Missouri constitution
Article III: legislative department
Section 37(D)

(i) 5.0% of the appropriations under this subdivision shall be appropriated to the
board of public buildings for planning for capital improvement projects to be funded
from the third state building fund.
The general assembly may enact such laws as may be necessary to carry this amendment
into effect. With the exception of those projects involving the repair, replacement
or maintenance of state buildings or facilities for which at least 20% of any year’s
appropriations from the fund are reserved as provided above, no project proposed to
be funded from the third state building fund shall be commenced unless the general
assembly shall first have specifically authorized such undertaking by passage of legislation
apart from its ordinary appropriation process. The additional revenue provided
by this section shall not be part of “total state revenue in sections 17 and 18 of article
X of this constitution. The expenditure of this additional revenue shall not be an
“expense of state government” under section 20 of article X of this constitution.