Mississippi Code
Article 1 - Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity; Rates; Service
§ 77-3-17. Operation of public utility following expiration of municipal franchise; municipal acquisition of utility

In addition to such other rights as it may have to use the streets, alleys and public places of a municipality, a public utility which holds a certificate of public convenience and necessity granted under the provisions of this article covering the geographical area of such municipality, and which (1) is operating under a municipal franchise on March 29, 1956, or (2) shall have previously operated under such a municipal franchise which has expired within five (5) years prior to said date, or (3) which shall hereafter operate under a municipal franchise hereafter granted, may, after the expiration of any such franchise continue to use the streets, alleys and public places therein situated upon condition that (1) such utility shall pay the said municipality compensation therefor at the rate of two percent (2%) of said utility's gross revenue from sales to residential and commercial customers within said municipality, in case of a utility defined in subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph (d) of Section 77-3-3 and in the case of a utility defined in subparagraph (iii) of paragraph (d) of said Section the said utility shall pay two percent (2%) of the monthly service charges in said municipality whether said utility has a franchise to operate therein or not, such payments to be made quarterly of each year, and (2) after the expiration of such franchise the municipality, or any customer of such utility in such municipality, upon appropriate petition, shall be entitled to a hearing as to whether or not the certificate of convenience and necessity may then and thereafter be granted on a permanent basis. Any co-operative which shall operate within any area of a municipality shall likewise pay such municipality two percent (2%) of the co-operative's gross revenue from sales to residential and commercial customers within said municipality.
Any municipality shall have the right to acquire by purchase, negotiation or condemnation the facilities of any utility that is now or may hereafter be located within the corporate limits of such municipality; provided, however, prior to any municipality exercising the right of eminent domain as provided herein, the commission shall determine that the certificate of public convenience and necessity granted to the utility pursuant to Section 77-3-13 for the service area wherein such facilities are located, shall be cancelled as provided in Section 77-3-21.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 77 - Public Utilities and Carriers

Chapter 3 - Regulation of Public Utilities

Article 1 - Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity; Rates; Service

§ 77-3-1. Application of article to municipal public utilities

§ 77-3-3. Definitions

§ 77-3-5. Jurisdiction and powers of commission

§ 77-3-9. Attorney for public service commission

§ 77-3-13. Issuance of certificates; temporary certificates; cancelability review upon change of ownership

§ 77-3-15. Two or more persons holding certificates for similar operations in same municipality

§ 77-3-17. Operation of public utility following expiration of municipal franchise; municipal acquisition of utility

§ 77-3-19. Applicant for certificate must obtain a municipal franchise

§ 77-3-21. Hearing on adequacy of service afforded by certificate holder

§ 77-3-22. Placement of privately owned water and sewer systems in receivership; conditions

§ 77-3-22.1. Preferences in transfer of ownership of privately owned water or sewer system in receivership

§ 77-3-23. Procedure for sale, assignment, lease or transfer of certificate

§ 77-3-25. Unlawful sale, lease, assignment or transfer of certificate or certain other utility property

§ 77-3-27. Commission to investigate violations

§ 77-3-29. Extension of service

§ 77-3-31. Accounts and depreciation reports of utilities

§ 77-3-35. Regulation of rates and charges generally; approval of certain contracts of utilities; regulation of provision of telecommunication services; adoption of alternative methods of regulation; Public Service Commission authorized to regulate o...

§ 77-3-41. Rates fixed by commission

§ 77-3-42. Rate increase resulting from fuel adjustment clauses or riders; audits of fuel purchases

§ 77-3-44. Rate-regulated electric public utilities authorized to undertake economic development activities

§ 77-3-45. Promulgation of rules and regulations

§ 77-3-46. Management reviews of public utility companies

§ 77-3-47. Hearings by commission

§ 77-3-49. Issuance of process by commission; witnesses

§ 77-3-51. Depositions by agreement

§ 77-3-53. Certified copies of documents and orders as evidence

§ 77-3-55. Orders, findings, authorizations and certificates to be in writing and entered in minutes

§ 77-3-57. Service on parties

§ 77-3-59. Decisions; compliance with orders

§ 77-3-61. Alteration of orders

§ 77-3-63. Record of proceedings; reporter

§ 77-3-65. Rehearing; stay of order

§ 77-3-71. Appeals to supreme court

§ 77-3-73. Appealed commission matters to take preference in all courts

§ 77-3-75. Enforcement of commission orders

§ 77-3-77. Burden of proof on party seeking to vacate commission order

§ 77-3-79. Reports by utilities; inspection of records; filing deadlines; penalties

§ 77-3-83. Penalties are cumulative

§ 77-3-85. Jurisdiction of actions to recover penalties and criminal prosecutions; limitation of actions

§ 77-3-87. Utilities taxed for expense of regulation by commission; collection of tax; adjustment of tax rate; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund

§ 77-3-89. Payment of expenses; audit of books and accounts; Public Utilities Staff Regulation Fund; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund

§ 77-3-90. Annual reports of commission

§ 77-3-91. Definitions applicable to §§ 77-3-91 through 77-3-95