Mississippi Code
Chapter 7 - Landlord and Tenant
§ 89-7-89. How goods replevied

The tenant, his executor or administrator, may replevy the agricultural products or other property distrained, at any time before the sale thereof, by giving bond with one or more sufficient sureties, to be approved by the officer in whose custody the property may be, payable to the party in whose name or right the distress or seizure was made, in a penalty double the amount distrained for or double the value of the property seized, where the value is less than the amount distrained for, conditioned to prosecute his suit against the obligee in the bond for the property, and to perform the judgment of the court in such suit, in case he shall fail therein. Upon the delivery of such bond to the officer having control of the property, he shall deliver the same to the party giving the bond, and shall return the bond and the writ of attachment, with a statement of his proceedings, to the clerk of the circuit court if the value of the property or amount distrained for exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), and to the justice of the peace who issued the attachment if neither the amount claimed nor the value of the property exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00); and he shall summon the party in whose name or right the distress or seizure was made, to appear at the next term of the court to which return of the attachment and bond shall be made, to answer the suit of the person replevying the property; and the officer shall make his return of having summoned such party on the papers by him returned to the court.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 89 - Real and Personal Property

Chapter 7 - Landlord and Tenant

§ 89-7-1. Goods not to be removed until rent paid

§ 89-7-3. Tenant not bound to pay rent for, or to restore, buildings destroyed; exception

§ 89-7-5. Action for use and occupation where there is no contract

§ 89-7-7. Remedy by action for rent in arrear

§ 89-7-9. Death of tenant for life; apportionment of rent

§ 89-7-11. Rent assets in hands of personal representative

§ 89-7-13. Executor or administrator may sue or distrain

§ 89-7-15. Rights of assignees of lessor

§ 89-7-17. Grants of rents, good without attornment

§ 89-7-19. Attornment of tenant to stranger void; exception

§ 89-7-21. Rights of lessees against assignees of lessor

§ 89-7-23. Notice to terminate tenancy

§ 89-7-25. Tenant holding after notice liable for double rent

§ 89-7-27. Proceedings against tenant holding over

§ 89-7-29. Affidavit to remove

§ 89-7-33. Service of summons

§ 89-7-37. Defense may be made

§ 89-7-39. Continuances, subpoenas

§ 89-7-43. Judgment for defendant

§ 89-7-45. When warrant for removal may issue in cases of nonpayment of rent

§ 89-7-47. Record, appeals

§ 89-7-49. Proceedings when tenant deserts premises

§ 89-7-53. Lien for live stock, implements and vehicles

§ 89-7-55. Attachment for rent and supplies; who entitled to and for what

§ 89-7-57. How obtained

§ 89-7-59. Before whom complaint made

§ 89-7-61. Writ

§ 89-7-63. Form of affidavit

§ 89-7-65. Form of bond

§ 89-7-67. Form of the writ

§ 89-7-69. Goods sold if not replevied

§ 89-7-71. Form of bond for payment of rent

§ 89-7-73. Bond delivered to lessor, and proceedings thereon

§ 89-7-75. Remedy when claim not due in certain cases

§ 89-7-77. Goods removed before debt due, distrained

§ 89-7-79. Goods removed, seized within thirty days

§ 89-7-81. Distress may be made after termination of lease

§ 89-7-83. Sale of goods stopped without bond

§ 89-7-85. Distress to be reasonable, and property seized not to be removed from county

§ 89-7-87. Irregularities not to affect distress

§ 89-7-89. How goods replevied

§ 89-7-91. Summons or publication for party distraining

§ 89-7-93. Form of replevin-bond

§ 89-7-95. Party replevying to propound claim

§ 89-7-97. Form of declaration

§ 89-7-99. Pleas to the declaration

§ 89-7-101. The avowry

§ 89-7-103. The replication

§ 89-7-105. Replication in case rent not due

§ 89-7-107. Replevin; when triable, and judgment upon default

§ 89-7-109. Suit revived in case of death of party

§ 89-7-111. Judgment if trial results against lessor

§ 89-7-113. Papers transferred, if returned to wrong court

§ 89-7-115. Tenant's remedy against landlord

§ 89-7-117. Property of strangers not liable

§ 89-7-119. Replevin of property by strangers

§ 89-7-121. Form of affidavit by third person

§ 89-7-123. Proceedings to be as in replevin by tenant

§ 89-7-125. Burden of proof