Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 116 - Initiative and Referendum
Section 116.153 - Hearing to take public comments — joint committee on legislative research to provide summary to secretary of state, posting on website.

Effective - 04 Nov 2014
116.153. Hearing to take public comments — joint committee on legislative research to provide summary to secretary of state, posting on website. — Within thirty days of issuing certification that the petition contains a sufficient number of valid signatures pursuant to section 116.150, the joint committee on legislative research shall hold a public hearing in Jefferson City to take public comments concerning the proposed measure. Such hearing shall be a public meeting under chapter 610. Within five business days after the end of the public hearing, the joint committee on legislative research shall provide a summary of the hearing to the secretary of state or his or her designee and the secretary of state shall post a copy of the summary on the website of the office of the secretary of state.
(L. 2013 H.B. 117)
Effective 11-04-14

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title IX - Suffrage and Elections

Chapter 116 - Initiative and Referendum

Section 116.010 - Definitions.

Section 116.020 - Application of laws.

Section 116.025 - Attorney general sent fair ballot language, when — statement posted at polling place.

Section 116.030 - Referendum petition, form — clerical and technical errors to be disregarded, penalties for false signature.

Section 116.040 - Initiative petition for law or constitutional amendment, form — clerical and technical errors to be disregarded, penalties for false signature.

Section 116.050 - Initiative and referendum petitions, requirements.

Section 116.060 - Initiative and referendum petitions, who may sign — residents of one county only on a designated page.

Section 116.070 - Petitioner may sign by mark, procedure.

Section 116.080 - Qualifications of circulator — affidavit, notarization, penalty.

Section 116.090 - Petition signature fraud, penalty.

Section 116.100 - Filing of petition, procedure.

Section 116.110 - Signature may be withdrawn, when, how, effect, penalty.

Section 116.115 - Withdrawal of petition, when — vacation of official ballot title, when.

Section 116.120 - Secretary of state to determine sufficiency of form and compliance — invalid signatures not counted — signatures may be verified by random sampling, procedure and requirements.

Section 116.130 - Election authorities may be requested to verify signatures either by random sampling or checking signatures, when, how.

Section 116.140 - Secretary of state's authority not to count forged or fraudulent signatures.

Section 116.150 - Secretary of state to issue certificate of sufficiency of petition, when — if insufficient, certificate to state reasons.

Section 116.153 - Hearing to take public comments — joint committee on legislative research to provide summary to secretary of state, posting on website.

Section 116.155 - Official summaries and fiscal notes may be included in ballot measures, summary to be official ballot title if included.

Section 116.160 - Summary statement to be provided by the secretary of state if summary not provided by general assembly — content.

Section 116.170 - Fiscal note and fiscal note summary to be provided by state auditor if not provided by general assembly.

Section 116.175 - Fiscal impact of proposed measure — fiscal note, fiscal note summary, requirements — return of fiscal note for revision, when.

Section 116.180 - Copies of ballot title, fiscal note and fiscal note summary to designated persons, when — ballot title to be affixed to petition, when.

Section 116.185 - Identical ballot titles may be changed, how.

Section 116.190 - Ballot title may be challenged, procedure — who are parties defendant — changes may be made by court — appeal to supreme court, when.

Section 116.195 - Costs of court-ordered ballot title change to be paid by the state.

Section 116.200 - Secretary of state's decision as to sufficiency of petition may be reversed, procedure — appeal.

Section 116.210 - Numbering of proposed constitutional amendments.

Section 116.220 - Labeling of initiative and referendum measures.

Section 116.230 - Sample ballots to be prepared, form.

Section 116.240 - Certification to election authorities of notice to be published — contents.

Section 116.250 - Publication of legal notice.

Section 116.260 - Newspapers for publication of text of measures to be designated — measures to be published, how.

Section 116.270 - Publications fund created — payments from fund for what, how made.

Section 116.280 - Paper ballots for statewide measures, form.

Section 116.290 - Printing of copies of statewide measures — to be posted at polling places — distribution, exception.

Section 116.300 - Challengers and watchers at polling places, how designated.

Section 116.310 - Time limited for designating challengers and watchers for polling places and counting locations — effect of failure to designate by prescribed time.

Section 116.320 - Adoption of measure, vote required — effect of approval of conflicting measures.

Section 116.330 - Board of canvassers or governor to issue statement.

Section 116.332 - Petitions for constitutional amendments, statutory initiative or referendum, requirements, procedure.

Section 116.334 - Petition approval required, procedure to obtain petition title or summary statement — rejection or approval of petition, procedure — circulation of petition prior to approval, effect — signatures, deadline for filing.

Section 116.340 - Publication of approved measures.