Missouri constitution
Article III: legislative department
Section 47

For twelve years beginning
with the year 1961, the general assembly shall appropriate for each year out of the
general revenue fund, an amount not less than that produced annually at a tax rate of
one cent on each one hundred dollars assessed valuation of the real and tangible personal
property taxable by the state, for the exclusive purpose of providing a state park
fund to be expended and used by the agency authorized by law to control and supervise
state parks, and historic sites of the state, for the purposes of the acquisition, supervision,
operation, maintenance, development, control, regulation and restoration of state
parks and state park property, as may be determined by such agency; and thereafter
the general assembly shall appropriate such amounts as may be reasonably necessary
for such purposes.
The amount required to be appropriated by this section may be reduced to meet
budgetary demands provided said appropriation is not less than that appropriated for
the prior similar appropriation period.