Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 163 - State Aid
Section 163.021 - Eligibility for state aid, requirements — evaluation of correlation of rates and assessed valuation, report, calculation — further requirements — exception — operating levy less than performance levy, requirements.

Effective - 28 Aug 2018, 4 histories
163.021. Eligibility for state aid, requirements — evaluation of correlation of rates and assessed valuation, report, calculation — further requirements — exception — operating levy less than performance levy, requirements. — 1. A school district shall receive state aid for its education program only if it:
(1) Provides for a minimum of one hundred seventy-four days and one thousand forty-four hours of actual pupil attendance in a term scheduled by the board pursuant to section 160.041 for each pupil or group of pupils, except that the board shall provide a minimum of one hundred seventy-four days and five hundred twenty-two hours of actual pupil attendance in a term for kindergarten pupils. If any school is dismissed because of inclement weather after school has been in session for three hours, that day shall count as a school day including afternoon session kindergarten students. When the aggregate hours lost in a term due to inclement weather decreases the total hours of the school term below the required minimum number of hours by more than twelve hours for all-day students or six hours for one-half-day kindergarten students, all such hours below the minimum must be made up in one-half day or full day additions to the term, except as provided in section 171.033. In school year 2019-20 and subsequent years, one thousand forty-four hours of actual pupil attendance with no minimum number of school days shall be required for each pupil or group of pupils; except that, the board shall provide a minimum of five hundred twenty-two hours of actual pupil attendance in a term for kindergarten pupils with no minimum number of school days;
(2) Maintains adequate and accurate records of attendance, personnel and finances, as required by the state board of education, which shall include the preparation of a financial statement which shall be submitted to the state board of education the same as required by the provisions of section 165.111 for districts;
(3) Levies an operating levy for school purposes of not less than one dollar and twenty-five cents after all adjustments and reductions on each one hundred dollars assessed valuation of the district; and
(4) Computes average daily attendance as defined in subdivision (2) of section 163.011 as modified by section 171.031. Whenever there has existed within the district an infectious disease, contagion, epidemic, plague or similar condition whereby the school attendance is substantially reduced for an extended period in any school year, the apportionment of school funds and all other distribution of school moneys shall be made on the basis of the school year next preceding the year in which such condition existed.
2. For the 2006-07 school year and thereafter, no school district shall receive more state aid, as calculated under subsections 1 and 2 of section 163.031, for its education program, exclusive of categorical add-ons, than it received per weighted average daily attendance for the school year 2005-06 from the foundation formula, line 14, gifted, remedial reading, exceptional pupil aid, fair share, and free textbook payment amounts, unless it has an operating levy for school purposes, as determined pursuant to section 163.011, of not less than two dollars and seventy-five cents after all adjustments and reductions. Any district which is required, pursuant to Article X, Section 22 of the Missouri Constitution, to reduce its operating levy below the minimum tax rate otherwise required under this subsection shall not be construed to be in violation of this subsection for making such tax rate reduction. Pursuant to Section 10(c) of Article X of the state constitution, a school district may levy the operating levy for school purposes required by this subsection less all adjustments required pursuant to Article X, Section 22 of the Missouri Constitution if such rate does not exceed the highest tax rate in effect subsequent to the 1980 tax year. Nothing in this section shall be construed to mean that a school district is guaranteed to receive an amount not less than the amount the school district received per eligible pupil for the school year 1990-91. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any school district located in a county of the second classification which has a nuclear power plant located in such district or to any school district located in a county of the third classification which has an electric power generation unit with a rated generating capacity of more than one hundred fifty megawatts which is owned or operated or both by a rural electric cooperative except that such school districts may levy for current school purposes and capital projects an operating levy not to exceed two dollars and seventy-five cents less all adjustments required pursuant to Article X, Section 22 of the Missouri Constitution.
3. No school district shall receive more state aid, as calculated in section 163.031, for its education program, exclusive of categorical add-ons, than it received per eligible pupil for the school year 1993-94, if the state board of education determines that the district was not in compliance in the preceding school year with the requirements of section 163.172, until such time as the board determines that the district is again in compliance with the requirements of section 163.172.
4. No school district shall receive state aid, pursuant to section 163.031, if such district was not in compliance, during the preceding school year, with the requirement, established pursuant to section 160.530 to allocate revenue to the professional development committee of the district.
5. No school district shall receive more state aid, as calculated in subsections 1 and 2 of section 163.031, for its education program, exclusive of categorical add-ons, than it received per weighted average daily attendance for the school year 2005-06 from the foundation formula, line 14, gifted, remedial reading, exceptional pupil aid, fair share, and free textbook payment amounts, if the district did not comply in the preceding school year with the requirements of subsection 5 of section 163.031.
6. Any school district that levies an operating levy for school purposes that is less than the performance levy, as such term is defined in section 163.011, shall provide written notice to the department of elementary and secondary education asserting that the district is providing an adequate education to the students of such district. If a school district asserts that it is not providing an adequate education to its students, such inadequacy shall be deemed to be a result of insufficient local effort. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any special district established under sections 162.815 to 162.940.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 4-2, A.L. 1973 H.B. 38, A.L. 1982 S.B. 832, A.L. 1983 S.B. 39, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1456 & 1197, A.L. 1988 S.B. 797, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1478, et al., A.L. 1993 S.B. 380, A.L. 1996 S.B. 795, et al., A.L. 1997 H.B. 105, A.L. 1998 S.B. 781, A.L. 2005 S.B. 287, A.L. 2006 S.B. 894, A.L. 2015 H.B. 41, A.L. 2018 H.B. 1606 merged with S.B. 743)
(Source: RSMo 1959 § 161.025)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XI - Education and Libraries

Chapter 163 - State Aid

Section 163.011 - Definitions — method of calculating state aid.

Section 163.012 - Average daily attendance and membership, how determined.

Section 163.013 - Schools offering both kindergarten and transportation, state aid, how computed.

Section 163.016 - Designation of school district numbers (Monroe City, Owensville, Belle, and Leadwood).

Section 163.018 - Early childhood education programs, pupils included in average daily attendance calculation, when — standards for early education program, department considerations.

Section 163.021 - Eligibility for state aid, requirements — evaluation of correlation of rates and assessed valuation, report, calculation — further requirements — exception — operating levy less than performance levy, requirements.

Section 163.022 - Minimum levy requirement not applicable in certain counties.

Section 163.023 - School district with operating levy below minimum value classified unaccredited, when — procedure for classification.

Section 163.024 - Environmental violations, moneys received from payment of civil penalty excluded from local effort (Iron, Jefferson, Reynolds, and Washington counties).

Section 163.025 - Operating levy reduction below minimum rate, effect upon accreditation classification.

Section 163.028 - Rules, effective, when — rules invalid and void, when.

Section 163.031 - State aid — amount, how determined — categorical add-on revenue, determination of amount — waiver of rules — deposits to teachers' fund and incidental fund, when — state adequacy target adjustment, when — revenue from certain taxes...

Section 163.036 - Estimates of weighted average daily attendance, authorized, how computed — summer school computation — error in computation between actual and estimated attendance, how corrected — use of assessed valuation for state aid — delinquen...

Section 163.038 - Districts with a county municipal court, payments to be made.

Section 163.041 - Computation of average daily attendance for first apportionment to reorganized district.

Section 163.042 - Option district election, effect of — notification to department of election.

Section 163.043 - Classroom trust fund created, distribution of moneys — use of moneys by districts.

Section 163.044 - Annual appropriation of fifteen million dollars for specified uses.

Section 163.051 - Forced closing of school — state aid based on prior year's attendance.

Section 163.071 - State aid for pupils residing on federal lands.

Section 163.073 - Aid for programs provided by the division of youth services — amount, how determined — payment by district of domicile of the child, amount.

Section 163.081 - Secretary to report to state department, when, contents, penalty — distribution, when.

Section 163.083 - Distribution of state aid — treasurer may disregard certain requirements.

Section 163.087 - School district trust fund distribution, certain school districts — districts foregoing reduction in total operating levy, calculation of entitlement.

Section 163.091 - Correction of errors in apportionment of state aid.

Section 163.095 - Erroneously set levy in capital projects fund, department to revise state aid calculation (St. Louis County).

Section 163.161 - State aid for transportation of pupils — powers of state board to approve routes, or portions of routes — effect — limitations on use of funds.

Section 163.172 - Minimum teacher's salary — information to be provided to general assembly — salary defined.

Section 163.191 - State aid to community colleges — definitions — distribution to be based on resource allocation model, adjustment annually, factors involved — report on effectiveness of model, due when.

Section 163.195 - Disclaimer as to dollar amounts of future payments.

Section 163.410 - Compliance with certain expenditure requirements, school districts excused from, when.