Effective - 28 Aug 2007
173.385. Authority, powers and duties — distribution to Lewis and Clark discovery fund, amount — immunity from liability, when. — 1. The authority shall have the following powers, together with all powers incidental thereto or necessary for the performance thereof:
(1) To have perpetual succession as a body politic and corporate;
(2) To adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business;
(3) To sue and be sued and to prosecute and defend, at law or in equity, in any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter and of the parties;
(4) To have and to use a corporate seal and to alter the same at pleasure;
(5) To maintain an office at such place or places in the state of Missouri as it may designate;
(6) To issue bonds or other forms of indebtedness to obtain funds to purchase student loan notes or finance student loans, or both, including those which are guaranteed under the provisions of sections 173.095 to 173.187, or under the provisions of the federal Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, or secondary education loans, or scholarships which have been converted to loans under the Missouri teacher education scholarship program provided for in sections 160.276 to 160.283. Such bonds or other forms of indebtedness shall be payable from and secured by a pledge of revenues derived from or by reason of the ownership of student loan notes or financing of student loans, or both, and investment income or shall be payable from and secured as may be designated in a bond resolution authorized by the authority. Such bonds or other forms of indebtedness shall not constitute a debt or liability of the state of Missouri or of any political subdivision thereof;
(7) To cause proceeds of any bond or any other form of indebtedness to be used to purchase student loan notes or finance student loans, or both, including those which are guaranteed under section 173.110, or guaranteed under the federal Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, or secondary education loans, or scholarships which have been converted to loans under the Missouri teacher education scholarship program provided for in sections 160.276 to 160.283;
(8) To sell or enter into agreements to sell student loan notes acquired pursuant to subdivision (7) of this section, and any agreement to sell student loan notes guaranteed under section 173.110 shall be subject to prior approval of the department. Such agreements to sell student loan notes shall be limited only by the terms of the bond resolution authorizing the issue of the bonds or other forms of indebtedness, but shall not be limited by any other provision of law limiting the sale of such student loan notes;
(9) To transfer assets of the authority to the Lewis and Clark discovery fund established in section 173.392;
(10) To accept appropriations, gifts, grants, bequests, and devises and to utilize or dispose of the same to carry out its purpose;
(11) To make and execute contracts, releases, compromises, and other instruments necessary or convenient for the exercise of its powers, or to carry out its purpose;
(12) To collect reasonable fees and charges in connection with making and servicing its loans, notes, bonds, obligations, commitments, and other evidences of indebtedness, and in connection with providing technical, consultative and project assistant services. Such fees and charges shall be used to pay the costs of the authority;
(13) To invest any funds not required for immediate disbursement in obligations of the state of Missouri or of the United States government or any instrumentality thereof, the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the state of Missouri, or the United States government or any instrumentality thereof, or certificates of deposit or time deposits of federally insured banks, or federally insured savings and loan associations or of insured credit unions, or, with respect to moneys pledged or held under a trust estate or otherwise available for the owners of bonds or other forms of indebtedness, any investment authorized under the bond resolution governing the security and payment of such obligations or repurchase agreements for the specified investments;
(14) To acquire, hold and dispose of personal property to carry out its purposes;
(15) To enter into agreements or other transactions with any federal or state agency, any person and any domestic or foreign partnership, corporation, association or organization;
(16) To take any necessary actions to be qualified to issue tax-exempt bonds or other forms of tax-exempt indebtedness pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, including the issuance of such bonds to fulfill the obligations of the authority under subsection 2 of this section;
(17) To take any necessary actions to be qualified to issue bonds or other forms of indebtedness, the interest on which is not exempt from federal income taxation, including the issuance of such bonds to fulfill the obligations of the authority under subsection 2 of this section;
(18) To service student loans for any owner thereof, regardless of whether such student loans are originated in this state or out of this state;
(19) To create, acquire, contribute to, or invest in any type of financial aid program that provides grants and scholarships to students.
2. The authority shall distribute three hundred fifty million dollars of assets of the authority to the Lewis and Clark discovery fund established in section 173.392 as follows: two hundred thirty million dollars no later than September 15, 2007; five million dollars by December 31, 2007; and five million dollars each quarter thereafter ending September 30, 2013. Any investment earnings on the moneys in the Lewis and Clark discovery fund shall be credited against the next distribution by the authority and shall thereby reduce the amount of any such distribution by the authority. The authority shall make any distributions to the Lewis and Clark discovery fund pursuant to the dates scheduled in this subsection, provided, however, that the date of any such distribution may be delayed by the authority if the authority determines that any such distribution may materially adversely effect the services and benefits provided Missouri students or residents in the ordinary course of the authority's business, the borrower benefit programs of the authority, or the economic viability of the authority. Notwithstanding the ability of the authority to delay any distribution required by this subsection, the distribution of the entire three hundred fifty million dollars of assets by the authority to the Lewis and Clark discovery fund shall be completed no later than September 30, 2013, unless otherwise approved by the authority and the commissioner of the office of administration.
3. No member of the authority who lawfully acts or votes on any agreement or other matter authorized under the powers granted to the authority under this section shall incur any personal liability as a result of such lawful deliberations, acts, or votes, and such members shall be immune from suit for such deliberations, acts, or votes. In no event shall such deliberations, acts, or votes constitute a conflict of interest under section 173.380.
4. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, in the event of the initial distribution of two hundred thirty million dollars of assets by the authority to the Lewis and Clark discovery fund created in section 173.392, the director of the department of economic development shall allocate to and reserve for the authority during the year of such first distribution and in at least each of the next fourteen years thereafter a percentage of the state ceiling under sections 108.500 to 108.532, which percentage shall at a minimum be equal to one and one-half percent less than the average percentage of the authority's allocation of state ceiling for the two calendar years 2005 and 2006 calculated annually. The dollar amount of state ceiling to be received by the authority as determined under the provisions of this subsection for calendar year 2014 and later years, not to exceed calendar year 2021, shall be reduced in any calendar year by the percentage of the three hundred fifty million dollars not yet distributed by the authority to the Lewis and Clark discovery fund by the preceding calendar year end.
(L. 1981 H.B. 326, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1356, A.L. 1990 S.B. 740, A.L. 1994 S.B. 583, A.L. 2003 S.B. 371, A.L. 2007 S.B. 389)
Multinational banks, securities and obligations of, investment in, when, 409.950
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 173 - Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
Section 173.003 - Retirement and severance policies, uniformity requirement.
Section 173.007 - Commissioner of education, appointment by board — compensation — powers — duties.
Section 173.020 - Responsibilities of the coordinating board.
Section 173.030 - Additional responsibilities.
Section 173.035 - Resources, website directing students to — rulemaking authority.
Section 173.040 - Reports to governor and general assembly, contents.
Section 173.050 - Powers of coordinating board.
Section 173.081 - Rules and regulations, promulgation procedure.
Section 173.091 - Senior citizens' tuition exemption, qualifications, limitations, fee.
Section 173.093 - Limitations on awards of financial assistance.
Section 173.095 - Declaration of policy.
Section 173.100 - Definitions.
Section 173.105 - Board and department duties — required federal reports, submitted to whom.
Section 173.125 - Dispute resolution requirements.
Section 173.130 - Funds not currently needed may be invested, how.
Section 173.141 - Authorized actions of the board.
Section 173.150 - Recovery of loans.
Section 173.160 - Standards of eligibility for loans.
Section 173.170 - Standards of eligibility of loan agreements — discrimination prohibited.
Section 173.180 - Filing of regulations.
Section 173.186 - Guarantors of student loans, eligibility requirements.
Section 173.187 - Lender of last resort revolving fund, established, administration.
Section 173.252 - Interest, guaranty student loan fund, use of.
Section 173.258 - Director to deposit funds in kids' chance scholarship fund, when.
Section 173.270 - Foster care or residential care students, waiver of tuition and fees, when.
Section 173.275 - Foreign gifts to institutions — disclosure to department, when, how, contents.
Section 173.300 - Compact adopted.
Section 173.310 - Bylaws to be filed with secretary of state.
Section 173.320 - Selection of legislative members.
Section 173.330 - Commission members' expenses paid.
Section 173.350 - Citation of law.
Section 173.355 - Definitions.
Section 173.375 - Bond requirements for members of authority — filed where.
Section 173.380 - Conflict of interest, procedure to avoid.
Section 173.386 - Assets may not be used for payment of debt.
Section 173.387 - Authority may be originator of guaranteed student loan, conditions.
Section 173.393 - Misuse of moneys by recipient becomes liability, repayment of moneys.
Section 173.395 - Issuance of more than one series of bonds, requirements — refunding authorized.
Section 173.400 - Bonds construed to be negotiable instruments.
Section 173.410 - State or political subdivision not liable, statement on face of bond required.
Section 173.435 - Institutions and fiduciaries may invest in bonds.
Section 173.440 - Tax exemptions, bonds — exception.
Section 173.445 - Authority assigned to department of higher education — reports required.
Section 173.475 - No discrimination in hiring based on lack of a graduate degree, when.
Section 173.480 - Higher education capital fund created, use of moneys.
Section 173.600 - Definitions.
Section 173.602 - Certificate of approval required to offer courses for sale or solicit students.
Section 173.616 - Schools and courses that are exempt from sections 173.600 to 173.618.
Section 173.618 - Unlawful practices — injunction, board action — penalty.
Section 173.619 - Rules, promulgation.
Section 173.680 - Study on most frequent IT certifications requested by employers — report.
Section 173.700 - Midwestern higher education compact.
Section 173.705 - Midwestern higher education commission — members.
Section 173.708 - Membership of commission — terms — vacancies.
Section 173.730 - International student exchanges — matching funds.
Section 173.735 - Institutions of higher education, conflict of interest policy.
Section 173.754 - Unlawful use false or misleading degree, when — violation, penalty.
Section 173.775 - Citation — fund created.
Section 173.778 - Definitions.
Section 173.781 - High demand occupations and areas, board's duties.
Section 173.784 - Limitations on participation.
Section 173.787 - Loan forgiveness, when.
Section 173.790 - Contract for participation, terms and conditions.
Section 173.793 - Not a guarantee of admission, attendance, or graduation.
Section 173.796 - Tax credit for donations to fund — tax credits prohibited, when.
Section 173.1000 - Citation of law.
Section 173.1101 - Citation of law — references to program.
Section 173.1102 - Definitions.
Section 173.1103 - Board to administer program, duties of the board — fund created, use of moneys.
Section 173.1105 - Award amounts, minimums and maximums — adjustment in awards, when.
Section 173.1106 - Other financial assistance to be reported to board.
Section 173.1107 - Transfer of recipient, effect of.
Section 173.1108 - Inapplicability of sunset act.
Section 173.1350 - Grants authorized, amount, eligibility.
Section 173.1352 - Advanced placement exams, undergraduate course credit, when.
Section 173.1400 - Verification issued, when — form, information.
Section 173.2505 - Scholarship eligibility — amount of scholarship, limitation — fund created.