Mississippi Code
In General
§ 89-1-55. How lands sold under mortgages and deeds in trust

All lands comprising a single tract, and wholly described by the subdivisions of the governmental surveys, sold under mortgages and deeds of trust, shall be sold in the manner provided by Section 111 of the Mississippi Constitution of 1890 for the sale of lands in pursuance of a decree of court, or under execution. All lands sold at public outcry under deeds of trust or other contracts shall be sold in the county in which the land is located, or in the county of the residence of the grantor, or one of the grantors in the trust deed, provided that where the land is situated in two (2) or more counties, the parties may contract for a sale of the whole in any of the counties in which any part of the land lies. Sale of said lands shall be advertised for three (3) consecutive weeks preceding such sale, in a newspaper published in the county, or, if none is so published, in some paper having a general circulation therein, and by posting one notice at the courthouse of the county where the land is situated, for said time, and such notice and advertisement shall disclose the name of the original mortgagor or mortgagors in said deed of trust or other contract. No sale of lands under a deed of trust or mortgage, shall be valid unless such sale shall have been advertised as herein provided for, regardless of any contract to the contrary. An error in the mode of sale such as makes the sale void will not be cured by any statute of limitations, except as to the ten-year statute of adverse possession.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 89 - Real and Personal Property

Chapter 1 - Land and Conveyances

In General

§ 89-1-1. Land conveyed to vest immediately or in future

§ 89-1-3. Land to be conveyed only by writing

§ 89-1-5. Words of inheritance not necessary

§ 89-1-7. Estate in two or more persons

§ 89-1-9. The rule in Shelley's Case abolished

§ 89-1-11. Remainder good without particular estate

§ 89-1-13. Limitation on failure of issue

§ 89-1-15. Estates in fee tail prohibited

§ 89-1-17. Alienation good for grantor's interest; remainder not affected

§ 89-1-19. Right of entry not tolled by death of disseizor

§ 89-1-21. How body politic, public or private corporation may convey land

§ 89-1-23. Aliens holding land

§ 89-1-25. Quitclaim deeds and disclaimers of title by school district boards of trustees, municipalities and boards of supervisors

§ 89-1-27. Conveyances by masters, commissioners, sheriffs or other officers

§ 89-1-29. Spouse's role in conveying homestead; incompetent spouse; limited power of attorney in conveyance of homestead

§ 89-1-33. Effect of word "warrant" in conveyance

§ 89-1-35. Effect of words "warrant specially."

§ 89-1-37. Effect of a conveyance without warranty

§ 89-1-39. Effect of quitclaim and release

§ 89-1-41. Effect of words "grant, bargain, sell."

§ 89-1-43. Mortgages and trust estates; trust estates subject to execution

§ 89-1-45. Mortgage for purchase money of land

§ 89-1-47. Deed not shown to be mortgage by parol evidence

§ 89-1-51. Trustee may acknowledge satisfaction

§ 89-1-53. Mortgages and deeds of trust on land; to be referred to in deed of conveyance under foreclosure proceedings

§ 89-1-55. How lands sold under mortgages and deeds in trust

§ 89-1-57. Deed of trust or mortgage; how sale made when terms not specified

§ 89-1-59. Accelerated debt may be reinstated by payment of all default before sale

§ 89-1-61. Forms for conveyances

§ 89-1-63. Deed of trust or mortgage; power of sale; relationship of trustee to other party to deed of trust; beneficiary may purchase at sale made under power of sale; appointment or substitution of trustee by beneficiary

§ 89-1-65. Sheriff's conveyance

§ 89-1-67. Conveyance by administrator, executor, guardian, master, or commissioner