Effective - 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories
163.191. State aid to community colleges — definitions — distribution to be based on resource allocation model, adjustment annually, factors involved — report on effectiveness of model, due when. — 1. As used in this section, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Community college", an institution of higher education deriving financial resources from local, state, and federal sources, and providing postsecondary education primarily for persons above the twelfth grade age level, including courses in:
(a) Liberal arts and sciences, including general education;
(b) Occupational, vocational-technical; and
(c) A variety of educational community services.
Community college course offerings shall generally lead to the granting of certificates, diplomas, or associate degrees, and may include baccalaureate degrees only when authorized by the coordinating board for higher education in circumstances where the level of education required in a field for accreditation or licensure increases to the baccalaureate degree level or, in the case of applied bachelor's degrees, the level of education required for employment in a field increases to that level, and when doing so would not unnecessarily duplicate an existing program, collaboration with a university is not feasible or the approach is not a viable means of meeting the needs of students and employers, and the institution has the academic and financial capacity to offer the program in a high-quality manner. Quality for such baccalaureate degree programs shall be evaluated at least in part by the delivery of upper-level coursework or competencies, and defined by accreditation or compliance with the Higher Learning Commission standards for bachelor's degrees;
(2) "Operating costs", all costs attributable to current operations, including all direct costs of instruction, instructors' and counselors' compensation, administrative costs, all normal operating costs and all similar noncapital expenditures during any year, excluding costs of construction of facilities and the purchase of equipment, furniture, and other capital items authorized and funded in accordance with subsection 6 of this section. Operating costs shall be computed in accordance with accounting methods and procedures to be specified by the department of higher education and workforce development;
(3) "Year", from July first to June thirtieth of the following year.
2. Each year public community colleges in the aggregate shall be eligible to receive from state funds, if state funds are available and appropriated, an amount up to but not more than fifty percent of the state community colleges' planned operating costs as determined by the department of higher education and workforce development. The department of higher education and workforce development shall review all institutional budget requests and prepare appropriation recommendations annually for the community colleges under the supervision of the department. The department's budget request shall include a recommended level of funding.
3. (1) Except as provided in subdivision (2) of this subsection, distribution of appropriated funds to community college districts shall be in accordance with the community college resource allocation model. This model shall be developed and revised as appropriate cooperatively by the community colleges and the department of higher education and workforce development. The department of higher education and workforce development shall recommend the model to the coordinating board for higher education for their approval. The core funding level for each community college shall initially be established at an amount agreed upon by the community colleges and the department of higher education and workforce development. This amount will be adjusted annually for inflation, limited growth, and program improvements in accordance with the resource allocation model starting with fiscal year 1993.
(2) Unless the general assembly chooses to otherwise appropriate state funding, beginning in fiscal year 2016, at least ninety percent of any increase in core funding over the appropriated amount for the previous fiscal year shall be distributed in accordance with the achievement of performance-funding measures under section 173.1006.
4. The department of higher education and workforce development shall be responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of the resource allocation model and shall submit a report to the governor, the joint committee on education, the speaker of the house of representatives and president pro tempore of the senate by October 31, 2019, and every four years thereafter.
5. The department of higher education and workforce development shall request new and separate state aid funds for any new community college district for its first six years of operation. The request for the new district shall be based upon the same level of funding being provided to the existing districts, and should be sufficient to provide for the growth required to reach a mature enrollment level.
6. In addition to state funds received for operating purposes, each community college district shall be eligible to receive an annual appropriation, exclusive of any capital appropriations, for the cost of maintenance and repair of facilities and grounds, including surface parking areas, and purchases of equipment and furniture. Such funds shall not exceed in any year an amount equal to ten percent of the state appropriations, exclusive of any capital appropriations, to community college districts for operating purposes during the most recently completed fiscal year. The department of higher education and workforce development may include in its annual appropriations request the necessary funds to implement the provisions of this subsection and when appropriated shall distribute the funds to each community college district as appropriated. The department of higher education and workforce development appropriations request shall be for specific maintenance, repair, and equipment projects at specific community college districts, shall be in an amount of fifty percent of the cost of a given project as determined by the coordinating board and shall be only for projects which have been approved by the coordinating board through a process of application, evaluation, and approval as established by the coordinating board. The coordinating board, as part of its process of application, evaluation, and approval, shall require the community college district to provide proof that the fifty-percent share of funding to be defrayed by the district is either on hand or committed for maintenance, repair, and equipment projects. Only salaries or portions of salaries paid which are directly related to approved projects may be used as a part of the fifty-percent share of funding.
7. School districts offering two-year college courses pursuant to section 178.370 on October 31, 1961, shall receive state aid pursuant to subsection 2, subdivision (1) of subsection 3, and subsection 6 of this section if all scholastic standards established pursuant to sections 178.770 to 178.890 are met.
8. In order to make postsecondary educational opportunities available to Missouri residents who do not reside in an existing community college district, community colleges organized pursuant to section 178.370 or sections 178.770 to 178.890 shall be authorized pursuant to the funding provisions of this section to offer courses and programs outside the community college district with prior approval by the coordinating board for higher education. The classes conducted outside the district shall be self-sustaining except that the coordinating board shall promulgate rules to reimburse selected out-of-district instruction only where prior need has been established in geographical areas designated by the coordinating board for higher education. Funding for such off-campus instruction shall be included in the appropriation recommendations, shall be determined by the general assembly and shall continue, within the amounts appropriated therefor, unless the general assembly disapproves the action by concurrent resolution.
9. When distributing state aid authorized for community colleges, the state treasurer may, in any year if requested by a community college, disregard the provision in section 30.180 requiring the state treasurer to convert the warrant requesting payment into a check or draft and wire transfer the amount to be distributed to the community college directly to the community college's designated deposit for credit to the community college's account.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 4-19, A.L. 1965 p. 287, A.L. 1967 p. 249, A.L. 1972 S.B. 384, A.L. 1975 H.B. 526, A.L. 1981 S.B. 2, A.L. 1983 S.B. 160, A.L. 1985 H.B. 374, A.L. 1987 S.B. 335, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1456, A.L. 1989 H.B. 128, et al., A.L. 1990 H.B. 974 and 1358, A.L. 1991 H.B. 51, et al., A.L. 1992 H.B. 1102, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1486, A.L. 2001 S.B. 295, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1091, A.L. 2014 S.B. 492, A.L. 2018 H.B. 1465 merged with S.B. 807 & 577)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title XI - Education and Libraries
Section 163.011 - Definitions — method of calculating state aid.
Section 163.012 - Average daily attendance and membership, how determined.
Section 163.013 - Schools offering both kindergarten and transportation, state aid, how computed.
Section 163.022 - Minimum levy requirement not applicable in certain counties.
Section 163.028 - Rules, effective, when — rules invalid and void, when.
Section 163.038 - Districts with a county municipal court, payments to be made.
Section 163.042 - Option district election, effect of — notification to department of election.
Section 163.043 - Classroom trust fund created, distribution of moneys — use of moneys by districts.
Section 163.044 - Annual appropriation of fifteen million dollars for specified uses.
Section 163.051 - Forced closing of school — state aid based on prior year's attendance.
Section 163.071 - State aid for pupils residing on federal lands.
Section 163.083 - Distribution of state aid — treasurer may disregard certain requirements.
Section 163.091 - Correction of errors in apportionment of state aid.
Section 163.195 - Disclaimer as to dollar amounts of future payments.