Effective - 28 Aug 1939
106.220. Forfeiture of office — reasons for. — Any person elected or appointed to any county, city, town or township office in this state, except such officers as may be subject to removal by impeachment, who shall fail personally to devote his time to the performance of the duties of such office, or who shall be guilty of any willful or fraudulent violation or neglect of any official duty, or who shall knowingly or willfully fail or refuse to do or perform any official act or duty which by law it is his duty to do or perform with respect to the execution or enforcement of the criminal laws of the state, shall thereby forfeit his office, and may be removed therefrom in the manner provided in sections 106.230 to 106.290.
(RSMo 1939 § 12828)
Prior revisions: 1929 § 11202; 1919 § 9175; 1909 § 10204
(1956) Statutory remedy for removal of officers, adopted under section 4, Article VII of the Constitution, is not exclusive and does not limit the jurisdiction of the supreme court in quo warranto. State inf. Dalton v. Mosley, 365 Mo. 711, 286 S.W.2d 721.
(1956) Sheriff who failed to enforce laws against gambling and against lotteries for charitable or civic purposes and who solicited reward for recovery of stolen property held to have forfeited office and could be ousted by quo warranto. State ex inf. Dalton v. Mosley, 365 Mo. 711, 286 S.W.2d 721.
(1956) Proceeding in quo warranto to declare forfeiture of offices of two judges of county court was civil in nature and burden was upon informant to prove by preponderance of the evidence that by commission of acts alleged respondents had forfeited their respective offices and statutes defining grounds for removal would be given strict construction. State on inf. of Connett v. Madget (Mo.) 297 S.W.2d 417.
(1964) Sheriff who placed or had placed a billfold, which had been taken in a burglary and later recovered, in a suspect's automobile for use in prosecution of the suspect, was guilty of willful and malicious oppression, misconduct and abuse of authority in office and thereby forfeited his office. State v. Elliott (Mo.), 380 S.W.2d 929.
(1971) The Supreme Court has jurisdiction to hear quo warranto proceedings to remove county officer. State v. Orton (Mo.), 465 S.W.2d 618.
(1979) Sheriff who represented to the county court that the cost for food preparation was greater than the actual cost and retained the difference for personal use was guilty of willful and fraudulent violation of an official duty. State ex inf. Ashcroft v. Riley (Mo.), 590 S.W.2d 903.
Structure Missouri Revised Statutes
Title VIII - Public Officers and Employees, Bonds and Records
Chapter 106 - Removal and Impeachment of Public Officers
Section 106.010 - Appointive officers — removal.
Section 106.020 - Who is impeachable — reasons for impeachment.
Section 106.030 - Power of impeachment — trial.
Section 106.040 - Articles of impeachment — transmittal.
Section 106.050 - Suspension of impeached officer.
Section 106.060 - Office vacated by suspension — temporary appointment.
Section 106.070 - Service of articles of impeachment.
Section 106.080 - Impeachment commission — members — meeting.
Section 106.090 - Organization of commission — summons to accused — employment of clerical help.
Section 106.100 - Serving of summons.
Section 106.110 - Compensation to members of commission.
Section 106.120 - Accused to be given time to answer.
Section 106.130 - Depositions.
Section 106.140 - Manner of taking depositions.
Section 106.150 - Proceedings ex parte.
Section 106.160 - Impeachment proceedings — oath.
Section 106.170 - Impeachment trial proceedings.
Section 106.180 - Rights of accused — five-sevenths majority required to convict.
Section 106.190 - Accused party subject to indictment.
Section 106.200 - Disposition of transcript and judgment.
Section 106.210 - Writ to run in name of state.
Section 106.220 - Forfeiture of office — reasons for.
Section 106.230 - Complaint against officer — duty of prosecuting attorney.
Section 106.240 - Appointment of special prosecutor.
Section 106.250 - Action by attorney general.
Section 106.260 - Appointment of special sheriff.
Section 106.270 - Removal of officer — vacancy, how filled.
Section 106.273 - Removal of chief law enforcement officer, when.