Effective - 28 Aug 2010
173.240. Program established — fund created — purpose — administration — rulemaking authority — advisory committee created, members, duties. — 1. There is hereby established within the department of higher education and workforce development a "Minority and Underrepresented Environmental Literacy Program". The department of higher education and workforce development, hereafter referred to as the department, may award scholarships to minority and underrepresented students to pursue environmentally related courses of study. The scholarships shall be administered by the department recruitment and retention program under the supervision of the minority environmental literacy advisory committee established under this section. Those ethnic groups which are most severely underrepresented, as determined by data gathered and maintained by the National Academy of Sciences, shall receive priority in annual selection.
2. For the purpose of increasing the number of minority and underrepresented students, as determined by the National Academy of Sciences, who are enrolled in environmentally related courses of study, there is hereby created a "Recruitment and Retention Scholarship Fund". Any unexpended balance in the recruitment and retention scholarship fund shall not be subject to biennial transfer under the provisions of section 33.080. All interest earned on funds in the recruitment and retention scholarship fund shall accrue to the fund.
3. The general assembly may appropriate funds to the department for the purpose of funding scholarships as authorized by this section. Such funds shall be from general revenue, special fees administered by the department, federal funding sources, gifts, or donations, provided that such funds may be used for this purpose. All sums received for this purpose shall be placed in the state treasury and credited to the recruitment and retention scholarship fund.
4. The department shall accept, receive and administer grants or other funds, gifts, or donations from the public and individuals, including the federal government, for the purpose of funding scholarships under this section. Such funds shall be deposited in the recruitment and retention scholarship fund.
5. The department shall promulgate rules to administer the scholarship program, which shall include qualifications, application forms, annual filing deadlines, and scholarship amounts. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2010, shall be invalid and void.
6. The scholarship program shall be directed toward students in the following areas of study:
(1) Engineering students pursuing an environmental course of study through undergraduate and graduate degrees in civil, chemical, mechanical, environmental, or biological engineering;
(2) Environmental sciences students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in geology, biology, wildlife management, planning, natural resources, or a closely related course of study;
(3) Chemistry students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in the field of environmental chemistry; and
(4) Law enforcement students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in environmental law enforcement.
7. There is hereby created a "Minority Environmental Literacy Advisory Committee", hereafter referred to as the committee, to be comprised of:
(1) The commissioner of higher education or the commissioner's designee, who will serve as chairperson of the committee;
(2) Three representatives of universities and colleges. The universities and colleges shall be selected by the department, with the approval of the director of the department of natural resources. The university and college representatives shall each be appointed by the affirmative action office of the respective institution;
(3) The director of the department of natural resources or the director's designee;
(4) Five at-large members appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, who shall be high school teachers and college professors and who shall be selected to represent the various regions of the state;
(5) The state affirmative action officer.
8. The committee shall meet at least annually, at a time and place to be determined by the chairperson, to select students to receive scholarships from applications filed with the department retention and recruitment program. The members appointed by the governor shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses.
9. Colleges and universities described in this section shall include public community colleges.
(L. 2010 H.B. 1858)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 173 - Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
Section 173.003 - Retirement and severance policies, uniformity requirement.
Section 173.007 - Commissioner of education, appointment by board — compensation — powers — duties.
Section 173.020 - Responsibilities of the coordinating board.
Section 173.030 - Additional responsibilities.
Section 173.035 - Resources, website directing students to — rulemaking authority.
Section 173.040 - Reports to governor and general assembly, contents.
Section 173.050 - Powers of coordinating board.
Section 173.081 - Rules and regulations, promulgation procedure.
Section 173.091 - Senior citizens' tuition exemption, qualifications, limitations, fee.
Section 173.093 - Limitations on awards of financial assistance.
Section 173.095 - Declaration of policy.
Section 173.100 - Definitions.
Section 173.105 - Board and department duties — required federal reports, submitted to whom.
Section 173.125 - Dispute resolution requirements.
Section 173.130 - Funds not currently needed may be invested, how.
Section 173.141 - Authorized actions of the board.
Section 173.150 - Recovery of loans.
Section 173.160 - Standards of eligibility for loans.
Section 173.170 - Standards of eligibility of loan agreements — discrimination prohibited.
Section 173.180 - Filing of regulations.
Section 173.186 - Guarantors of student loans, eligibility requirements.
Section 173.187 - Lender of last resort revolving fund, established, administration.
Section 173.252 - Interest, guaranty student loan fund, use of.
Section 173.258 - Director to deposit funds in kids' chance scholarship fund, when.
Section 173.270 - Foster care or residential care students, waiver of tuition and fees, when.
Section 173.275 - Foreign gifts to institutions — disclosure to department, when, how, contents.
Section 173.300 - Compact adopted.
Section 173.310 - Bylaws to be filed with secretary of state.
Section 173.320 - Selection of legislative members.
Section 173.330 - Commission members' expenses paid.
Section 173.350 - Citation of law.
Section 173.355 - Definitions.
Section 173.375 - Bond requirements for members of authority — filed where.
Section 173.380 - Conflict of interest, procedure to avoid.
Section 173.386 - Assets may not be used for payment of debt.
Section 173.387 - Authority may be originator of guaranteed student loan, conditions.
Section 173.393 - Misuse of moneys by recipient becomes liability, repayment of moneys.
Section 173.395 - Issuance of more than one series of bonds, requirements — refunding authorized.
Section 173.400 - Bonds construed to be negotiable instruments.
Section 173.410 - State or political subdivision not liable, statement on face of bond required.
Section 173.435 - Institutions and fiduciaries may invest in bonds.
Section 173.440 - Tax exemptions, bonds — exception.
Section 173.445 - Authority assigned to department of higher education — reports required.
Section 173.475 - No discrimination in hiring based on lack of a graduate degree, when.
Section 173.480 - Higher education capital fund created, use of moneys.
Section 173.600 - Definitions.
Section 173.602 - Certificate of approval required to offer courses for sale or solicit students.
Section 173.616 - Schools and courses that are exempt from sections 173.600 to 173.618.
Section 173.618 - Unlawful practices — injunction, board action — penalty.
Section 173.619 - Rules, promulgation.
Section 173.680 - Study on most frequent IT certifications requested by employers — report.
Section 173.700 - Midwestern higher education compact.
Section 173.705 - Midwestern higher education commission — members.
Section 173.708 - Membership of commission — terms — vacancies.
Section 173.730 - International student exchanges — matching funds.
Section 173.735 - Institutions of higher education, conflict of interest policy.
Section 173.754 - Unlawful use false or misleading degree, when — violation, penalty.
Section 173.775 - Citation — fund created.
Section 173.778 - Definitions.
Section 173.781 - High demand occupations and areas, board's duties.
Section 173.784 - Limitations on participation.
Section 173.787 - Loan forgiveness, when.
Section 173.790 - Contract for participation, terms and conditions.
Section 173.793 - Not a guarantee of admission, attendance, or graduation.
Section 173.796 - Tax credit for donations to fund — tax credits prohibited, when.
Section 173.1000 - Citation of law.
Section 173.1101 - Citation of law — references to program.
Section 173.1102 - Definitions.
Section 173.1103 - Board to administer program, duties of the board — fund created, use of moneys.
Section 173.1105 - Award amounts, minimums and maximums — adjustment in awards, when.
Section 173.1106 - Other financial assistance to be reported to board.
Section 173.1107 - Transfer of recipient, effect of.
Section 173.1108 - Inapplicability of sunset act.
Section 173.1350 - Grants authorized, amount, eligibility.
Section 173.1352 - Advanced placement exams, undergraduate course credit, when.
Section 173.1400 - Verification issued, when — form, information.
Section 173.2505 - Scholarship eligibility — amount of scholarship, limitation — fund created.