Effective - 28 Aug 1945
106.030. Power of impeachment — trial. — The house of representatives shall have the sole power of impeachment. All impeachments shall be tried before the supreme court, except that the governor or a member of the supreme court shall be tried by a special commission as provided for in sections 106.020 to 106.210.
(L. 1945 p. 1319 § 12837)
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VIII - Public Officers and Employees, Bonds and Records
Chapter 106 - Removal and Impeachment of Public Officers
Section 106.010 - Appointive officers — removal.
Section 106.020 - Who is impeachable — reasons for impeachment.
Section 106.030 - Power of impeachment — trial.
Section 106.040 - Articles of impeachment — transmittal.
Section 106.050 - Suspension of impeached officer.
Section 106.060 - Office vacated by suspension — temporary appointment.
Section 106.070 - Service of articles of impeachment.
Section 106.080 - Impeachment commission — members — meeting.
Section 106.090 - Organization of commission — summons to accused — employment of clerical help.
Section 106.100 - Serving of summons.
Section 106.110 - Compensation to members of commission.
Section 106.120 - Accused to be given time to answer.
Section 106.130 - Depositions.
Section 106.140 - Manner of taking depositions.
Section 106.150 - Proceedings ex parte.
Section 106.160 - Impeachment proceedings — oath.
Section 106.170 - Impeachment trial proceedings.
Section 106.180 - Rights of accused — five-sevenths majority required to convict.
Section 106.190 - Accused party subject to indictment.
Section 106.200 - Disposition of transcript and judgment.
Section 106.210 - Writ to run in name of state.
Section 106.220 - Forfeiture of office — reasons for.
Section 106.230 - Complaint against officer — duty of prosecuting attorney.
Section 106.240 - Appointment of special prosecutor.
Section 106.250 - Action by attorney general.
Section 106.260 - Appointment of special sheriff.
Section 106.270 - Removal of officer — vacancy, how filled.
Section 106.273 - Removal of chief law enforcement officer, when.