Telegraph or telephone companies or associations shall be bound, on application of any officer of this state, or of the United States, in case of any war, insurrection, riot, or other civil commotion or resistance of public authority, or for the prevention and punishment of crime, or for the arrest of persons suspected or charged therewith, to give to the communications of such officers immediate dispatch at the price of ordinary communications of the same length.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 77 - Public Utilities and Carriers
Chapter 9 - Railroads and Other Common Carriers
Article 7 - Telegraph and Telephone Companies
§ 77-9-701. Offices of telegraph companies
§ 77-9-707. Evidence of transmission of telegram in suits against telegraph companies
§ 77-9-709. Duty of telegraph and telephone companies to transmit public messages
§ 77-9-711. Erection of telegraph and telephone lines
§ 77-9-713. Local authorities may regulate construction and maintenance of lines
§ 77-9-715. Liability for damages caused by erection, continuance and use of lines
§ 77-9-717. Exercise of eminent domain for construction of new lines
§ 77-9-719. Consolidation and merger of telephone lines, exchanges and property authorized
§ 77-9-723. Nothing in preceding sections shall mandate consolidation and merger
§ 77-9-725. Blacklisting of telegraphers because of union affiliation is unlawful
§ 77-9-727. Conspiracy to blacklist telegrapher is unlawful
§ 77-9-729. Telegrapher discriminated against may recover actual and exemplary damages