Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 164 - Tax Levies and Bonded Indebtedness
Section 164.021 - Excess levy, procedure.

Effective - 28 Aug 1978
164.021. Excess levy, procedure. — 1. Whenever it becomes necessary, in the judgment of the school board of any school district in the state, to increase the tax rate beyond the rate authorized by the constitution for district purposes without voter approval plus the last tax rate approved by the voters for school purposes, or when voters of the district equal in number to ten percent or more of the number of votes cast for the member of the school board receiving the greatest number of votes cast at the last school election in the district wherein board members were elected, petition the board, in writing, for an increase in the tax rate, the board shall determine the rate of taxation necessary to be levied in excess of the existing rate and submit the proposition as to whether the rate of taxation shall be increased by the board to the voters of the district. The proposal may be submitted at an election.
2. If the necessary majority of the voters voting thereon, as required by Article X, Section 11(c), of the Constitution, favor the proposed increase, the result of vote, including the rate of taxation so voted, shall be certified by the clerk of the district to the clerk of the commission of the proper county or counties, who, on receipt thereof, shall assess the amount so certified, effective as of September twentieth next following, against all taxable property of the school district as provided by law. In metropolitan districts the certification shall be made by the secretary of the board as required by law.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 5-2, A.L. 1967 p. 238, A.L. 1971 H.B. 469, A.L. 1976 H.B. 1162, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
(Source: RSMo 1959 §§ 165.080, 165.487, 165.490, 165.493, 165.638)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XI - Education and Libraries

Chapter 164 - Tax Levies and Bonded Indebtedness

Section 164.011 - Annual estimate of required funds, tax rates required, criteria for exceptions — estimates, where sent — department duties.

Section 164.013 - Schools, certain districts, operating levy adjustment required when, effect — not to affect senior citizen tax relief benefit.

Section 164.021 - Excess levy, procedure.

Section 164.031 - Form of ballot.

Section 164.041 - County clerk to assess the rate returned and extend taxes on tax books.

Section 164.051 - Outstanding obligations of lapsed or dissolved districts, procedure to pay — tax levy, proceeds how allocated.

Section 164.071 - Levy and collection of taxes in metropolitan districts.

Section 164.081 - Levy of library building tax — vote required — rate and period of levy.

Section 164.091 - Notice of election.

Section 164.101 - Form of ballot.

Section 164.111 - Levy and collection of tax — library building fund.

Section 164.121 - Purposes for which bonds may be issued in districts other than metropolitan and urban.

Section 164.131 - Purposes for which bonds may be issued in urban districts — notice to contain certain information.

Section 164.141 - Purposes for which bonds may be issued in metropolitan districts — notice to contain certain information.

Section 164.151 - Form of ballot in all districts — percentage required for approval.

Section 164.161 - Restrictions on loans.

Section 164.181 - Duties of treasurer of seven-director districts — liability.

Section 164.191 - Issuance by any district of funding and refunding bonds — record.

Section 164.201 - Exchange and sale of refunding bonds — restrictions.

Section 164.221 - Redeemed bonds of school districts to be destroyed — record — witnesses.

Section 164.231 - Issuance of revenue bonds to pay for dormitory, athletic stadiums by seven-director districts — security for bonds.

Section 164.241 - Approval by two-thirds of directors required for issuance of bonds.

Section 164.251 - Bonds not to constitute an indebtedness.

Section 164.261 - Bonds, denomination, interest rate, contents — negotiable — income exempt from state tax — how sold.

Section 164.271 - Board may prescribe form and detail of bonds — may be compelled to perform duties and agreements of district.

Section 164.281 - Operating expense may include cost of athletic equipment and uniforms.

Section 164.291 - Records of bonds, payment and revenues to be kept — disposition of surplus revenues.

Section 164.301 - Refunding of bonds.

Section 164.303 - School district bond fund established, purpose to fund health and educational facilities authority, costs and grants — lapse into general revenue fund, prohibited.