Missouri Revised Statutes
Chapter 106 - Removal and Impeachment of Public Officers
Section 106.273 - Removal of chief law enforcement officer, when.

Effective - 28 Aug 2013
106.273. Removal of chief law enforcement officer, when. — 1. For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall mean:
(1) "Chief", any nonelected chief law enforcement officer of any political subdivision;
(2) "Just cause", exists when a chief:
(a) Is unable to perform his or her duties with reasonable competence or reasonable safety as a result of a mental condition, including alcohol or substance abuse;
(b) Has committed any act, while engaged in the performance of his or her duties, that constitutes a reckless disregard for the safety of the public or another law enforcement officer;
(c) Has caused a material fact to be misrepresented for any improper or unlawful purpose;
(d) Acts in a manner for the sole purpose of furthering his or her self-interest or in a manner inconsistent with the interests of the public or the chief's governing body;
(e) Has been found to have violated any law, statute, or ordinance which constitutes a felony; or
(f) Has been deemed insubordinate or found to be in violation of a written established policy, unless such claimed insubordination or violation of a written established policy was a violation of any federal or state law or local ordinance.
2. A chief shall be subject to removal from office or employment by the appointing authority or the governing body of the political subdivision employing the chief if:
(1) The governing body of the political subdivision employing the chief issues a written notice to the chief whose removal is being sought no fewer than ten business days prior to the meeting at which his or her removal will be considered;
(2) The chief has been given written notice as to the governing body's intent to remove him or her. Such notice shall include:
(a) Charges specifying just cause for which removal is sought;
(b) A statement of facts that are alleged to constitute just cause for the chief's removal; and
(c) The date, time, and location of the meeting at which the chief's removal will be considered;
(3) The chief is given an opportunity to be heard before the governing body, together with any witnesses, evidence and counsel of his or her choosing; and
(4) The governing body, by two-thirds majority vote, finds just cause for removing the chief.
3. Upon the satisfaction of the removal procedure under subsection 2 of this section, the chief shall be immediately removed from his or her office, shall be relieved of all duties and responsibilities of said office, and shall be entitled to no further compensation or benefits not already earned, accrued, or agreed upon.
4. Any chief removed pursuant to subsection 3 of this section shall be issued a written notice of the grounds of his or her removal within fourteen calendar days of the removal.
(L. 2013 H.B. 307)

Structure Missouri Revised Statutes

Missouri Revised Statutes

Title VIII - Public Officers and Employees, Bonds and Records

Chapter 106 - Removal and Impeachment of Public Officers

Section 106.010 - Appointive officers — removal.

Section 106.020 - Who is impeachable — reasons for impeachment.

Section 106.030 - Power of impeachment — trial.

Section 106.040 - Articles of impeachment — transmittal.

Section 106.050 - Suspension of impeached officer.

Section 106.060 - Office vacated by suspension — temporary appointment.

Section 106.070 - Service of articles of impeachment.

Section 106.080 - Impeachment commission — members — meeting.

Section 106.090 - Organization of commission — summons to accused — employment of clerical help.

Section 106.100 - Serving of summons.

Section 106.110 - Compensation to members of commission.

Section 106.120 - Accused to be given time to answer.

Section 106.130 - Depositions.

Section 106.140 - Manner of taking depositions.

Section 106.150 - Proceedings ex parte.

Section 106.160 - Impeachment proceedings — oath.

Section 106.170 - Impeachment trial proceedings.

Section 106.180 - Rights of accused — five-sevenths majority required to convict.

Section 106.190 - Accused party subject to indictment.

Section 106.200 - Disposition of transcript and judgment.

Section 106.210 - Writ to run in name of state.

Section 106.220 - Forfeiture of office — reasons for.

Section 106.230 - Complaint against officer — duty of prosecuting attorney.

Section 106.240 - Appointment of special prosecutor.

Section 106.250 - Action by attorney general.

Section 106.260 - Appointment of special sheriff.

Section 106.270 - Removal of officer — vacancy, how filled.

Section 106.273 - Removal of chief law enforcement officer, when.

Section 106.280 - Right of appeal.

Section 106.290 - Payment of costs.