Effective - 01 Jan 1981
116.300. Challengers and watchers at polling places, how designated. — Not later than the fourth Tuesday prior to an election on a statewide ballot measure, each chairman of a county campaign committee favoring a measure and each chairman of a county campaign committee opposing a measure shall file with the election authority a list of committee officers and a request to have the right to designate challengers and watchers under section 116.310. If only one committee favoring a particular measure and one committee opposing a particular measure file a list and a request, then each filing chairman shall have the right to designate challengers and watchers under section 116.310. If more than one committee favoring a particular measure or more than one committee opposing a particular measure files a list and request, then the election authority shall determine which chairman has the right to designate challengers and watchers. If the measure was submitted by initiative or referendum petition, the person designated under section 116.100 as the person to receive notice under sections 116.140 and 116.180 shall be entitled to designate the county campaign committee chairmen's names to the proper election authorities by the fourth Tuesday prior to the election on that measure.
(L. 1980 S.B. 658)
Effective 1-01-81
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title IX - Suffrage and Elections
Chapter 116 - Initiative and Referendum
Section 116.010 - Definitions.
Section 116.020 - Application of laws.
Section 116.050 - Initiative and referendum petitions, requirements.
Section 116.070 - Petitioner may sign by mark, procedure.
Section 116.080 - Qualifications of circulator — affidavit, notarization, penalty.
Section 116.090 - Petition signature fraud, penalty.
Section 116.100 - Filing of petition, procedure.
Section 116.110 - Signature may be withdrawn, when, how, effect, penalty.
Section 116.115 - Withdrawal of petition, when — vacation of official ballot title, when.
Section 116.140 - Secretary of state's authority not to count forged or fraudulent signatures.
Section 116.185 - Identical ballot titles may be changed, how.
Section 116.195 - Costs of court-ordered ballot title change to be paid by the state.
Section 116.210 - Numbering of proposed constitutional amendments.
Section 116.220 - Labeling of initiative and referendum measures.
Section 116.230 - Sample ballots to be prepared, form.
Section 116.240 - Certification to election authorities of notice to be published — contents.
Section 116.250 - Publication of legal notice.
Section 116.270 - Publications fund created — payments from fund for what, how made.
Section 116.280 - Paper ballots for statewide measures, form.
Section 116.300 - Challengers and watchers at polling places, how designated.
Section 116.320 - Adoption of measure, vote required — effect of approval of conflicting measures.
Section 116.330 - Board of canvassers or governor to issue statement.