provisions of this section and sections 104.805, 389.005, 389.610, and 621.040, are hereby transferred to the administrative hearing commission within the state office of administration.
5. The division of motor carrier and railroad safety and the highway reciprocity commission are abolished.
6. Personnel previously employed by the division of motor carrier and railroad safety and the highway reciprocity commission shall be transferred to the department of transportation, but the department of natural resources shall not be required to transfer any personnel pursuant to this section. The administrative law judge within the division of motor carrier and railroad safety shall be transferred to the administrative hearing commission.
7. Credentials issued by the transferring agencies or officials before July 11, 2002, shall remain in force or expire as provided by law. In addition, the highways and transportation commission shall have the authority to suspend, cancel or revoke such credentials after July 11, 2002.
8. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, on and after July 11, 2002, all surety bonds, cash bonds, certificates of deposit, letters of credit, drafts, checks or other financial instruments payable to:
(1) The highway reciprocity commission or the department of revenue pursuant to section 301.041 or pursuant to the International Fuel Tax Agreement; or
(2) Any other agency or official whose powers, duties or functions are transferred pursuant to this section,
shall be payable instead to the state highways and transportation commission.
9. The department of natural resources shall have authority to collect and establish by rule the amount of the fee paid by applicants for a permit to transport waste tires.
10. The Missouri hazardous waste management commission created in section 260.365 shall have the authority to collect and establish by rule the amount of the fee paid by applicants for a license to transport hazardous waste, used oil, or infectious waste pursuant to section 260.395.
11. All of the authority, powers, duties, and functions of the division of highway safety relating to the motorcycle safety program under sections 302.133 to 302.138, the driver improvement program authorized under section 302.178, the ignition interlock program under sections 577.600 to 577.614*, and other state highway safety programs as provided by state law, including all administrative rules promulgated thereunder, are hereby transferred to the department of transportation, which is in charge of the state highways and transportation commission, by type I transfer as set forth in the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974.
(L. 2002 S.B. 1202 § 308.010, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1299 Revision)
*The following sections have been transferred by S.B. 491, 2014, effective 1-01-17: 577.602 to 302.442, 577.604 to 302.454, 577.606 to 302.456, 577.608 to 302.458, 577.610 to 302.460, 577.614 to 302.462
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XIV - Roads and Waterways
Chapter 226 - Department of Transportation
Section 226.007 - Transfer of agencies.
Section 226.010 - Definitions.
Section 226.020 - State highways and transportation commission created.
Section 226.030 - Number of members — qualifications — term — removal — compensation.
Section 226.033 - Prohibited acts by certain commissioners.
Section 226.033 - Prohibited acts by certain commissioners.
Section 226.050 - Secretary to be appointed — duties and powers.
Section 226.070 - Attorney general shall advise commission, when.
Section 226.080 - Salaries, how fixed — veterans' preference authorized.
Section 226.095 - Arbitration for negligence actions, when.
Section 226.100 - Principal office to be in Jefferson City — persons authorized to administer oaths.
Section 226.120 - Chairman and vice chairman, election, term — quorum — monthly meeting, required.
Section 226.130 - Duties and powers of commission — rulemaking, procedure.
Section 226.134 - Projects funded by bonds to conform with priorities of 1992 plan, exception.
Section 226.140 - Audit of records, when — plan to modernize transportation system, report.
Section 226.170 - Election of state highways and transportation commission, how construed.
Section 226.181 - Parks, requests for federal aid, notice to be given department.
Section 226.190 - Assent to act of Congress for aid to state roads.
Section 226.210 - Road bond interest and sinking fund.
Section 226.220 - State road fund — sources — expenditures.
Section 226.225 - State transportation fund established, purposes.
Section 226.230 - Auditor, treasurer and highways and transportation commission — duties.
Section 226.250 - Authorized to acquire, by lease, purchase, or condemnation, plants or factories.
Section 226.270 - Method of procedure in case of condemnation proceedings.
Section 226.280 - Definitions.
Section 226.290 - Interpretations.
Section 226.300 - Purpose of law.
Section 226.310 - Duties and powers of state transportation department.
Section 226.320 - State agencies to cooperate.
Section 226.330 - State transportation department to accept donations of and acquire lands.
Section 226.340 - Area to be provided for parkway purposes.
Section 226.350 - State to convey necessary areas in fee simple to United States.
Section 226.360 - Political subdivisions to convey parkway areas.
Section 226.370 - Areas to be in accordance with preliminary development and property maps.
Section 226.380 - Areas prohibited from certain uses.
Section 226.390 - Use of existing highways in connection with parkways — conditions.
Section 226.400 - Concurrent jurisdiction ceded to United States.
Section 226.410 - All other powers preserved to state.
Section 226.420 - Powers and duties of state transportation department in parkway area.
Section 226.430 - Powers to be exercised when funds are appropriated.
Section 226.440 - Commission established.
Section 226.445 - Commission members, number, term, appointment — compensation — staff.
Section 226.450 - Meetings, number required annually — called how — quorum.
Section 226.455 - Commission's duties.
Section 226.460 - Commission's powers.
Section 226.465 - State agencies to cooperate.
Section 226.490 - Official highway maps — certain attractions to be designated, when.
Section 226.500 - Purpose of law.
Section 226.501 - Tenth amendment to United States Constitution quoted.
Section 226.502 - Legislative intent — funds to be used.
Section 226.510 - Definitions.
Section 226.520 - Permitted signs — specifications.
Section 226.530 - Permits — rulemaking.
Section 226.532 - Attorney general to represent the state in certain actions.
Section 226.545 - Landmark signs, permitted when.
Section 226.560 - Certain provisions to affect subsequently erected signs only.
Section 226.573 - Rulemaking — new technology in outdoor advertising.
Section 226.585 - Vegetation along right-of-way, cutting of — transportation department, duties.
Section 226.590 - Matching funds — source.
Section 226.650 - Purpose of law.
Section 226.660 - Definitions.
Section 226.670 - Licenses — fee.
Section 226.680 - Prohibited areas — exceptions.
Section 226.690 - Preexisting junkyards — screening — removal.
Section 226.700 - Rules authorized — injunctive relief.
Section 226.710 - Unlicensed junkyard — penalty.
Section 226.720 - Unscreened junkyards near state and county roads prohibited — penalty.
Section 226.750 - Beautification, rest, recreational areas authorized.
Section 226.760 - Acquisition, condemnation authority.
Section 226.770 - Authority to contract with public agencies for funds.
Section 226.780 - Expenditures limited to federal funds, when.
Section 226.790 - Commercial facilities within rest or recreation areas prohibited.
Section 226.792 - U.S. Route 66, original roads and highways to be renamed "Route 66".
Section 226.795 - Scenic road, State Highway 19 designation, duties.
Section 226.796 - U.S. Highway 66 designated historic highway — duties — costs, how paid.
Section 226.800 - Marking national historic trails with approved signs — donations.
Section 226.801 - Signs and outdoor advertising, rules and regulations.
Section 226.907 - Minority-owned construction companies not required, when.
Section 226.910 - Contract requirements not in compliance with federal law to be null and void.
Section 226.950 - Definitions.
Section 226.975 - Commission not required to file plans.
Section 226.1115 - Property removed from roadway to be taken to shoulder or berm of roadway.