Effective - 28 Aug 2019, 2 histories
195.756. Pesticides and agricultural chemicals, use of — limitations on liability. — Notwithstanding sections 281.050 and 281.101 to the contrary, in the production of industrial hemp consistent with sections 195.740 to 195.773, no retailer of pesticides as defined in 7 U.S.C. Section 136, or agricultural chemicals shall be liable for the sale, application, or handling of such products by a producer or applicator in any manner or for any purpose not approved by applicable state and federal agencies. No producer or applicator may use or apply pesticides or agricultural chemicals in the growing or handling of industrial hemp except as approved by state and federal law.
(L. 2018 H.B. 2034, A.L. 2019 S.B. 133)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XII - Public Health and Welfare
Chapter 195 - Drug Regulations
Section 195.003 - Violations of chapter, defendant to pay costs of testing when found guilty.
Section 195.005 - Comprehensive drug control act.
Section 195.010 - Definitions.
Section 195.015 - Authority to control.
Section 195.016 - Nomenclature.
Section 195.050 - Controlled substances, legal sales, how made — records required to be kept.
Section 195.060 - Controlled substances to be dispensed on prescription only, exception.
Section 195.070 - Prescriptive authority.
Section 195.100 - Labeling requirements.
Section 195.150 - Procedure upon conviction for violation.
Section 195.190 - Enforcement by whom.
Section 195.195 - Regulations, authority to promulgate, where vested.
Section 195.197 - Department of health and senior services, duties of.
Section 195.253 - Public nuisances — defendants in suits to enjoin.
Section 195.265 - Disposal of unused controlled substances, permitted methods — awareness program.
Section 195.310 - Injunction authorized.
Section 195.320 - Purpose clause.
Section 195.550 - Electronic prescriptions required, when, exceptions — violations.
Section 195.740 - Definitions.
Section 195.746 - Registration and permits, requirements — application, contents — issuance, when.
Section 195.752 - Administrative fine, when, amount.
Section 195.756 - Pesticides and agricultural chemicals, use of — limitations on liability.
Section 195.764 - Fees, amount, use of — fund created.
Section 195.773 - Department duties — rulemaking authority.
Section 195.815 - Fingerprinting requirements, medical marijuana facilities — definitions.
Section 195.820 - Medical cannabis, processing fee authorized, when.