Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 163 - State Aid
Section 163.022 - Minimum levy requirement not applicable in certain counties.

Effective - 12 Jul 1994
163.022. Minimum levy requirement not applicable in certain counties. — Provisions of other law to the contrary notwithstanding, the provisions of subsection 2 of section 163.021 shall not apply to any elementary school district located in a* county with a population of between thirty-five thousand and thirty-six thousand residents that contains the majority of at least five school districts.
(L. 1994 S.B. 676 § 2)
Effective 7-12-94
*Word "a" does not appear in original rolls.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title XI - Education and Libraries

Chapter 163 - State Aid

Section 163.011 - Definitions — method of calculating state aid.

Section 163.012 - Average daily attendance and membership, how determined.

Section 163.013 - Schools offering both kindergarten and transportation, state aid, how computed.

Section 163.016 - Designation of school district numbers (Monroe City, Owensville, Belle, and Leadwood).

Section 163.018 - Early childhood education programs, pupils included in average daily attendance calculation, when — standards for early education program, department considerations.

Section 163.021 - Eligibility for state aid, requirements — evaluation of correlation of rates and assessed valuation, report, calculation — further requirements — exception — operating levy less than performance levy, requirements.

Section 163.022 - Minimum levy requirement not applicable in certain counties.

Section 163.023 - School district with operating levy below minimum value classified unaccredited, when — procedure for classification.

Section 163.024 - Environmental violations, moneys received from payment of civil penalty excluded from local effort (Iron, Jefferson, Reynolds, and Washington counties).

Section 163.025 - Operating levy reduction below minimum rate, effect upon accreditation classification.

Section 163.028 - Rules, effective, when — rules invalid and void, when.

Section 163.031 - State aid — amount, how determined — categorical add-on revenue, determination of amount — waiver of rules — deposits to teachers' fund and incidental fund, when — state adequacy target adjustment, when — revenue from certain taxes...

Section 163.036 - Estimates of weighted average daily attendance, authorized, how computed — summer school computation — error in computation between actual and estimated attendance, how corrected — use of assessed valuation for state aid — delinquen...

Section 163.038 - Districts with a county municipal court, payments to be made.

Section 163.041 - Computation of average daily attendance for first apportionment to reorganized district.

Section 163.042 - Option district election, effect of — notification to department of election.

Section 163.043 - Classroom trust fund created, distribution of moneys — use of moneys by districts.

Section 163.044 - Annual appropriation of fifteen million dollars for specified uses.

Section 163.051 - Forced closing of school — state aid based on prior year's attendance.

Section 163.071 - State aid for pupils residing on federal lands.

Section 163.073 - Aid for programs provided by the division of youth services — amount, how determined — payment by district of domicile of the child, amount.

Section 163.081 - Secretary to report to state department, when, contents, penalty — distribution, when.

Section 163.083 - Distribution of state aid — treasurer may disregard certain requirements.

Section 163.087 - School district trust fund distribution, certain school districts — districts foregoing reduction in total operating levy, calculation of entitlement.

Section 163.091 - Correction of errors in apportionment of state aid.

Section 163.095 - Erroneously set levy in capital projects fund, department to revise state aid calculation (St. Louis County).

Section 163.161 - State aid for transportation of pupils — powers of state board to approve routes, or portions of routes — effect — limitations on use of funds.

Section 163.172 - Minimum teacher's salary — information to be provided to general assembly — salary defined.

Section 163.191 - State aid to community colleges — definitions — distribution to be based on resource allocation model, adjustment annually, factors involved — report on effectiveness of model, due when.

Section 163.195 - Disclaimer as to dollar amounts of future payments.

Section 163.410 - Compliance with certain expenditure requirements, school districts excused from, when.