Effective - 28 Aug 1976
164.041. County clerk to assess the rate returned and extend taxes on tax books. — Based on the estimates of the various districts, the county clerk shall proceed to assess the amount so returned against all taxable property in each district, as shown by the last annual assessment for state and county purposes, at the rate lawfully determined by the school board or legally authorized by the voters of the district as of September twentieth of that year. All taxes shall be extended by the county clerk upon the general tax books of the county for the year in separate columns arranged for that purpose. He shall list the names of all persons owning any personal property who do not reside in any school district, and the value thereof; and shall list all lands and town lots in any territory not organized into a school district, and shall levy a tax of sixty-five cents on the hundred dollars valuation on all such taxable property, to be collected as other taxes and deposited in the county school fund. The county assessor in listing personal property shall take the number of the school district in which the taxpayer resides at the time of making his list, to be by him marked on the list, and also on the personal assessment book, in columns provided for that purpose.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 5-4, A.L. 1976 H.B. 1162)
(Source: RSMo 1959 § 165.083, A.L. 1961 p. 351)
(1971) The county clerk has no standing to challenge the validity of the existence of a school district and writ of mandamus would issue to compel county clerk to extend on county tax books the school taxes of a school district which was contesting in circuit court the validity of determination of the state board of education that district had ceased to function as active district and would cease to exist as of July 1, 1971. State v. Conley (A.), 470 S.W.2d 170.
(1971) Duty of making assessment and extending levy on county tax book for school district by clerk of county court is ministerial. State v. Conley (A.), 470 S.W.2d 170.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Chapter 164 - Tax Levies and Bonded Indebtedness
Section 164.021 - Excess levy, procedure.
Section 164.031 - Form of ballot.
Section 164.041 - County clerk to assess the rate returned and extend taxes on tax books.
Section 164.071 - Levy and collection of taxes in metropolitan districts.
Section 164.081 - Levy of library building tax — vote required — rate and period of levy.
Section 164.091 - Notice of election.
Section 164.101 - Form of ballot.
Section 164.111 - Levy and collection of tax — library building fund.
Section 164.151 - Form of ballot in all districts — percentage required for approval.
Section 164.161 - Restrictions on loans.
Section 164.181 - Duties of treasurer of seven-director districts — liability.
Section 164.191 - Issuance by any district of funding and refunding bonds — record.
Section 164.201 - Exchange and sale of refunding bonds — restrictions.
Section 164.221 - Redeemed bonds of school districts to be destroyed — record — witnesses.
Section 164.241 - Approval by two-thirds of directors required for issuance of bonds.
Section 164.251 - Bonds not to constitute an indebtedness.
Section 164.281 - Operating expense may include cost of athletic equipment and uniforms.