Effective - 28 Aug 2014
173.030. Additional responsibilities. — The coordinating board, in addition, shall have responsibility, within the provisions of the constitution and the statutes of the state of Missouri, for:
(1) Requesting the governing boards of all state-supported institutions of higher education, and of major private institutions to submit to the coordinating board any proposed policy changes which would create additional institutions of higher education, additional residence centers, or major additions in degree and certificate programs, and make pertinent recommendations relating thereto;
(2) Recommending to the governing board of any institution of higher education in the state the development, consolidation, or elimination of programs, degree offerings, physical facilities or policy changes where that action is deemed by the coordinating board as in the best interests of the institutions themselves and/or the general requirements of the state. Recommendations shall be submitted to governing boards by twelve months preceding the term in which the action may take effect;
(3) Recommending to the governing boards of state-supported institutions of higher education, including public community colleges receiving state support, formulas to be employed in specifying plans for general operations, for development and expansion, and for requests for appropriations from the general assembly. Such recommendations will be submitted to the governing boards by April first of each year preceding a regular session of the general assembly of the state of Missouri;
(4) Promulgating rules to include selected off-campus instruction in public college and university appropriation recommendations where prior need has been established in areas designated by the coordinating board for higher education. Funding for such off-campus instruction shall be included in the appropriation recommendations, shall be determined by the general assembly and shall continue, within the amounts appropriated therefor, unless the general assembly disapproves the action by concurrent resolution;
(5) Coordinating reciprocal agreements between or among Missouri state institutions of higher education at the request of one or more of the institutions party to the agreement, and between or among Missouri state institutions of higher education and publicly supported higher education institutions located outside the state of Missouri at the request of any Missouri institution party to the agreement;
(6) Entering into agreements for interstate reciprocity regarding the delivery of postsecondary distance education, administering such agreements, and approving or disapproving applications to participate in such agreements from a postsecondary institution that has its principal campus in the state of Missouri:
(a) The coordinating board shall establish standards for institutional approval. Those standards shall include, but are not limited to the:
a. Definition of physical presence for non-Missouri institutions serving Missouri residents consistent with other states' definitions of physical presence; and
b. Establishment of consumer protection policies for distance education addressing recruitment and marketing activities; disclosure of tuition, fees, and other charges; disclosure of admission processes and procedures; and student complaints;
(b) The coordinating board shall establish policies for the review and resolution of student complaints arising from distance education programs offered under the agreement;
(c) The coordinating board may charge fees to any institution that applies to participate in an interstate postsecondary distance education reciprocity agreement authorized pursuant to this section. Such fees shall not exceed the coordinating board for higher education's cost of reviewing and evaluating the applications; and
(d) The coordinating board shall promulgate rules to implement the provisions of this subdivision. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2014, shall be invalid and void;
(7) Administering the nurse training incentive fund;
(8) Conducting, in consultation with each public four-year institution's governing board and the governing board of technical colleges and community colleges, a review every five years of the mission statements of the institutions comprising Missouri's system of public higher education. This review shall be based upon the needs of the citizens of the state as well as the requirements of business, industry, the professions and government. The purpose of this review shall be to ensure that Missouri's system of higher education is responsive to the state's needs and is focused, balanced, cost-effective, and characterized by programs of high quality as demonstrated by student performance and program outcomes. As a component of this review, each institution shall prepare, in a manner prescribed by the coordinating board, a mission implementation plan for the coordinating board's consideration and approval. If the coordinating board determines that an institution has qualified for a mission change or additional targeted resources pursuant to review conducted under this subdivision and subdivision (9) of this subsection, the coordinating board shall submit a report to the general assembly that outlines the proposed mission change or targeted state resources. No change of mission for an institution under this subdivision establishing a statewide mission shall become effective until the general assembly approves the proposed mission change by concurrent resolution, except for the institution defined pursuant to subdivision (1) of section 174.010, and has been approved by the coordinating board and the institutions for which the coordinating board has recommended a statewide mission prior to August 28, 1995. The effective date of any mission change under this subdivision shall be the first day of July immediately following the approval of the concurrent resolution by the general assembly as required under this subdivision, and shall be August 28, 1995, for any institution for which the coordinating board has recommended a statewide mission which has not yet been implemented on such date. Nothing in this subdivision shall preclude an institution from initiating a request to the coordinating board for a revision of its mission; and
(9) Reviewing applications from institutions seeking a statewide mission. Such institutions shall provide evidence to the coordinating board that they have the capacity to discharge successfully such a mission. Such evidence shall consist of the following:
(a) That the institution enrolls a representative cross-section of Missouri students. Examples of evidence for meeting this requirement which the institution may present include, but are not limited to, the following: enrolling at least forty percent of its Missouri resident, first-time degree-seeking freshmen from outside its historic statutory service region; enrolling its Missouri undergraduate students from at least eighty percent of all Missouri counties; or enrolling one or more groups of special population students such as minorities, economically disadvantaged, or physically disadvantaged from outside its historic statutory service region at rates exceeding state averages of such populations enrolled in the higher educational institutions of this state;
(b) That the institution offers one or more programs of unusual strength which respond to a specific statewide need. Examples of evidence of meeting this requirement which the institution may present include, but are not limited to, the following: receipt of national, discipline-specific accreditation when available; receipt of independent certification for meeting national or state standards or requirements when discipline-specific accreditation is not available; for occupationally specific programs, placement rates significantly higher than average; for programs for which state or national licensure is required or for which state or national licensure or registration is available on a voluntary basis, licensure or registration rates for graduates seeking such recognition significantly higher than average; or quality of program faculty as measured by the percentage holding terminal degrees, the percentage writing publications in professional journals or other appropriate media, and the percentage securing competitively awarded research grants which are higher than average;
(c) That the institution has a clearly articulated admission standard consistent with the provisions of subdivision (6)* of subsection 2 of section 173.005 or section 174.130;
(d) That the institution is characterized by a focused academic environment which identifies specific but limited areas of academic emphasis at the undergraduate, and if appropriate, at the graduate and professional school levels, including the identification of programs to be continued, reduced, terminated or targeted for excellence. The institution shall, consistent with its focused academic environment, also have the demonstrable capacity to provide significant public service or research support that address statewide needs for constituencies beyond its historic statutory service region; and
(e) That the institution has adopted and maintains a program of continuous quality improvement, or the equivalent of such a program, and reports annually appropriate and verifiable measures of institutional accountability related to such program. Such measures shall include, but not be limited to, indicators of student achievement and institutional mission attainment such as percentage of students meeting institutional admission standards; success of remediation programs, if offered; student retention rate; student graduation rate; objective measures of student, alumni, and employer satisfaction; objective measures of student learning in general education and the major, including written and oral communication skills and critical thinking skills; percentage of students attending graduate or professional schools; student placement, licensure and professional registration rates when appropriate to a program's objectives; objective measures of successful attainment of statewide goals as may be expressed from time to time by the coordinating board or by the general assembly; and objective measures of faculty teaching effectiveness. In the development and evaluation of these institutional accountability reports, the coordinating board and institutions are expected to use multiple measures of success, including nationally developed and verified as well as locally developed and independently verified assessment instruments; however, preference shall be given to nationally developed instruments when they are available and if they are appropriate. Institutions which serve or seek to serve a statewide mission shall be judged to have met the prerequisites for such a mission when they demonstrate to the coordinating board that they have met the criteria described in this subdivision. As a component of this process, each institution shall prepare, in a manner prescribed by the coordinating board, a mission implementation plan for the coordinating board's consideration and approval.
(L. 1963 p. 350 § 3, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1456, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1429, A.L. 1995 S.B. 340, A.L. 2014 H.B. 1389)
*Statutory reference to subdivision "(4)" changed to "(6)" in accordance with section 3.060 based on renumbering within section 173.005 by H. B. 1465 merged with S.B. 807 & 577, 2018.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 173 - Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
Section 173.003 - Retirement and severance policies, uniformity requirement.
Section 173.007 - Commissioner of education, appointment by board — compensation — powers — duties.
Section 173.020 - Responsibilities of the coordinating board.
Section 173.030 - Additional responsibilities.
Section 173.035 - Resources, website directing students to — rulemaking authority.
Section 173.040 - Reports to governor and general assembly, contents.
Section 173.050 - Powers of coordinating board.
Section 173.081 - Rules and regulations, promulgation procedure.
Section 173.091 - Senior citizens' tuition exemption, qualifications, limitations, fee.
Section 173.093 - Limitations on awards of financial assistance.
Section 173.095 - Declaration of policy.
Section 173.100 - Definitions.
Section 173.105 - Board and department duties — required federal reports, submitted to whom.
Section 173.125 - Dispute resolution requirements.
Section 173.130 - Funds not currently needed may be invested, how.
Section 173.141 - Authorized actions of the board.
Section 173.150 - Recovery of loans.
Section 173.160 - Standards of eligibility for loans.
Section 173.170 - Standards of eligibility of loan agreements — discrimination prohibited.
Section 173.180 - Filing of regulations.
Section 173.186 - Guarantors of student loans, eligibility requirements.
Section 173.187 - Lender of last resort revolving fund, established, administration.
Section 173.252 - Interest, guaranty student loan fund, use of.
Section 173.258 - Director to deposit funds in kids' chance scholarship fund, when.
Section 173.270 - Foster care or residential care students, waiver of tuition and fees, when.
Section 173.275 - Foreign gifts to institutions — disclosure to department, when, how, contents.
Section 173.300 - Compact adopted.
Section 173.310 - Bylaws to be filed with secretary of state.
Section 173.320 - Selection of legislative members.
Section 173.330 - Commission members' expenses paid.
Section 173.350 - Citation of law.
Section 173.355 - Definitions.
Section 173.375 - Bond requirements for members of authority — filed where.
Section 173.380 - Conflict of interest, procedure to avoid.
Section 173.386 - Assets may not be used for payment of debt.
Section 173.387 - Authority may be originator of guaranteed student loan, conditions.
Section 173.393 - Misuse of moneys by recipient becomes liability, repayment of moneys.
Section 173.395 - Issuance of more than one series of bonds, requirements — refunding authorized.
Section 173.400 - Bonds construed to be negotiable instruments.
Section 173.410 - State or political subdivision not liable, statement on face of bond required.
Section 173.435 - Institutions and fiduciaries may invest in bonds.
Section 173.440 - Tax exemptions, bonds — exception.
Section 173.445 - Authority assigned to department of higher education — reports required.
Section 173.475 - No discrimination in hiring based on lack of a graduate degree, when.
Section 173.480 - Higher education capital fund created, use of moneys.
Section 173.600 - Definitions.
Section 173.602 - Certificate of approval required to offer courses for sale or solicit students.
Section 173.616 - Schools and courses that are exempt from sections 173.600 to 173.618.
Section 173.618 - Unlawful practices — injunction, board action — penalty.
Section 173.619 - Rules, promulgation.
Section 173.680 - Study on most frequent IT certifications requested by employers — report.
Section 173.700 - Midwestern higher education compact.
Section 173.705 - Midwestern higher education commission — members.
Section 173.708 - Membership of commission — terms — vacancies.
Section 173.730 - International student exchanges — matching funds.
Section 173.735 - Institutions of higher education, conflict of interest policy.
Section 173.754 - Unlawful use false or misleading degree, when — violation, penalty.
Section 173.775 - Citation — fund created.
Section 173.778 - Definitions.
Section 173.781 - High demand occupations and areas, board's duties.
Section 173.784 - Limitations on participation.
Section 173.787 - Loan forgiveness, when.
Section 173.790 - Contract for participation, terms and conditions.
Section 173.793 - Not a guarantee of admission, attendance, or graduation.
Section 173.796 - Tax credit for donations to fund — tax credits prohibited, when.
Section 173.1000 - Citation of law.
Section 173.1101 - Citation of law — references to program.
Section 173.1102 - Definitions.
Section 173.1103 - Board to administer program, duties of the board — fund created, use of moneys.
Section 173.1105 - Award amounts, minimums and maximums — adjustment in awards, when.
Section 173.1106 - Other financial assistance to be reported to board.
Section 173.1107 - Transfer of recipient, effect of.
Section 173.1108 - Inapplicability of sunset act.
Section 173.1350 - Grants authorized, amount, eligibility.
Section 173.1352 - Advanced placement exams, undergraduate course credit, when.
Section 173.1400 - Verification issued, when — form, information.
Section 173.2505 - Scholarship eligibility — amount of scholarship, limitation — fund created.