Missouri constitution
Article III: legislative department
Section 39(C)

2. At the general election to be held in November, 1986, every officer or body in
charge of the elections shall order the following question on the ballot: “Shall pari-mutuel
wagering upon horse races be permitted in ........................ County (or the City of
St. Louis)?” This question may also be ordered upon the ballot at the general election
occurring in 1988 and every four years thereafter by the governing body of any county
where pari-mutuel wagering has not been previously authorized. The general provisions
of law with respect to the conduct of elections and the submission of questions
to voters for determination shall apply insofar as they are applicable. No license shall
be issued by the commission authorizing pari-mutuel wagering within the grounds or
enclosure of a racetrack until a majority of the qualified voters of the county where the
race track is proposed to be located vote to accept pari-mutuel wagering in that county
at one of the elections referred to above.
Once pari-mutuel wagering on horse racing has been accepted by the voters of that
county at an appropriate election, no other vote shall be held on the question of the
legality of such wagering in that county. If the qualified voters of the county reject
pari-mutuel wagering on horse races in that county, no elections shall be held on the
question in that county except as in the manner specified above. As used in this section,
the term “county includes the City of St. Louis.