Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 109 - Public and Business Records
Section 109.400 - Archival facility to be maintained, authority to enter into contracts and receive moneys.

Effective - 28 Aug 2004
109.400. Archival facility to be maintained, authority to enter into contracts and receive moneys. — 1. The secretary of state is hereby authorized:
(1) To plan, acquire, construct, develop, operate, and maintain, or to lease or sublease to or from others for acquisition, construction, development, operation, and maintenance, an archival facility located in a city not within a county* to preserve documents of legal, historical, and genealogical importance to the state of Missouri, and to provide educational and outreach programs sponsored by the Missouri state archives;
(2) To enter into contracts and agreements with public or private persons, partnerships, associations, entities, corporations, and cities, counties, and other subdivisions of the state of Missouri such as might be necessary to promote the planning, acquisition, construction, development, operation, or maintenance of such facility and its programs; and
(3) To receive any grants, gifts, bequests, rentals, contributions, moneys, or properties appropriated or otherwise designated for payment to the secretary of state for the planning, acquisition, construction, development, operation, or maintenance of such facility and its programs by municipalities, counties, state, or other political subdivisions or public agencies or by the federal government or any agency or officer thereof or from any other public or private source.
2. Nothing in this section shall require any local agency, entity, or subdivision to transfer any records to the state archives.
(L. 2004 H.B. 1363 merged with S.B. 1172)
*The words "St. Louis city" appear in original rolls of H.B. 1363, 2004.

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VIII - Public Officers and Employees, Bonds and Records

Chapter 109 - Public and Business Records

Section 109.005 - State document preservation fund established, purpose — state treasurer duty to invest — unexpended balance, lapse prohibited.

Section 109.007 - Document preservation fund, duties of archives division to preserve legal, historical and genealogical documents — annual report.

Section 109.010 - Officer to deliver records to successor.

Section 109.020 - Duty of executor.

Section 109.030 - Penalties for failure to deliver records.

Section 109.040 - Vacated office — seizure of records by warrant.

Section 109.050 - Authority of officer executing writ.

Section 109.060 - Penalty for not executing the writ.

Section 109.070 - Remedy of person aggrieved by issuance of such warrant.

Section 109.080 - Private persons to deliver records — proceedings on failure.

Section 109.090 - Courts may order records rebound, transcribed, indexed.

Section 109.100 - Photographic copies of records.

Section 109.110 - Transcript to be evidence, when.

Section 109.120 - Records reproduced by photographic, video or electronic process, standards — cost.

Section 109.130 - Reproduced records deemed original, when.

Section 109.140 - Disposition of court records, how authorized — methods of disposition.

Section 109.156 - Original may be destroyed after reproduction, exceptions.

Section 109.160 - Statement and affidavit when record lost or destroyed.

Section 109.170 - Clerk to issue summons — proceedings.

Section 109.180 - Public records open to inspection — refusal to permit inspection, penalty.

Section 109.190 - Right of person to photograph public records — regulations.

Section 109.195 - Public records of ownership or security interest not subject to inspection or copying.

Section 109.200 - Short title.

Section 109.210 - Definitions.

Section 109.220 - Records management and archives service to be established — appointment of director.

Section 109.221 - Historical records advisory board — secretary of state to serve as coordinator — meetings, expenses — powers, duties — rules, promulgation, procedure — grants for preservation of local records, use of recorder's fund for matching mo...

Section 109.225 - Missouri board on geographic names established, members, terms, meetings — secretary to be designated — duties of board.

Section 109.230 - Duties of director.

Section 109.240 - Duties of agency heads.

Section 109.241 - Local agency head, duties of.

Section 109.250 - State records commission established — members — duties — meetings.

Section 109.255 - Secretary of state duties as to local boards of record control — local boards, terms, expenses.

Section 109.260 - Destruction of records and nonrecord materials.

Section 109.265 - Disposition of nonrecord material, director to retain certain copies, when.

Section 109.270 - Records are property of state or local government — not to be damaged or disposed of.

Section 109.280 - Agency heads may determine nature and form of records — confidential records to be so treated.

Section 109.290 - Director to assist legislative and judicial branches upon request.

Section 109.295 - Certain activities not affected.

Section 109.300 - Termination of agency — disposition of records.

Section 109.310 - Records, how destroyed — rules and regulations to supersede existing law and regulations.

Section 109.400 - Archival facility to be maintained, authority to enter into contracts and receive moneys.

Section 109.410 - Missouri State Archives — St. Louis Trust Fund established, use of funds.

Section 109.500 - Records defined.

Section 109.510 - Data processing may be used for all records.