The consolidation and merger of the said telephone properties in any county or in any of the municipalities located in such county shall not take effect until the individuals, associations or corporations owning the said telephone properties which are operating in such county or such municipalities shall have first obtained from the governing authority of each of the municipalities affected by such consolidation and merger as is proposed to be effected, the consent of such municipality to such consolidation and merger. Such consent shall be evidenced by an order of the governing authority of such municipality or municipalities duly and regularly entered upon the minutes of the said governing authority, giving its assent to such merger and consolidation. No consolidation and merger of the said telephone properties shall be effected until the individuals, associations or corporations owning such telephone system shall have also obtained the consent of the public service commission of the State of Mississippi to such consolidation and merger to be evidenced by an order of the said commission, duly and regularly entered upon its minutes. No consolidation of the telephone properties in such county or the municipalities located therein, shall be effected until the individuals, associations or corporations owning such telephone properties shall have produced in the office of the commission duly certified copies of the orders of the governing authority of the municipality, or municipalities, affected by such proposed consolidation and merger evidencing its assent thereto, as above provided. The said consolidation and merger shall not become finally effective and complete until the attorney-general of the State of Mississippi shall have given his certificate that such consolidation and merger is not contrary to the public welfare of the State of Mississippi and is in accordance with the terms of this section.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 77 - Public Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 9 - Railroads and Other Common Carriers
Article 7 - Telegraph and Telephone Companies
§ 77-9-701. Offices of telegraph companies
§ 77-9-707. Evidence of transmission of telegram in suits against telegraph companies
§ 77-9-709. Duty of telegraph and telephone companies to transmit public messages
§ 77-9-711. Erection of telegraph and telephone lines
§ 77-9-713. Local authorities may regulate construction and maintenance of lines
§ 77-9-715. Liability for damages caused by erection, continuance and use of lines
§ 77-9-717. Exercise of eminent domain for construction of new lines
§ 77-9-719. Consolidation and merger of telephone lines, exchanges and property authorized
§ 77-9-723. Nothing in preceding sections shall mandate consolidation and merger
§ 77-9-725. Blacklisting of telegraphers because of union affiliation is unlawful
§ 77-9-727. Conspiracy to blacklist telegrapher is unlawful
§ 77-9-729. Telegrapher discriminated against may recover actual and exemplary damages